تمام اطلاعات موجود در وب‌سایت فقط برای مرجع است و مشاوره قانونی نمی‌باشد. ما هیچ‌گونه مسئولیتی در قبال ضرر و زیان مرتبط با این سایت نخواهیم داشت.

بریتیش کلمبیا

بریتیش کلمبیا، که در دورترین نقطه غربی واقع شده است، به داشتن ملایم‌ترین آب و هوای کشور در طول سال مشهور است. ۷۵٪ از توپوگرافی کوهستانی منطقه و موقعیت ساحلی آن حتی سخت‌گیرترین گردشگران را نیز خوشنود خواهد کرد. این استان به دلیل جاذبه‌های فراوانش شناخته شده است. یکی از آنها استنلی پارک است که در تمام طول سال دوچرخه‌سواری در کوه‌های ساحلی که در نزدیکی یک جنگل قرار دارند را ارائه می‌دهد. جاذبه دیگر بزرگترین و پرجنب و جوش‌ترین شهر آن، ونکوور است که به طور مداوم در بین مکان‌های قابل سکونت جهان رتبه خوبی دارد. مانند بسیاری از شهرهای کانادا، هزاران دانشجوی بین‌المللی از سطوح مختلف آموزشی در ونکوور اقامت و تحصیل می‌کنند. جدا از زندگی شهری، ونکوور خانه مناظر طبیعی بی‌نظیری است و این به خط ساحلی آن نیز گسترش می‌یابد! یکی از شلوغ‌ترین بنادر آمریکای شمالی در آنجا قرار دارد و قطب کسب و کارهای صادرات و واردات کانادا است.

بریتیش کلمبیا دارای اقتصادی متنوع است. این شامل خدمات بهداشتی، تحقیقات علمی، املاک و مستغلات، و تولید است. مشابه بسیاری از استان‌ها، بریتیش کلمبیا دارای شبکه گسترده‌ای از رودخانه‌ها و جنگل‌ها است که برداشت و فروش منابع طبیعی مانند زغال‌سنگ و چوب را آسان‌تر می‌کند، که به طور قابل توجهی به بودجه سالانه بریتیش کلمبیا کمک می‌کند.

با توجه به این تنوع اقتصادی، برنامه‌های مهاجرت بریتیش کلمبیا بر صنایع خدمات و تولید، به ویژه در زمینه ایجاد نرم‌افزار، تأکید زیادی داشته است. در سال‌های اخیر، استان تلاش‌های مداومی برای جذب کارگران برای کسب‌وکارهای نرم‌افزاری قوی خود انجام داده است. در واقع، سیاست‌های مهاجرت بریتیش کلمبیا متقاضیانی را که دارای تخصص در زمینه‌های بهداشت و فناوری هستند، ترجیح می‌دهد. اما، نامزدهای شغل‌های کم مهارت و همچنین فارغ‌التحصیلان خارجی، اگر پیشنهادات شغلی موجود باشد، اغلب دعوت به مهاجرت می‌شوند. همچنین، سرمایه‌گذاری‌ها به طور مداوم تشویق می‌شود. سیاست‌های سرمایه‌گذاری بریتیش کلمبیا کمتر بر آسان‌سازی محدودیت‌ها تمرکز دارد و بیشتر به ارائه مزایا به نامزدهای با رتبه‌بندی عالی می‌پردازد. برای صاحبان کسب‌وکار با تخصص مدیریتی در مناطق تولید روستایی اولویت داده می‌شود. با هدف ذکر شده، بریتیش کلمبیا در حال تبدیل شدن به مکانی عالی برای متقاضیان و خانواده‌هایشان برای سرمایه‌گذاری در اقتصاد دیجیتال و برای آینده دیجیتال پررونق است.


پروفایل جغرافیایی و اقتصادی بریتیش کلمبیا





بزرگترین شهر


زبان اصلی




مساحت کل (کیلومتر مربع)


مساحت خشکی (کیلومتر مربع)


مساحت آب شیرین (کیلومتر مربع)


مالیات فروش


حداقل دستمزد ساعتی


دستمزد ساعتی میانه


نرخ بیکاری


آموزش عالی


بیمه سالانه خودرو لوکس


هزینه مراقبت از کودک ماهانه


اجاره آپارتمان 2 خوابه


قیمت متوسط خانه

میانگین هواشناسی

No Data Found

مؤسسات آموزشی

دانشگاه بریتیش کلمبیا
دانشگاه سایمون فریزر
دانشگاه ویکتوریا
دانشگاه ولی فریزر
مؤسسه فناوری بریتیش کلمبیا
دانشگاه تامپسون ریورز
کالج کوست ماونتین
کالج اوکاناگان
دانشگاه پلی‌تکنیک کوانتلن
دانشگاه کاپیلانو

بخش های عمده اقتصادی

صنایع خدماتی
صنایع تولید کالا
املاک و مستغلات و اجاره و اجاره
بخش دولتی
تولید صنعتی
مسکن اشغال شده توسط مالک
ساخت و ساز
خدمات حرفه ای، علمی و فنی
خدمات درمانی و کمک اجتماعی
امور مالی و بیمه
تجارت خرده فروشی
بخش انرژی

مشاغل برتر مهاجرت

Immigration 1
  • 2173 - مهندسین و طراحان نرم افزار
  • 6611 - صندوقداران
  • 7511 - رانندگان کامیون حمل و نقل
  • 1241 - دستیاران اداری
  • 6311 - ناظران خدمات غذایی
  • 6421 - Retail salesاشخاص
  • 4411 - ارائه دهندگان مراقبت از کودک در منزل
  • 2174 - برنامه نویسان کامپیوتر و توسعه دهندگان رسانه های تعاملی
  • 5241 - طراحان گرافیک و تصویرگران

قرعه کشی مهاجرت مهارت ها و ورود سریع BC

Jun 25, 202435Skilled Worker134General draw
Skilled Worker - EEBC option134
International Graduate134
International Graduate - EEBC option134
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled110
6Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)97Childcare
11Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)97Contruction
11Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)106Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
Jun 11, 202439Skilled Worker131General draw
Skilled Worker - EEBC option131
International Graduate131
International Graduate - EEBC option131
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled110
6Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)93Childcare
9Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)93Contruction
12Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)102Healthcare
Jun 4, 20248Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)93Childcare
14Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)93Contruction
13Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)100Healthcare
33Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)122Tech
May 28, 202435Skilled Worker131General draw
Skilled Worker - EEBC option131
International Graduate131
International Graduate - EEBC option131
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled110
11Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)93Childcare
11Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)93Contruction
9Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)100Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
May 22, 20245Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)93Childcare
9Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)93Contruction
10Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)100Healthcare
50Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)122Tech
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
May 14, 202437Skilled Worker131General draw
Skilled Worker - EEBC option131
International Graduate131
International Graduate - EEBC option131
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled107
9Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)90Childcare
9Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)93Contruction
17Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)100Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
May 7, 202411Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)90Childcare
12Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)93Contruction
12Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)100Healthcare
41Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)120Tech
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
Apr 30, 202447Skilled Worker131General draw
Skilled Worker - EEBC option131
International Graduate131
International Graduate - EEBC option131
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled107
9Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)91Childcare
9Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)93Contruction
9Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)100Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
Apr 23, 202411Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)92Childcare
11Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)95Contruction
19Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)100Healthcare
45Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)120Tech
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
Apr 16, 202439Skilled Worker132General draw
Skilled Worker - EEBC option132
International Graduate132
International Graduate - EEBC option132
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled107
12Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)92Childcare
10Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)97Contruction
18Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)97Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
Apr 9, 20249Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)90Childcare
13Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)95Contruction
19Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)95Healthcare
46Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)116Tech
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
Apr 3, 202430Skilled Worker130General draw
Skilled Worker - EEBC option130
International Graduate130
International Graduate - EEBC option125
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled107
18Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)90Childcare
10Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)95Contruction
25Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)90Healthcare
Mar 26, 202428Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)85Childcare
21Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)90Contruction
30Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)85Healthcare
47Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)114Tech
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)85Veterinary care
Mar 19, 202488Skilled Worker125General draw
Skilled Worker - EEBC option125
International Graduate125
International Graduate - EEBC option125
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled98
27Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Childcare
21Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)85Contruction
30Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
Mar 12, 202454Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)75Childcare
30Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Contruction
38Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)75Healthcare
65Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)113Tech
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)75Veterinary care
Mar 5, 202454Skilled Worker126General draw
Skilled Worker - EEBC option126
International Graduate126
International Graduate - EEBC option126
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled99
32Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)70Childcare
30Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Contruction
39Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)70Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)70Veterinary care
Feb 27, 202445Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)65Childcare
12Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Contruction
41Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)65Healthcare
90Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)108Tech
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)65Veterinary care
Feb 21, 202469Skilled Worker126General draw
Skilled Worker - EEBC option126
International Graduate126
International Graduate - EEBC option126
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled99
70Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare
32Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)75Contruction
41Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Tech
Feb 13, 202454Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare
27Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)75Contruction
41Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Healthcare
77Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)108Tech
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Veterinary care
Feb 6, 2024102Skilled Worker122General draw
Skilled Worker - EEBC option122
International Graduate122
International Graduate - EEBC option122
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled97
46Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare
26Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)75Contruction
39Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Veterinary care
Jan 30, 202449Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare
29Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)75Contruction
27Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Healthcare
89Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)103Tech
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Veterinary care
Jan 23, 202479Skilled Worker120General draw
Skilled Worker - EEBC option120
International Graduate120
International Graduate - EEBC option120
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled98
66Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare
34Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)75Contruction
36Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Veterinary care
Jan 16, 202453Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare
20Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)75Contruction
29Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Healthcare
91Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)103Tech
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Veterinary care
Jan 10, 2024110Skilled Worker120General draw
Skilled Worker - EEBC option120
International Graduate120
International Graduate - EEBC option120
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled100
113Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare
74Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)75Contruction
75Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Veterinary care
Dec 19, 202362Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare: Early childhood educators and assistants (NOC 42202)
Dec 12, 202373Skilled Worker116General draw (includes tech occupations)
Skilled Worker - EEBC option116
International Graduate116
International Graduate - EEBC option116
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled95
61Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare: Early childhood educators and assistants (NOC 42202)
<560Veterinarians, Animal health technologists and veterinary technicians (NOC 31103, 32104)
Dec 5, 202346Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare: Early childhood educators and assistants (NOC 42202)
Nov 28, 202380Skilled Worker114General draw (includes tech occupations)
Skilled Worker - EEBC option114
International Graduate116
International Graduate - EEBC option116
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled94
49Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare: Early childhood educators and assistants (NOC 42202)
Nov 21, 202327Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare: Early childhood educators and assistants (NOC 42202)
Nov 16, 2023116Skilled Worker113General draw (includes tech occupations)
Skilled Worker - EEBC option113
International Graduate115
International Graduate - EEBC option115
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled94
59Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare: Early childhood educators and assistants (NOC 42202)
560Veterinarians, Animal health technologists and veterinary technicians (NOC 31103, 32104)
Nov 7, 202310494Tech
6160Childcare: Early childhood educators and assistants (NOC 42202)
Oct 31, 2023133Skilled Worker111General draw (includes tech occupations)
Skilled Worker - EEBC option111
International Graduate113
International Graduate - EEBC option113
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled91
48Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare: Early childhood educators and assistants (NOC 42202)
<560Veterinarians, Animal health technologists and veterinary technicians (NOC 31103, 32104)
Oct 24, 2023101Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)90Tech
3460Childcare: Early childhood educators and assistants (NOC 42202)
<560Veterinarians, Animal health technologists and veterinary technicians (NOC 31103, 32104)
Oct 17, 2023104Skilled Worker111General draw (includes tech occupations)
Skilled Worker - EEBC option111
International Graduate113
International Graduate - EEBC option113
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled91
31Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare: Early childhood educators and assistants (NOC 42202)
17Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Veterinarians, Animal health technologists and veterinary technicians (NOC 31103, 32104)
Oct 11, 2023118Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)90Tech
45Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare: Early childhood educators and assistants (NOC 42202)
17Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Veterinarians, Animal health technologists and veterinary technicians (NOC 31103, 32104)
Oct 4, 2023110Skilled Worker111General draw (includes tech occupations)
Skilled Worker - EEBC option111
International Graduate113
International Graduate - EEBC option113
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled91
51Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare: Early childhood educators and assistants (NOC 42202)
25Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Veterinarians, Animal health technologists and veterinary technicians (NOC 31103, 32104)
Sep 26, 2023127Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)90Tech
49Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare: Early childhood educators and assistants (NOC 42202)
28Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Veterinarians, Animal health technologists and veterinary technicians (NOC 31103, 32104)
Sep 19, 2023147Skilled Worker108General draw (includes tech occupations)
Skilled Worker - EEBC option108
International Graduate111
International Graduate - EEBC option111
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled89
51Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare: Early childhood educators and assistants (NOC 42202)
27Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Healthcare
Sep 12, 2023133Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)88Tech
36Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare: Early childhood educators and assistants (NOC 42202)
14Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Healthcare
Sep 6, 2023160Skilled Worker107General draw (includes tech occupations)
Skilled Worker - EEBC option107
International Graduate110
International Graduate - EEBC option110
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled89
43Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare: Early childhood educators and assistants (NOC 42202)
19Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Healthcare
Aug 29, 2023102Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)88Tech
28Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare: Early childhood educators and assistants (NOC 42202)
20Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Veterinarians, Animal health technologists and veterinary technicians (NOC 31103, 32104)
Aug 22, 2023169Skilled Worker106General draw (includes tech occupations)
Skilled Worker - EEBC option106
International Graduate109
International Graduate - EEBC option109
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled88
33Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare: Early childhood educators and assistants (NOC 42202)
23Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Veterinarians, Animal health technologists and veterinary technicians (NOC 31103, 32104)
Aug 15, 2023107Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)88Tech
27Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare: Early childhood educators and assistants (NOC 42202)
19Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Veterinarians, Animal health technologists and veterinary technicians (NOC 31103, 32104)
Aug 9, 2023139Skilled Worker107General draw (includes tech occupations)
Skilled Worker - EEBC option107
International Graduate110
International Graduate - EEBC option110
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled88
34Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare: Early childhood educators and assistants (NOC 42202)
22Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Healthcare
Aug 1, 2023132Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)88Tech
39Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare: Early childhood educators and assistants (NOC 42202)
23Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Veterinarians, Animal health technologists and veterinary technicians (NOC 31103, 32104)
Jul 25, 2023175Skilled Worker106General draw (includes tech occupations)
Skilled Worker - EEBC option106
International Graduate109
International Graduate - EEBC option109
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled87
30Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare: Early childhood educators and assistants (NOC 42202)
20Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Veterinarians, Animal health technologists and veterinary technicians (NOC 31103, 32104)
Jul 18, 2023112Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)88Tech

قرعه کشی مهاجرت کارآفرین BC

Feb 27, 2024<5Regional Pilot106
5Base Category115
Jan 16, 2024<5Regional Pilot135
<5Base Category116
Dec 5, 20235Base Category116
Oct 24, 2023<5Regional Pilot112
<5Base Category116
Sep 12, 2023<5Regional Pilot126
5Base Category118
Aug 1, 2023<5Regional Pilot123
<5Base Category117
Jun 20, 2023<5Regional Pilot152
<5Base Category119
May 5, 2023<5Regional Pilot119
10Base Category115
Mar 30, 20237Base Category115
Feb 28, 2023<5Regional Pilot112
7Base Category116
Jan 24, 2023<5Regional Pilot129
