All information on the website is for reference only and not legal advice. We will not be liable for any loss related to this site.

Terms of Use

Confirm and agree to the terms of service

This website (“website”) is provided under these Terms of Use and any Regulations, Policies, and Procedures that may be issued hereafter relating to the use of the website. Users are accessing information from the website hereinafter collectively referred to as "Users". By using this website, you agree to these Terms of Service and have the same effect as the signed Agreement.

No Client - Immigration Consultant relationship

All content on our website is for general information only. This information is not immigration advice and is not regarded as an offer for immigration representation. While the information posted is believed to be accurate, you should not act on or rely on any information posted as professional immigration advice. The information posted is not intended to establish and the reception of this information does not constitute a client-immigration consultant relationship. The client-immigration consultant relationship is established solely based on a written agreement through a face-to-face and formal meeting between the client and the immigration consultant.


The User acknowledges that the Content, including but not limited to the text, software, audio, images, video, charts or other materials posted on this website (“Content”) has been protected under the Law on Copyright, Trademark, Invention or other legal documents or Intellectual Property Agreement and the User is only allowed to use, quote or copy the content with the express approval of RED Immigration.

Users may not copy, reproduce, edit, modify, distribute or create variations from the content of this website without the express consent of RED Immigration. However, users may print out certain pages of information from the website, and copy it in a certain amount for personal or non-commercial information purposes, provided that the copyright notice is cited "@Copyright by RED Immigration Consulting Inc". Users are not allowed to remove, alter or distort the content of notices relating to copyright, trademark, license or other intellectual property rights appearing on or in this website.

The user is solely responsible for the liability, whether accidental or intentional, for physical, mental, and legal losses caused to RED Immigration in copying, reproducing, correcting, improving, compiling, distributing, or creating variations from the content of this website for commercial purposes without the express consent of RED Immigration. We keep running content and article layout paraphrasing detection systems to store and prove the copyright of the posted content and will pursue appropriate legal action against any individuals and organizations who illegally use the content posted exclusively on our website.


The Website may provide links to third-party websites or network resources. The user acknowledges and agrees that RED Immigration is not responsible for the success of such connections and does not guarantee, approve, investigate or collate information, and is not responsible for any information, promotional content, products, or other materials provided by these websites/sources.

Through our website, you may be linked to other websites that are not subject to our censorship. We do not control the policies, content, or anything posted on these websites. Therefore, we are not responsible, directly or indirectly, for damages or losses caused by or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use or reliability of any information provided by parties outside the website.

Social login and appointment scheduling functions on our website are committed to ensuring that the use and transfer of information received from Google APIs comply with the Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

Safety information

All transmissions sent by Users through this website, including email requests for information, sent through the public Internet are considered unsecured. Some other transmissions may be protected by encryption technology, and such transmissions will display a prompt. Otherwise, all other transmissions are insecure.

Modification of rules

The Terms of Use may be amended from time to time without prior notice. When there is an amendment, the updated content will be posted on the website. The revised Terms of Use will automatically take effect immediately when this content is updated on the website.

General Terms

In the event any provision, in whole or in part, is determined to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, only that provision shall be affected without affecting the remaining Terms. RED Immigration and the user agree to authorize a court or arbitrator to substitute the invalid, unenforceable, or void provision by an enforceable one, approximating as closely as possible.

RED Immigration Consulting Inc.