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Saskatchewan se encuentra en el centro de Canadá. Con sus enormes llanuras, hermosas granjas de trigo y vastos bosques, Saskatchewan tiene uno de los ecosistemas más hermosos de Canadá. De hecho, es conocido por el apodo tierra de los cielos vivientes". Hoy en día, más del 50% de Saskatchewan está cubierto de bosques y tiene un clima diverso con cambios estacionales. Las condiciones climáticas y el entorno permiten a los visitantes participar en múltiples actividades al aire libre, que incluyen vela, juegos de aventura y pesca. Las actividades de columpios están disponibles en los muchos parques nacionales y ríos de Saskatchewan, incluidos Blue Mountain y el Parque Nacional Prince Albert."

Las atracciones naturales no son todo lo que la provincia ofrece. Saskatoon es la ciudad más grande de la provincia y ofrece muchas instituciones grandes y centros comerciales que atraen a miles de turistas y estudiantes de todo el mundo cada año. Saskatchewan, que está en su mayoría cubierta por grandes bosques, tiene una riqueza de recursos minerales. Esto le ha permitido desarrollar una economía basada en la producción de petróleo, la minería y la producción forestal. Aun así, otros sectores son prominentes en la provincia, que incluyen educación, bienes raíces, seguros y finanzas. Además de su producción de gas y petróleo, la industria minera de Saskatchewan atrae el mayor interés e inversiones. La producción agrícola también representa una parte igualmente significativa de las exportaciones de Saskatchewan. La provincia es un importante vendedor de productos agrícolas en todo el mundo, con productos bien conocidos como almendras, cebada y aceite de colza. Saskatchewan también ha estado alentando a las startups a invertir en I+D durante años, con planes de integrar avances tecnológicos en sus principales sectores económicos.

Los viajeros de todo el mundo se sienten atraídos por Saskatchewan debido a su rápido crecimiento económico. Saskatchewan ha facilitado ese crecimiento a través de sus programas de inmigración, que aceptan inmigrantes de todos los niveles de habilidad, incluidos aquellos con poca experiencia laboral. Sus programas de inmigración imponen pocas restricciones, acelerando en gran medida el tiempo necesario para que los empleados extranjeros obtengan la residencia permanente. Esos programas también se extienden a los estudiantes. Para promover el asentamiento de todos los niveles de estudiantes, los programas de inmigración para estudiantes extranjeros imponen pocas restricciones de tiempo. Además, la provincia se preocupa profundamente por los intereses de sus empleados extranjeros. Como resultado, es común que las autoridades de inmigración investiguen profundamente a los empleadores que participan en programas de inmigración. Finalmente, los programas de Saskatchewan también se extienden a los inversores. Existen programas de inversión para inversores generales y estudiantes de posgrado. Además, el sector agrícola ofrece programas de inversión con tiempos de implementación decentes. Con una economía y un ecosistema diversificados, Saskatchewan es perfecto para aquellos que inician o expanden su negocio y es una forma de comenzar una vida mejor con la familia.


Perfil geográfico y económico de Saskatchewan





Ciudad más grande


Idioma principal




Área total (km²)


Área terrestre (km²)


Área de agua dulce (km²)


Impuesto sobre las ventas


Salario mínimo por hora


Salario mediano por hora


Tasa de desempleo


Educación terciaria


Seguro de automóvil premium anual


Cuidado infantil mensual


Alquiler de apartamento de 2 dormitorios


Precio promedio de vivienda

Promedios climáticos

No Data Found

Instituciones educativas

Universidad de Regina
Universidad de Saskatchewan
Politécnica de Saskatchewan
Colegio Cumberland
Colegio Great Plains
Colegio del Noroeste
Colegio Parkland
Colegio St. Andrew's
Colegio y Seminario Horizon
Colegio Mathieu

Principales sectores económicos

Industrias de servicios
Industrias de bienes
Producción industrial
Minería, explotación de canteras y extracción de petróleo y gas
Sector energético
Sector público
Extracción de petróleo y gas
Minería y canteras de minerales no metálicos
Minería de potasa
Viviendas ocupadas por el propietario
Asistencia sanitaria y social

Principales ocupaciones de inmigración

Immigration 1
  • 6311 - Supervisores de servicio de alimentos
  • 6322 - Cocineros
  • 6211 - Supervisores de ventas al por menor
  • 1241 - Asistentes administrativos
  • 1311 - Técnicos contables y tenedores de libros
  • 8252 - Contratistas de servicios agrícolas, supervisores de granjas y trabajadores especializados en ganado
  • 0621 - Gerentes de comercio al por menor y al por mayor
  • 1221 - Oficiales administrativos
  • 2171 - Analistas y consultores de sistemas de información

Sorteos de inmigración de habilidades de Saskatchewan

Sep 12, 202432Occupations In-Demand8800012, 10010, 10011, 10021, 11101, 11109, 11200, 12010, 12102, 20012, 21220, 21221, 21222, 21223, 21231, 22220, 22303, 41200, 41210, 41405, 42202, 43100, 60010, 70012
57Express Entry8800012, 10010, 10011, 10021, 10029, 11101, 13201, 20010, 20012, 21101, 21221, 21222, 21233, 21234, 21301, 21310, 21311, 21321, 22220, 22310, 22312, 40020, 41200, 41210, 41402, 43100, 62100, 70012, 70020, 80020, 82030, 92012
Jun 13, 202432Occupations In-Demand8800012, 00013, 00015, 10010, 10011, 10012, 10020, 10021, 10029, 11101, 11102, 11109, 11200, 12011, 12012, 12013, 12102, 20012, 21101, 21110, 21120, 21210, 21211, 21220, 21221, 21222, 21223, 21231, 21232, 21234, 21300, 21310, 21311, 21399, 22100, 22101, 22221, 31200, 32109, 33102, 33103, 41200, 41210, 41320, 41401, 41402, 42202, 43100, 60010, 62100, 63102, 70010, 70012, 70020, 72024, 80020, 82030, 90010, 92011
88Express Entry8800012, 00013, 00015, 10010, 10011, 10012, 10020, 10021, 10029, 11101, 11102, 11109, 11200, 12011, 12012, 12013, 12102, 20012, 21101, 21110, 21120, 21210, 21211, 21220, 21221, 21222, 21223, 21231, 21232, 21234, 21300, 21310, 21311, 21399, 22100, 22101, 22221, 31200, 32109, 33102, 33103, 41200, 41210, 41320, 41401, 41402, 42202, 43100, 60010, 62100, 63102, 70010, 70012, 70020, 72024, 80020, 82030, 90010, 92011
Mar 7, 202414Occupations In-Demand8910011, 10021, 10022, 11102, 11109, 11201, 11202, 12010, 12011, 12101, 12200, 13100, 13110, 13111, 20010, 21110, 21120, 21211, 21231, 21234, 22221, 40030, 43109, 60040, 62101, 70020
21Express Entry8910011, 10021, 10022, 11102, 11109, 11201, 11202, 12010, 12011, 12101, 12200, 13100, 13110, 13111, 20010, 21110, 21120, 21211, 21231, 21234, 22221, 40030, 43109, 60040, 62101, 70020
Dec 27, 202348Occupations In-Demand6931200, 31203, 32102, 32120, 32121, 32122, 33101
15Express Entry6931200, 31203, 32102, 32120, 32121, 32122, 33101
Oct 23, 202340Occupations In-Demand8413201, 20012, 21211, 21220, 21221, 21222, 21223, 21230, 21231, 21232, 21233, 21234, 21301, 21321, 22220, 22221, 32120, 32122, 60020, 60031, 62100, 63200, 70012, 72024, 72106, 82030
59Express Entry8413201, 20012, 21211, 21220, 21221, 21222, 21223, 21230, 21231, 21232, 21233, 21234, 21301, 21321, 22220, 22221, 32120, 32122, 60020, 60031, 62100, 63200, 70012, 72024, 72106, 82030
Aug 16, 202312Occupations In-Demand60Ireland residents: 10010, 10029, 11101, 11109, 11202, 12011, 12111, 21101, 21211, 21220, 21221, 21222, 21223, 21231, 21232, 21234, 21311, 22100, 22213, 22220, 22221, 22232, 41402, 41404, 43100, 63102, 70010, 70012
23Express Entry60Ireland residents: 10010, 10029, 11101, 11109, 11202, 12011, 12111, 21101, 21211, 21220, 21221, 21222, 21223, 21231, 21232, 21234, 21311, 22100, 22213, 22220, 22221, 22232, 41402, 41404, 43100, 63102, 70010, 70012
78Occupations In-Demand60Poland, Czechia, Germany, Lithuania, Slovakia, and Ukraine Citizen: 00012, 10010, 10012, 10021, 10022, 10029, 10030, 11101, 11109, 11200, 11201, 11202, 12010, 12013, 12100, 12200, 13100, 13110, 13111, 13112, 20010, 20012, 21101, 21110, 21112, 21120, 21200, 21211, 21220, 21221, 21222, 21223, 21230, 21231, 21232, 21233, 21234, 21300, 21301, 21310, 21311, 22220, 22221, 22300, 22301, 22310, 22311, 32120, 40020, 40030, 41200, 41210, 41300, 41400, 41401, 41402, 41403, 41404, 41405, 43100, 60010, 60020, 60031, 62100, 63102, 70010, 80020, 82030, 90010, 93101
98Express Entry60Poland, Czechia, Germany, Lithuania, Slovakia, and Ukraine residents: NOC 00012, 10010, 10012, 10021, 10022, 10029, 10030, 11101, 11109, 11200, 11201, 11202, 12010, 12013, 12100, 12200, 13100, 13110, 13111, 13112, 20010, 20012, 21101, 21110, 21112, 21120, 21200, 21211, 21220, 21221, 21222, 21223, 21230, 21231, 21232, 21233, 21234, 21300, 21301, 21310, 21311, 22220, 22221, 22300, 22301, 22310, 22311, 32120, 40020, 40030, 41200, 41210, 41300, 41400, 41401, 41402, 41403, 41404, 41405, 43100, 60010, 60020, 60031, 62100, 63102, 70010, 80020, 82030, 90010, 93101
207Occupations In-Demand60India residents: 00015, 13101, 21120, 22212, 22232, 22300, 22303, 70010, 72010, 72011, 72012, 72013, 72014, 72020, 72021, 72100, 72106, 72200, 72300, 72301, 72320, 72400, 72401, 72410, 72500, 73112
224Express Entry60India residents: 00015, 13101, 21120, 22212, 22232, 22300, 22303, 70010, 72010, 72011, 72012, 72013, 72014, 72020, 72021, 72100, 72106, 72200, 72300, 72301, 72320, 72400, 72401, 72410, 72500, 73112
Jun 8, 2023232Occupations In-Demand6911202, 12013, 12102, 13201, 21301, 21310, 21321, 21399, 22100, 22111, 22212, 22301, 22302, 41402, 70012, 72106, 90010, 92012
268Express Entry6911202, 12013, 12102, 13201, 21301, 21310, 21321, 21399, 22100, 22111, 22212, 22301, 22302, 41402, 70012, 72106, 90010, 92012
May 18, 2023260Occupations In-Demand6713201, 21203, 21211, 21220, 21221, 21223, 21230, 21232, 21233, 21234, 21301, 21321, 22220, 22221, 31203, 32102, 32120, 32121, 32122, 32123, 41301, 62100, 70012, 72100, 72106, 72201, 72400, 72401, 72410, 82030, 92100
784Express Entry6713201, 21203, 21211, 21220, 21221, 21223, 21230, 21232, 21233, 21234, 21301, 21321, 22220, 22221, 31203, 32102, 32120, 32121, 32122, 32123, 41301, 62100, 70012, 72100, 72106, 72201, 72400, 72401, 72410, 82030, 92100
May 3, 2023293Occupations In-Demand6813201, 21203, 21211, 21220, 21221, 21223, 21230, 21232, 21233, 21234, 21301, 21321, 22220, 22221, 31203, 32102, 32120, 32121, 32122, 32123, 41301, 62100, 70012, 72024, 72100, 72106, 72201, 72400, 72401, 72410, 82030, 92100
739Express Entry6813201, 21203, 21211, 21220, 21221, 21223, 21230, 21232, 21233, 21234, 21301, 21321, 22220, 22221, 31203, 32102, 32120, 32121, 32122, 32123, 41301, 62100, 70012, 72024, 72100, 72106, 72201, 72400, 72401, 72410, 82030, 92100
Apr 20, 2023444Occupations In-Demand6913201, 20012, 21203, 21211, 21220, 21221, 21222, 21223, 21230, 21231, 21232, 21233, 21234, 21301, 21321, 22220, 22221, 31203, 32102, 32103, 32120, 32121, 32122, 32123, 41301, 62100, 70012, 72024, 72100, 72106, 72201, 72310, 72400, 72401, 72410, 73102, 82030, 92100
623Express Entry6913201, 20012, 21203, 21211, 21220, 21221, 21222, 21223, 21230, 21231, 21232, 21233, 21234, 21301, 21321, 22220, 22221, 31203, 32102, 32103, 32120, 32121, 32122, 32123, 41301, 62100, 70012, 72024, 72100, 72106, 72201, 72310, 72400, 72401, 72410, 73102, 82030, 92100
Mar 23, 2023184Express Entry82NOC 00012, 00013, 00015, 10010, 10011, 10012, 10020, 10021, 10022, 10029, 10030, 11101, 11102, 11109, 11200, 11201, 11202, 12010, 12011, 12013, 12100, 12101, 12102, 12103, 12200, 12202, 13100, 13101, 13110, 13111, 13112, 20010, 20012, 21101, 21110, 21112, 21120, 21203, 21210, 21220, 21221, 21222, 21223, 21230, 21231, 21232, 21233, 21234, 21300, 21301, 21310, 21311, 21322, 22100, 22101, 22110, 22212, 22220, 22221, 22222, 22232, 22300, 22301, 22303, 22310, 32102, 32112, 32120, 33101, 33103, 40020, 40030, 41200, 41210, 41300, 41320, 41400, 41401, 41402, 41404, 41406, 4212 , 42202, 43100, 60010, 60020, 60030, 62022, 62024, 62100, 62101, 62200, 63102, 63200, 63202, 70010, 70012, 70020, 72401, 72410, 73201, 73401, 80020, 82030, 82031, 90010, 92011, 92012, 92100, 93101
312Occupations In-Demand82NOC 00012, 00013, 00015, 10010, 10011, 10012, 10020, 10021, 10022, 10029, 10030, 11101, 11102, 11109, 11200, 11201, 11202, 12010, 12011, 12013, 12100, 12101, 12102, 12103, 12200, 12202, 13100, 13101, 13110, 13111, 13112, 20010, 20012, 21101, 21110, 21112, 21120, 21203, 21210, 21220, 21221, 21222, 21223, 21230, 21231, 21232, 21233, 21234, 21300, 21301, 21310, 21311, 21322, 22100, 22101, 22110, 22212, 22220, 22221, 22222, 22232, 22300, 22301, 22303, 22310, 32102, 32112, 32120, 33101, 33103, 40020, 40030, 41200, 41210, 41300, 41320, 41400, 41401, 41402, 41404, 41406, 4212 , 42202, 43100, 60010, 60020, 60030, 62022, 62024, 62100, 62101, 62200, 63102, 63200, 63202, 70010, 70012, 70020, 72401, 72410, 73201, 73401, 80020, 82030, 82031, 90010, 92011, 92012, 92100, 93101
Feb 16, 2023242Express Entry84NOC 00012, 00013, 00015, 10010, 10011, 10012, 10021, 10022, 10029, 10030, 11101, 11102, 11109, 11200, 11201, 11202, 12010, 12011, 12013, 12101, 12102, 12103, 12111, 12112, 12200, 13100, 13110, 13111, 13112, 20010, 20011, 20012, 21101, 21110, 21112, 21120, 21200, 21203, 21210, 21211, 21220, 21221, 21222, 21223, 21231, 21232, 21233, 21234, 21300, 21301, 21310, 21311, 21322, 22101, 22212, 22220, 22221, 22222, 22231, 22232, 22233, 22300, 22303, 22310, 31200, 31201, 32120, 32129, 33103, 40030, 41200, 41210, 41300, 41400, 41401, 41402, 41403, 41404, 41405, 41409, 42202, 43100, 60010, 60020, 62029, 62100, 62200, 63102, 63200, 63202, 70010, 70012, 70020, 72011, 72402, 72410, 73101, 80020, 80021, 82030, 90010, 92012, 92100, 93101
184Occupations In-Demand84NOC 00012, 00013, 00015, 10010, 10011, 10012, 10021, 10022, 10029, 10030, 11101, 11102, 11109, 11200, 11201, 11202, 12010, 12011, 12013, 12101, 12102, 12103, 12111, 12112, 12200, 13100, 13110, 13111, 13112, 20010, 20011, 20012, 21101, 21110, 21112, 21120, 21200, 21203, 21210, 21211, 21220, 21221, 21222, 21223, 21231, 21232, 21233, 21234, 21300, 21301, 21310, 21311, 21322, 22101, 22212, 22220, 22221, 22222, 22231, 22232, 22233, 22300, 22303, 22310, 31200, 31201, 32120, 32129, 33103, 40030, 41200, 41210, 41300, 41400, 41401, 41402, 41403, 41404, 41405, 41409, 42202, 43100, 60010, 60020, 62029, 62100, 62200, 63102, 63200, 63202, 70010, 70012, 70020, 72011, 72402, 72410, 73101, 80020, 80021, 82030, 90010, 92012, 92100, 93101
1Special Draw - Ukraine65Invited Candidates whose current country of residence is Ukraine as a special measure in response to the current conflict.
Dec 21, 2022153Express Entry80NOC 00012, 00013, 00015, 10010, 10011,10012, 10020, 10021, 10022, 10029,11101, 11102, 11109, 11200, 11201,11202, 12010, 12011, 12013, 12100,12101, 12102, 12111, 12200, 13100,13101, 13102, 13110, 13111, 13112,20010, 20012, 21101, 21110, 21120,21200, 21210, 21211, 21221, 21222,21223, 21230, 21231, 21232, 21234,21300, 21301, 21310, 21311, 21320,21399, 22100, 22101, 22110, 22111,22211, 22220, 22221, 22222, 22232, 22300, 22301, 22310, 31200, 31203,32120, 33101, 33103, 40030, 41200,41210, 41300, 41320, 41400, 41401,41402, 41403, 41404, 42202, 42203, 43100, 43109, 60010, 60030, 60031,60040, 62022, 62024, 62029, 62100, 62101, 63102, 63200, 70010, 70012, 72014, 72021, 72106, 72200, 73209, 80010, 80020, 82021, 82030, 90010, 92011, 92012, 92100, 93101
315Occupations In-Demand80NOC 00012, 00013, 00015, 10010, 10011, 10012, 10020, 10021, 10022, 10029, 11101, 11102, 11109, 11200, 11201, 11202, 12010, 12011, 12013, 12100, 12101, 12102, 12111, 12200, 13100, 13101, 13102, 13110, 13111, 13112, 20010, 20012, 21101, 21110, 21120, 21200, 21210, 21211, 21221, 21222, 21223, 21230, 21231, 21232, 21234, 21300, 21301, 21310, 21311, 21320, 21399, 22100, 22101, 22110, 22111, 22211, 22220, 22221, 22222, 22232, 22300, 22301, 22310, 31200, 31203, 32120, 33101, 33103, 40030, 41200, 41210, 41300, 41320, 41400, 41401, 41402, 41403, 41404, 42202, 42203, 43100, 43109, 60010, 60030, 60031, 60040, 62022, 62024, 62029, 62100, 62101, 63102, 63200, 70010, 70012, 72014, 72021, 72106, 72200, 73209, 80010, 80020, 82021, 82030, 90010, 92011, 92012, 92100, 93101
Dec 15, 2022348Express Entry82NOC 00012, 00013, 00015, 10010, 10011, 10012, 10020, 10021, 10022, 10029, 10030, 11101, 11109, 11200, 11201, 11202, 12010, 12011, 12013, 12100, 12101, 12102, 12111, 12113, 12200, 13100, 13101, 13110, 13111, 13112, 20010, 20011, 20012, 21101, 21110, 21112, 21120, 21200, 21211, 21220, 21221, 21222, 21223, 21230, 21231, 21232, 21234, 21300, 21301, 21310, 21311, 21321, 21322, 21331, 21399, 22101, 22110, 22111, 22211, 22212, 22213, 22220, 22221, 22222, 22230, 22231, 22232, 22300, 22303, 22310, 22312, 32102, 32120, 32121, 33101, 33103, 40020, 40030, 41200, 41210, 41300, 41320, 41400, 41401, 41402, 41403, 41404, 41405, 42202, 43100, 43109, 60010, 60030, 60031, 60040, 62022, 62029, 62100, 62101, 63102, 63201, 63202, 70010, 70012, 70020, 72020, 72021, 72024, 72106, 72320, 72410, 80020, 80021, 82021, 82030, 90010, 92011, 92012, 93101
285Occupations In-Demand82NOC 00012, 00013, 00015, 10010, 10011, 10012, 10020, 10021, 10022, 10029, 10030, 11101, 11109, 11200, 11201, 11202, 12010, 12011, 12013, 12100, 12101, 12102, 12111, 12113, 12200, 13100, 13101, 13110, 13111, 13112, 20010, 20011, 20012, 21101, 21110, 21112, 21120, 21200, 21211, 21220, 21221, 21222, 21223, 21230, 21231, 21232, 21234, 21300, 21301, 21310, 21311, 21321, 21322, 21331, 21399, 22101, 22110, 22111, 22211, 22212, 22213, 22220, 22221, 22222, 22230, 22231, 22232, 22300, 22303, 22310, 22312, 32102, 32120, 32121, 33101, 33103, 40020, 40030, 41200, 41210, 41300, 41320, 41400, 41401, 41402, 41403, 41404, 41405, 42202, 43100, 43109, 60010, 60030, 60031, 60040, 62022, 62029, 62100, 62101, 63102, 63201, 63202, 70010, 70012, 70020, 72020, 72021, 72024, 72106, 72320, 72410, 80020, 80021, 82021, 82030, 90010, 92011, 92012, 93101
Dec 15, 20222Special Draw - Ukraine62Invited Candidates whose current country of residence is Ukraine as a special measure in response to the current conflict.
Nov 8, 202210Express Entry69NOC 3122,3143,3215,3216,3234,4151
21Occupations In-Demand69NOC 3122,3143,3215,3216,3234,4151
4Special Draw - Ukraine64Invited Candidates whose current country of residence is Ukraine as a special measure in response to the current conflict.
Sep 28, 2022639Express Entry81Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. Not all occupations were selected. The occupations chosen and eligible for the EOI selection on September 28, 2022, have the following classification numbers: 0013, 0014, 0016, 0111, 0112, 0113, 0114, 0121, 0122, 0124, 0125, 0131, 0212, 0213, 0421, 0423, 0601, 0621, 0711, 0714, 0731, 0821, 0911, 1112, 1114, 1121, 1122, 1123, 1211, 1212, 1213, 1215, 1221, 1222, 1223, 1224, 1241, 1242, 1243, 1251, 1252, 1254, 1313, 2112, 2121, 2161, 2171, 2172, 2211, 2212, 2223, 2231, 2233, 2252, 2255, 2263, 2264, 2282, 2283, 4011, 4021, 4033, 4153, 4161, 4162, 4163, 4165, 4166, 4169, 4211, 4216, 6221, 6222, 6235, 6313, 6316, 6342, 8222, 8252, 9212, 9213, 9241
507Occupations In-Demand83NOC 0013, 0014, 0016, 0111, 0112, 0113, 0114, 0121, 0122, 0124, 0125, 0131, 0212, 0213, 0421, 0423, 0601, 0621, 0631, 0651, 0711, 0712, 0714, 0731, 0821, 0911, 0912, 1112, 1114, 1121, 1122, 1123, 1211, 1212, 1213, 1214, 1215, 1221, 1222, 1223, 1224, 1225, 1241, 1242, 1243, 1252, 1313, 2112, 2121, 2161, 2171, 2172, 2211, 2212, 2231, 2232, 2233, 2241, 2252, 2253, 2262, 2263, 2281, 2283, 3214, 3223, 4011, 4021, 4033, 4153, 4162, 4163, 4165, 4166, 4167, 4211, 4216, 6211, 6235, 6313, 6315, 6316, 6321, 6331, 6342, 6345, 7245, 7313, 7315, 7384, 8222, 8252, 9212, 9213
Sep 15, 202253Express Entry60Not all occupations were selected. The occupations chosen and eligible for the EOI selection on September 15, 2022, have the following classification numbers: 7237, 7241, 7242, 7271, 7312, 7321
273Occupations In-Demand60Not all occupations were selected. The occupations chosen and eligible for the EOI selection on September 15, 2022, have the following classification numbers: 7237, 7241, 7242, 7271, 7312, 7321
Sep 7, 2022521Express Entry70Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. Not all occupations were selected. The occupations chosen and eligible for the EOI selection on September 7, 2022, have the following classification numbers: 0016, 0211, 0911, 1114, 1224, 1225, 2131, 2142, 2172, 2174, 2175, 2222, 2241, 2242, 2243, 2253, 2263, 2272, 4164, 6221, 6222, 7205, 7246, 7311, 7312, 9212, 9231, 9232
422Occupations In-Demand70Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. Not all occupations were selected. The occupations chosen and eligible for the EOI selection on September 7, 2022, have the following classification numbers: 0016, 0211, 0911, 1114, 1224, 1225, 2131, 2142, 2172, 2174, 2175, 2222, 2241, 2242, 2243, 2253, 2263, 2272, 4164, 6221, 6222, 7205, 7246, 7311, 7312, 9212, 9231, 9232
Sep 6, 2022143Express Entry60Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. Not all occupations were selected. The occupations chosen and eligible for the EOI selection on September 6, 2022, have the following classification numbers: 2263, 3143, 3211, 3212, 3214, 3215, 3216, 3219, 3234, 4151
240Occupations In-Demand60Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. Not all occupations were selected. The occupations chosen and eligible for the EOI selection on September 6, 2022, have the following classification numbers: 2263, 3143, 3211, 3212, 3214, 3215, 3216, 3219, 3234, 4151
159Express Entry69Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. Not all occupations were selected. The occupations chosen and eligible for the EOI selection on September 6, 2022, have the following classification numbers: 0621, 0631, 0632, 0711, 2171, 2234, 2281, 2282, 3237, 6211, 6221, 6312, 7305, 8252
218Occupations In-Demand69Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. Not all occupations were selected. The occupations chosen and eligible for the EOI selection on September 6, 2022, have the following classification numbers: 0621, 0631, 0632, 0711, 2171, 2234, 2281, 2282, 3237, 6211, 6221, 6312, 7305, 8252
Sep 1, 2022312Express Entry61Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. Not all occupations were selected. The occupations chosen and eligible for the EOI selection on September 1, 2022, have the following classification numbers: 2263, 3143, 3211, 3212, 3214, 3215, 3216, 3219, 3234, 4151
629Occupations In-Demand61Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. Not all occupations were selected. The occupations chosen and eligible for the EOI selection on September 1, 2022, have the following classification numbers: 2263, 3143, 3211, 3212, 3214, 3215, 3216, 3219, 3234, 4151
Aug 25, 2022295Express Entry65Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. Not all occupations were selected. The occupations chosen and eligible for the EOI selection on August 25, 2022, have the following classification numbers: 2263, 3143, 3211, 3212, 3214, 3215, 3216, 3219, 3234, 4151
334Occupations In-Demand65Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. Not all occupations were selected. The occupations chosen and eligible for the EOI selection on August 25, 2022, have the following classification numbers: 2263, 3143, 3211, 3212, 3214, 3215, 3216, 3219, 3234, 4151
Aug 18, 2022416Express Entry67Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. Not all occupations were selected. The occupations chosen and eligible for the EOI selection on August 18, 2022, have the following classification numbers: 0621, 0631, 0632, 0711, 2234, 2263, 2281, 2282, 3212, 3214, 3217, 3219, 3237, 6211, 6221, 6312, 7305, 8252
252Occupations In-Demand67Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. Not all occupations were selected. The occupations chosen and eligible for the EOI selection on August 18, 2022, have the following classification numbers: 0621, 0631, 0632, 0711, 2234, 2263, 2281, 2282, 3212, 3214, 3217, 3219, 3237, 6211, 6221, 6312, 7305, 8252
Aug 11, 2022433Express Entry68Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. Not all occupations were selected. The occupations chosen and eligible for the EOI selection on August 11, 2022, have the following classification numbers: 0621, 0631, 0632, 0711, 2171, 2234, 2263, 2281, 2282, 3212, 3214, 3219, 3237, 6211, 6221, 6312, 7302, 7305, 8241, 8252
312Occupations In-Demand68Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. Not all occupations were selected. The occupations chosen and eligible for the EOI selection on August 11, 2022, have the following classification numbers: 0621, 0631, 0632, 0711, 2171, 2234, 2263, 2281, 2282, 3212, 3214, 3219, 3237, 6211, 6221, 6312, 7302, 7305, 8241, 8252
Jul 27, 2022279Express Entry68Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. Not all occupations were selected. The occupations chosen and eligible for the EOI selection on July 27, 2022, have the following classification numbers: 0621, 0631, 0632, 0711, 2171, 2234, 2263, 2281, 2282, 3212, 3214, 3217, 3219, 3237, 6211, 6221, 6312, 7305, 8252
469Occupations In-Demand68Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. Not all occupations were selected. The occupations chosen and eligible for the EOI selection on July 27, 2022, have the following classification numbers: 0621, 0631, 0632, 0711, 2171, 2234, 2263, 2281, 2282, 3212, 3214, 3217, 3219, 3237, 6211, 6221, 6312, 7305, 8252
Jul 21, 2022797Express Entry68Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. Not all occupations were selected. The occupations chosen and eligible for the EOI selection on July 21, 2022, have the following classification numbers: 2171, 0621, 6221, 2281, 2263, 0711, 2282, 6211, 0631, 3212, 2234, 3219, 3237, 0632, 8252, 6312, 3217, 3214
5Special Draw - Ukraine60Invited Candidates whose current country of residence is Ukraine as a special measure in response to the current conflict.

Sorteos de inmigración de empresarios de Saskatchewan

Oct 11, 20241965 - 105All candidates with 65 points or higher were invited to apply
Jul 11, 20241375 - 110All candidates with 75 points or higher were invited to apply
Apr 11, 20241590 - 125All candidates with 90 points or higher were invited to apply
Jan 11, 202413120 - 160All candidates with 125 points or higher were invited to apply. Candidates with 120 points wereinvited to apply after meeting the following criteria: CLB 6 or higher.
Nov 2, 202313115 - 155All candidates with 120 points or higher were invited to apply. Candidates with 115 points were invited to apply after meeting the following criteria: CLB 6 or higher
Sep 7, 202323105 - 140All candidates with 105 points or higher were invited to apply
Jul 6, 202335105 - 125All candidates with 105 points or higher were invited to apply
May 4, 202334100-125All candidates with 100 points or higher were invited to apply
Mar 2, 20235480-135All candidates with 80 points or higher were invited to apply
