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permanent resident

Who Doesn’t Need a Study Permit in Canada?

Canada’s education system is a beacon for international students worldwide. While a study permit is typically required for foreign nationals to study in Canada, there are notable exceptions. Minor Children in Canada In Canada, the definition of a minor varies

Authorized Immigration Representation in Canada: Ensuring a Smooth Journey

Navigating the complexities of immigration, refugee, or citizenship applications in Canada can be daunting. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has established strict guidelines for compensated representatives to maintain the integrity of the system and protect applicants. Let’s delve into

PGP Lottery 2023 vs Super Visa: Which is the Best Option?

The Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has recently initiated the Parents and Grandparents Program (PGP) lottery for 2023. As part of the initial phase, 24,200 invitations to apply will be sent to potential sponsors who are randomly selected from

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