All information on the website is for reference only and not legal advice. We will not be liable for any loss related to this site.


For reference purposes only

All content posted on our website, including written content, images, movies, charts, and graphics, as well as other resources that we may publish including links and files, are not considered legal advice. You should not rely on these postings to make your own immigration-related decision.

You agree that you will not use our website for reference, recommendation, or guidance to any person or organization. You bear sole responsibility and all liability for any loss incurred due to reliance on information published on the website and any other content sourced from other publications or websites.

If you are interested or need professional immigration advice, book an appointment for a consultation with us to receive expert immigration advice before making your own decision. We do not hold any form of liability for any actions you take based on our content to make individual immigration decisions or to file immigration applications.

Disclaimer of legal liability

In any case, we are not responsible for the short-term or long-term consequences and/or damages that occur during the use of information from the website.

Through our website, you may be linked to other websites that are not subject to our censorship. We do not control the policies, content, or anything posted on these websites. Therefore, we are not responsible, directly or indirectly, for damages or losses caused by or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use or reliability of any information provided by parties outside our website.

We always strive to develop and support a stable website. However, we are not responsible and hold no liability if the website is temporarily inaccessible due to technical errors on your part or damages or losses caused by any failure, error, non-performance, interruption, deletion, defect, interruption in operation or transmission, computer virus, transmission failure, theft or vandalism, unauthorized access, unauthorized modification or unauthorized use of the records, whether through breach of contract or tort, negligence or any other cause.

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The use of information on our website is entirely at your own risk. The information and structure of the website, including the Terms of Use, Disclaimer and Privacy, may be changed, adjusted, updated, or improved at any time without prior notice to the user.

No one other than us is uthorized to change the content of this website. We are not responsible for your use of direct or indirect references to information on our website from third parties.