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A pathway to permanent residence for professionals in cultural activities or athletics

General information

Freelance is a settlement program for professional individuals working in the field of culture and sports or engaged in activities at the international level.

Basic requirements
Field of expertise
Being self-employed in cultural activities or athletics or participating at a world-class level in these activities
Relevant experience
Two periods of 1-year (2 years in total) full-time experience as self-employed in cultural activities or athletics within 5 years at the time of application and decision
Settlement Plan
Ability and intention to be self-employed in Canada to make a significant contribution to the cultural or athletic life of Canada
EOI Profile
Meet or exceed 35 / 100 points
Eligible occupations
Professional occupations in art and culture
Professional occupations in art and culture
Librarians, archivists, conservators and curators
Writing, translating and related communications professionals
Creative and performing artists
Technical occupations in art, culture, recreation and sport
Technical occupations in art, culture, recreation and sport
Technical occupations in libraries, public archives, museums and art galleries
Photographers, graphic arts technicians and technical and co-ordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts
Announcers and other performers
Creative designers and craftspersons
Athletes, coaches, referees and related occupations

Application process

Process timeline of preparing and reviewing the application
between the employer with Employment and Social Development Canada

Application submission
Stage 1

Submit the application online to IRCC when all minimum requirements are met. The profile only need to meet the minimum score.

Biometrics collection
Stage 2

Receive a request from IRCC for biometrics collection at visa application centers to verify identity and admissibility.

Medical examination
Stage 3

Receive a request from IRCC for a medical examination with panel physicians to provide proof of the health conditions.

Get PR Status
Stage 4

Application approved, the applicant gets Permanent Resident status after landing or confirming on IRCC Portal.IRCC reviews in 41 months

Success factors

Crucial elements affect the decision

Background elements
Settlement fund
International competition or performance experience
Canadian work experience
Employer supports
Occupation in Canada
Job position
Field study in Canada
Submission time
Employer Letter of Support
Relatives in Canada
Spouse's background
Residential area
Provincial nomination
Study Permit
Work permit
Education in Canada
Scoring factors
Work experience

* Adaptability generally includes but not limited to ties to Canada (education, relatives in Canada, work experience) and spouse's background (education, language, work experience)
* Figures may be rounded for presentation purposes, please refer to federal or provincial government websites for the most accurate information.


Benefits the applicant and their accompanying family members are entitled to when becoming permanent residents


The immigration application includes the applicant's spouse and children


Access to high-quality modern public health care as same as Canadian


Free or lower tuition for children depends on the level of education


Access to social benefits as same as Canadian

Mobility right
Mobility right

Live and work anywhere under Permanent Resident status


Ability to sponsor relatives if the conditions are met


Ability to obtain citizenship if residency conditions are met

Specific requirements

Important requirements the applicant should note

  • Self-employed is an immigration pathway to permanent residence for professionals in cultural activities or athletics that have ability and intention to be self-employed in Canada to make a significant contribution to the cultural or athletic life of Canada
  • Self-employed is an immigration pathway to permanent residence for professionals in cultural activities or athletics that have ability and intention to be self-employed in Canada to make a significant contribution to the cultural or athletic life of Canada

Immigration Ineligibility

  • Have committed a crime, depends on the seriousness of the conviction
  • Have been, are or will be engaging in organized crime
  • Have been, are or will be engaging in any activities or organizations that are against Canada, contrary to Canada’s interests or endanger the lives or safety of persons in Canada
  • Have a health condition that is dangerous to public health, public safety or may cause excessive demand on health or social services
  • Unable or unwilling to financially support yourself and accompanying family members
  • Have an immigration application refused for misrepresentation in the past 5 years
  • Have been deported for failing to comply with any immigration act or regulation

Basic requirements

  • Meet the minimum of 35/100 points based on selection criterias of age, work experience, education, language and adaptability
  • Intend and have the ability to be self-employed in Canada to make a significant contribution to the cultural or athletic life of Canada

Relevant experience

During the period of 5 years at the time of application and ending on the date of the decision on the application in:

  • For cultural activities
    • 2 periods of 1-year (2 years in total) being self-employed in cultural activities, or
    • 2 periods of 1-year (2 years in total) participating at a world-class level in cultural activities, or
    • a combine of 2 periods of 1-year periods being self-employed in cultural activities and participating at a world-class level in cultural activities
  • For athletics
    • 2 periods of 1-year (2 years in total) being self-employed in athletics
    • 2 periods of 1-year (2 years in total) participating at a world class level in athletics, or
    • a combine of 2 periods of 1-year periods being self-employed in cultural activities and participating at a world-class level in cultural activities

Eligible occupations

  • Professional occupations in art and culture
    • Librarians, archivists, conservators and curators
    • Writing, translating and related communications professionals
    • Creative and performing artists
  • Technical occupations in art, culture, recreation and sport
    • Technical occupations in libraries, public archives, museums and art galleries
    • Photographers, graphic arts technicians and technical and co-ordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts
    • Announcers and other performers
    • Creative designers and craftspersons
    • Athletes, coaches, referees and related occupations