Mọi thông tin trên website đều mang tính chất tham khảo và không phải là lời khuyên pháp lý. Chúng tôi không chịu trách nhiệm cho bất cứ tổn thất nào có liên hệ đến những nội dung này.

Tỉnh bang Manitoba

Nằm trong lòng của Canada, tỉnh Manitoba là một vùng thảo trù phú với hệ sinh thái đa dạng và bốn mùa riêng biệt. Thủ phủ và cũng là thành phố đông dân nhất của tỉnh bang Winnipeg nổi tiếng với bảo tàng người bản địa đầu tiên bên ngoài thủ đô Ottawa. Với thảm thiên nhiên đa dạng và hệ thống sông ngòi dày đặc, du khách có thể tham gia các hoạt động ngoài trời như chèo thuyền hoặc câu cá vào mỗi cuối tuần. Hàng năm, có hàng ngàn sinh viên khắp thế giới tham gia các khóa học ngôn ngữ ngắn hạn, cũng như theo học các chương trình cao đẳng và liên thông tại trường đại học của tỉnh bang University of Manitoba.

Tỉnh Manitoba có thế mạnh về tài nguyên thiên nhiên và nông nghiệp, do địa hình thảo nguyên thích hợp cho việc chăn nuôi và trồng trọt. Các sản phẩm xuất khẩu chính của tỉnh bang bao gồm nông sản, kim loại và khoáng chất, thực phẩm qua chế biến, điện máy, phương tiện vận chuyển, giấy và hóa chất. Ngành công nghiệp vũ trụ tại Manitoba có quy mô lớn nhất trong khu vực phía tây Canada. Hệ thống sông ngòi bao phủ tạo điều kiện thuận lợi để vận hành thủy điện, đem lại cho cư dân nơi đây giá điện thấp nhất trên toàn Canada.

Sự kết hợp giữa thổ nhưỡng trù phú và hệ thống giáo dục hỗ trợ nông nghiệp, tỉnh Manitoba luôn duy trì các chính sách thuận lợi cho lao động đã có kinh nghiệm làm việc tại Manitoba, du học sinh và lao động nước ngoài. Các chương trình thuộc hệ thống đề cử của tỉnh bang chỉ yêu cầu đương đơn có kinh nghiệm làm việc trung bình, rút ngắn thời gian sở hữu thường trú nhân. Bên cạnh đó, tỉnh bang còn đề cao sự gắn kết thông qua các mối quan hệ bạn bè và gia đình, giúp đương đơn có thời gian hòa nhập tốt hơn tại tỉnh bang. Đối với doanh nhân hoặc du học sinh muốn lập nghiệp, tỉnh Manitoba có các chương trình tạo điều kiện để đầu tư hoặc thành lập doanh nghiệp trong lĩnh vực nông nghiệp thế mạnh cũng như các lĩnh vực sản xuất và dịch vụ khác.

Tổng quan

thông tin sơ lược về tỉnh bang Manitoba



Thủ phủ


Thành phố lớn nhất
Tiếng Anh

Tiếng Anh

Ngôn ngữ phổ biến


Dân số


Tổng diện tích (km²)
Thứ 8


Đất liền (km²)
Thứ 8


Sông hồ (km²)
Thứ 5


Thuế tiêu dùng


Lương tối thiểu mỗi giờ


Lương trung bình mỗi giờ


Tỉ lệ thất nghiệp


Học vấn sau trung học


Bảo hiểm xe mỗi năm


Phí giữ trẻ mỗi tháng


Giá thuê căn hộ 2 phòng


Giá nhà trung bình

Khí hậu trung bình

No Data Found

Cơ sở giáo dục điển hình

University of Manitoba
University of Winnipeg
Red River College
Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology
University College of the North
Canadian Mennonite University
Robertson College
Assiniboine Community College
Brandon University
Providence University College

Ngành kinh tế trọng điểm

Service-producing industries
Goods-producing industries
Public sector
Industrial production
Real estate and rental and leasing
Owner-occupied dwellings
Health care and social assistance
Public administration
Finance and insurance
Retail trade

Vị trí định cư phổ biến

Immigration 1
  • 7511 - Lái xe tải vận chuyển
  • 6711 - Nhân viên quầy thực phẩm, trợ lý bếp và các công việc hỗ trợ liên quan
  • 6552 - Các đại diện dịch vụ khách hàng và thông tin khác
  • 6311 - Giám sát dịch vụ ăn uống
  • 6322 - Đầu bếp
  • 6611 - Thu ngân
  • 6541 - Nhân viên bảo vệ và các nghề dịch vụ an ninh liên quan
  • 1241 - Trợ lý hành chính
  • 6421 - Nhân viên bán lẻ

Lượt mời Manitoba Skills Immigration

NgàySố lượngChương trìnhĐiểm hồ sơGiới hạn
Jul 18, 2024109International Education Stream16 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
52Skilled Workers Overseas645
Jul 4, 202485International Education Stream
41Skilled Workers Overseas70919 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
Jun 25, 2024205Skilled Workers Overseas516NOC 31301, 31302, 32101, 33102. 93 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
Jun 21, 2024111International Education Stream
52Skilled Workers Overseas72131 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
Jun 6, 2024135Skilled Workers in Manitoba83435 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
74International Education Stream
45Skilled Workers Overseas708
May 23, 2024121Skilled Workers in Manitoba - Close relative78229 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
93International Education Stream
39Skilled Workers Overseas688
May 9, 202418Skilled Workers in Manitoba - Occupation-specificNOC 72024, 73301
242Skilled Workers in Manitoba83666 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
76International Education Stream
35Skilled Workers Overseas - Strategic Recruitment698
May 2, 2024488Skilled Workers in Manitoba - Occupation-specificNOC 33102, 60020, 731, 12, 14, 22
427International Education Stream181 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
26Skilled Workers Overseas796
Apr 30, 2024451Special Immigration Measure – UkraineUkraine citizen with CLB 4 and established connection to MB and MPMP assessment criteria score at least 60 points
Apr 24, 2024203Skilled Workers in Manitoba- Post-Secondary Study in Manitoba81168 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
66International Education StreamMust have at least 4 năm of work experience in the past 5 năm
58Skilled Workers Overseas644
Apr 9, 2024276Skilled Workers in Manitoba - Occupation-specificNOC 33102, 60020, 731
87Skilled Workers Overseas69181 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
Mar 26, 2024179Special Immigration Measure – UkraineUkraine citizen with CLB 4 and established connection to MB and MPMP assessment criteria score at least 60 points
Mar 8, 2024104Skilled Workers Overseas61420 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
Feb 28, 2024155Special Immigration Measure – UkraineUkraine citizen with CLB 4 and established connection to MB and MPMP assessment criteria score at least 60 points
Feb 8, 2024151Skilled Workers in Manitoba - Close relative61926 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
83International Education Stream
48Skilled Workers Overseas713
Jan 30, 2024117Special Immigration Measure – UkraineUkraine citizen with CLB 4 and established connection to MB and MPMP assessment criteria score at least 60 points
Jan 25, 2024156Skilled Workers in Manitoba- Post-Secondary Study in Manitoba77229 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
78International Education Stream
41Skilled Workers Overseas713
Jan 11, 2024168Skilled Workers in Manitoba - Close relative607Only for applicants with a close relative who is a Canadian or PR living in MB for at least 1 year
166Skilled Workers in Manitoba - All occupations82373 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
58International Education Stream
31Skilled Workers Overseas639
Dec 29, 202389Special Immigration Measure – UkraineUkraine citizen with CLB 4 and established connection to MB and MPMP assessment criteria score at least 60 points
Dec 28, 2023160Skilled Workers in Manitoba - Close relative61253 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
67International Education Stream
27Skilled Workers Overseas698
Dec 21, 20231113Skilled Workers Overseas601529 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
Dec 14, 2023160Skilled Workers in Manitoba - MB Education77420 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
62International Education Stream
61Skilled Workers Overseas714
Dec 4, 2023117Special Immigration Measure – UkraineUkraine citizen with CLB 4 and established connection to MB and MPMP assessment criteria score at least 60 points
Nov 30, 2023148Skilled Workers in Manitoba - Close relative610Only for applicants with a close relative who is a Canadian or PR living in MB for at least 1 year
82International Education Stream50 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
38Skilled Workers Overseas720
Nov 16, 202392Skilled Workers in Manitoba - Occupation-specificNOC 31300, 32101, 32102, 32112, 32129, 33100, 33102, 33103, 33109, 41220, 41221, 42201, 42202, 43100, 44100
100Skilled Workers in Manitoba - All occupations80969 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
61International Education Stream
48Skilled Workers Overseas721
Nov 3, 202336Special Immigration Measure – UkraineUkraine citizen with CLB 4 and established connection to MB and MPMP assessment criteria score at least 60 points
Nov 2, 2023204Skilled Workers in Manitoba - All occupations78560 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
131International Education Stream
65Skilled Workers Overseas708
Oct 5, 2023219Skilled Workers in Manitoba - Occupation-specific610NOC Group 72, 73, 75
222Skilled Workers in Manitoba - All occupations629140 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
60International Education Stream
41Skilled Workers Overseas601
Sep 29, 202342Special Immigration Measure – UkraineUkraine citizen with CLB 4 and established connection to MB and MPMP assessment criteria score at least 60 points
Sep 28, 20231072Skilled Workers Overseas605504 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
Sep 21, 2023298Skilled Workers in Manitoba - Occupation-specific612NOC Group 64, 65
239Skilled Workers in Manitoba - All occupations63159 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
56International Education Stream
27Skilled Workers Overseas723
Sep 7, 2023230Skilled Workers in Manitoba - Occupation-specific595NOC Group 20, 21, 22, 30, 31, 32, 33, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55
236Skilled Workers in Manitoba - All occupations640158 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
52International Education Stream
40Skilled Workers Overseas724
Aug 31, 2023288Skilled Workers in Manitoba - Region-specific600Only for applicants stating the intent to reside outside Winnipeg
Aug 25, 202322Special Immigration Measure – UkraineUkraine citizen with CLB 4 and established connection to MB and MPMP assessment criteria score at least 60 points
Aug 24, 2023256Skilled Workers in Manitoba - Occupation-specific612NOC Group 73, 74, 75
250Skilled Workers in Manitoba - All occupations646178 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
63International Education Stream
54Skilled Workers Overseas724
Aug 10, 2023249Skilled Workers in Manitoba - Occupation-specific605NOC Group 94, 95
279Skilled Workers in Manitoba - All occupations64743 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
47International Education Stream
40Skilled Workers Overseas708
Jul 28, 202321Special Immigration Measure – UkraineUkraine citizen with CLB 4 and established connection to MB and MPMP assessment criteria score at least 60 points
Jul 27, 2023335Skilled Workers in Manitoba - Occupation-specific614NOC Group 62, 64, 65
202Skilled Workers in Manitoba - All occupations649106 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
51International Education Stream
21Skilled Workers Overseas717
Jul 20, 2023595Skilled Workers Overseas611340 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
Jul 13, 2023205Skilled Workers in Manitoba - Occupation-specific604NOC Group 3, 10, 14, 75
237Skilled Workers in Manitoba - All occupations66177 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
57International Education Stream
41Skilled Workers Overseas774
Jun 29, 2023315Skilled Workers in Manitoba - Occupation-specific613NOC 60030, 62020, 65201
184Skilled Workers in Manitoba - All occupations662162 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
62International Education Stream
26Skilled Workers Overseas717
Jun 26, 202349Special Immigration Measure – UkraineUkraine citizen with CLB 4 and established connection to MB and MPMP assessment criteria score at least 60 points
Jun 15, 2023255Skilled Workers in Manitoba - Occupation-specific602NOC Group 72, 731, 732, 734
205Skilled Workers in Manitoba - All occupations665187 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
59International Education Stream
21Skilled Workers Overseas718
Jun 1, 2023262Skilled Workers in Manitoba - Occupation-specific607NOC Group 11, 13, 21, 42, 44
240Skilled Workers in Manitoba - All occupations669589 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
56International Education Stream
31Skilled Workers Overseas801
May 25, 202329Special Immigration Measure – UkraineUkraine citizen with CLB 4 and established connection to MB and MPMP assessment criteria score at least 60 points
May 18, 2023287Skilled Workers in Manitoba - Occupation-specific610NOC Group 7330 - Transport and transit drivers
191Skilled Workers in Manitoba - All occupations701225 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
21International Education Stream
27Skilled Workers Overseas721
May 4, 2023252Skilled Workers in Manitoba - Occupation-specific606NOC Group 12, 22, 70
199Skilled Workers in Manitoba - All occupations650204 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
39International Education Stream
49Skilled Workers Overseas699
Apr 27, 2023558Skilled Workers Overseas616344 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
Apr 20, 2023249Skilled Workers in Manitoba - Occupation-specific615NOC Group 63, 64
194Skilled Workers in Manitoba - All occupations651507 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
38International Education Stream
26Skilled Workers Overseas719
Apr 17, 202328Special Immigration Measure – UkraineUkraine citizen with CLB 4 and established connection to MB and MPMP assessment criteria score at least 60 points
Apr 6, 2023225Skilled Workers in Manitoba - Occupation-specific615NOC 62XXX
226Skilled Workers in Manitoba - All occupations670157 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
61International Education Stream
54Skilled Workers Overseas708
Mar 23, 2023266Skilled Workers in Manitoba - Occupation-specific612NOC Group 72, 74, 75, 94, 95
200Skilled Workers in Manitoba - All occupations67282 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
52International Education Stream
48Skilled Workers Overseas708
Mar 20, 202334Special Immigration Measure – UkraineUkraine citizen with CLB 4 and established connection to MB and MPMP assessment criteria score at least 60 points
Mar 9, 2023224Skilled Workers in Manitoba - Occupation-specific612NOC 65XXX (Sales and service support occupations)
277Skilled Workers in Manitoba - All occupations67545 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
53International Education Stream
43Skilled Workers Overseas666
Feb 24, 202313Special Immigration Measure – UkraineUkraine citizen with CLB 4 and established connection to MB and MPMP assessment criteria score at least 60 points
Feb 23, 2023207Skilled Workers in Manitoba - Occupation-specific615NOC 7330, 6002, 3130, 4310, 4122, 6321, 7241, 4220, 6410, 1410
298Skilled Workers in Manitoba - All occupations693140 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
51International Education Stream
27Skilled Workers Overseas721
Feb 9, 2023221Skilled Workers in Manitoba72033 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
55International Education Stream
32Skilled Workers Overseas709
Jan 30, 202321Special Immigration Measure – UkraineKhông xác địnhUkraine citizen with CLB 4 and established connection to MB and MPMP assessment criteria score at least 60 points
Jan 26, 2023253Skilled Workers in Manitoba72632 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
60International Education Stream
23Skilled Workers Overseas713
Jan 12, 2023260Skilled Workers in Manitoba73427 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
42International Education Stream42
20Skilled Workers Overseas713
Dec 29, 2022202Skilled Workers in Manitoba75021 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
38International Education Stream
40Skilled Workers Overseas711
Dec 28, 202216Special Immigration Measure – UkraineUkraine citizen with CLB 4 and established connection to MB and MPMP assessment criteria score at least 60 points
Dec 16, 2022155Skilled Workers in Manitoba77136 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
46International Education Stream
48Skilled Workers Overseas703
Dec 15, 20221030Skilled Workers Overseas600656 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
Dec 1, 2022206Skilled Workers in Manitoba77531 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
56International Education Stream
43Skilled Workers Overseas673
Nov 22, 202211Special Immigration Measure – UkraineUkraine citizen with CLB 4 and established connection to MB and MPMP assessment criteria score at least 60 points
Nov 18, 2022177Skilled Workers in Manitoba797125 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
198International Education Stream
143Skilled Workers Overseas - Strategic Recruitment686
Sep 15, 2022388Skilled Workers in Manitoba613150 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
41International Education Stream
7Skilled Workers Overseas - Strategic Recruitment726
Sep 9, 20229Special Immigration Measure – UkraineUkraine citizen with CLB 4 and established connection to MB and MPMP assessment criteria score at least 60 points
Sep 8, 2022217Skilled Workers in Manitoba61676 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
41International Education Stream
20Skilled Workers Overseas - Strategic Recruitment703
Aug 26, 2022259Skilled Workers in Manitoba61979 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
36International Education Stream
58Skilled Workers Overseas - Strategic Recruitment708
Aug 11, 2022257Skilled Workers in Manitoba62386 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
55International Education Stream
33Skilled Workers Overseas - Strategic Recruitment718
Jul 28, 2022299Skilled Workers in Manitoba63356 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
41International Education Stream
15Skilled Workers Overseas - Strategic Recruitment726
Jul 18, 202211Special Immigration Measure – UkraineUkraine citizen with CLB 4 and established connection to MB and MPMP assessment criteria score at least 60 points
Jul 14, 2022293Skilled Workers in Manitoba69955 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
40International Education Stream
33Skilled Workers Overseas - Strategic Recruitment715
Jun 30, 2022186Skilled Workers in Manitoba77359 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
79International Education Stream
83Skilled Workers Overseas - Strategic Recruitment711
Jun 20, 202214Special Immigration Measure – UkraineUkraine citizen with CLB 4 and established connection to MB and MPMP assessment criteria score at least 60 points
Jun 2, 202254International Education Stream
92Skilled Workers Overseas - Strategic Recruitment71434 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
May 20, 202213Special Immigration Measure – UkraineUkraine citizen with CLB 4 and established connection to MB and MPMP assessment criteria score at least 60 points
May 5, 202232International Education Stream48 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
249Skilled Workers in Manitoba651
34Skilled Workers Overseas - Strategic Recruitment691
Apr 21, 202241International Education Stream46 of total invitations were issued to Express Entry candidates
201Skilled Workers in Manitoba707
61Skilled Workers Overseas - Strategic Recruitment708
Apr 11, 202220Special Immigration Measure – UkraineUkraine citizen with CLB 4 and established connection to MB and MPMP assessment criteria score at least 60 points

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