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Become a Canadian citizen

Minimum requirements

Current status
Permanent resident over 18 years old
File income tax for the last 3 years
Knowledge of Canada
Language proficiency of CLB 4
Pass the knowledge test and take the Oath of Citizenship
if between 18 to 54 years old
Residency requirement
At least 3 years on permanent resident status within the last 5 years, including any day spent in Canada as a temporary resident, counted as a half day to a maximum of 1 year

Application process

Process timeline of naturalizing and becoming a Canadian citizen

Application submission
Stage 1

Submit the citizenship application to IRCC when residency and other requirements are met.

Citizenship test
Stage 2

Applicants are required to pass the citizenship test and attend an interview with a citizenship official to verify the application.

Stage 3

Application approved, the applicant above 14 years old receives an invitation for a citizenship ceremony.

3 months after passing the test

Have Canadian status
Stage 4

The applicant officially becomes a Canadian citizen after taking the Oath of Citizenship.

Success factors

Crucial elements affect the decision

Settlement fund
Canadian work experience
Work experience
Management experience
Length of residency
Letter from employer
Occupation in Canada
Knowledge of Canada
Field study in Canada
Community referral letter
Farm experience
Job offer
Income tax filing
Business proposal
Education in Canada


Benefits of becoming a Canadian citizen

Work and study
Work and study

Ability to run for office or work in governmental positions

Right to vote
Right to vote

Have the ability to vote in an election of members of the Parliament

Canadian Passport
Canadian Passport

Enjoy the privileges of a Canadian passport while traveling


Ability to sponsor relatives if the conditions are met


Access to the full benefits for Canadian

Mobility right
Mobility right

Live and work anywhere without residency restrictions


Access to high-quality modern public health care as same as Canadian


Free or lower tuition for children depends on the level of education

Specific requirements

Important requirements the applicant should note

  • Naturalization is the process of obtaining Canadian citizenship for eligible permanent residents.
  • In addition to the benefits available to permanent residents, Canadian citizens can have a Canadian passport (visa-free to many countries), the right to vote and are not required to meet residency obligations as permanent resident.

Basic requirements

  • More than 18 years old
  • Have valid permanent resident status in Canada
  • File income tax for the last 3 years
  • Pass the citizenship test (if under 55 years old)
  • Take the Oath of Citizenship (if under 55 years old)

Length of residency

Physically present inside of Canada for at least 3 years (1095 days) within the last 5 years, include

  • All time on permanent resident status
  • Half day on temporary resident or refugee status, prior to becoming a permanent resident, accumulate up to a maximum of 1 year ( equivalent to 2 years on temporary resident status)
  • Half day of departure or arrival, counted as 1 day if traveling outside Canada on permanent resident status

The minimum time to become a Canadian citizen is 4 years, including 2 years on a temporary resident status (visitor, student, worker, TRP holder, protected person) counted as 1 year and 2 years on permanent resident status, if living continuously in Canada


At least CLB 4 for listening and speaking skills if under 55 years old, assessed by 1 of 4 language proficiency tests within the last 2 years: