Вся информация на сайте предоставлена только для справки и не является юридической консультацией. Мы не несем ответственности за любые убытки, связанные с этим сайтом.

Британская Колумбия

Британская Колумбия, которая находится на крайнем западе, известна своим самым мягким климатом в стране в течение всего года. Гористая топография региона, охватывающая 75%, и его прибрежное расположение порадуют даже самых требовательных туристов. Провинция известна множеством достопримечательностей. Одна из них - Стэнли Парк, который предлагает круглогодичное катание на велосипеде по прибрежным горам, проходящим рядом с лесом. Еще одна достопримечательность - это самый оживленный и крупный город Ванкувер, который стабильно занимает высокие места среди самых пригодных для жизни мест в мире. Как и многие канадские города, Ванкувер является домом для тысяч студентов со всего мира, обучающихся на различных уровнях. Помимо урбанистической среды, Ванкувер славится непревзойденными природными пейзажами, которые распространяются и на его побережье! В Ванкувере находится один из самых загруженных портов Северной Америки, и он является центром экспорта и импорта Канады.

В Британской Колумбии разнообразная экономика. Она включает здравоохранение, научные исследования, недвижимость и производство. Как и многие другие провинции, Британская Колумбия имеет обширную сеть рек и лесов, что облегчает добычу и продажу природных ресурсов, таких как уголь и древесина, что значительно способствует ежегодному бюджету провинции.

С учетом этого экономического разнообразия иммиграционные программы Британской Колумбии уделяют большое внимание сферам услуг и производства, особенно в области создания программного обеспечения. В последние годы провинция постоянно прилагает усилия для привлечения работников в свои сильные ИТ-компании. Фактически, иммиграционные политики Британской Колумбии отдают предпочтение кандидатам с опытом работы в сфере здравоохранения и технологий. Однако кандидаты на низкоквалифицированные работы, а также иностранные выпускники часто приглашаются на переезд, если есть предложения о работе. Также постоянно поощряются инвестиции. Инвестиционные политики Британской Колумбии менее ориентированы на смягчение ограничений и больше на предоставление преимуществ кандидатам с отличными оценками. Для владельцев бизнеса с управленческим опытом в сельских производственных зонах приоритет отдается поселению. С указанной выше целью Британская Колумбия становится идеальным местом для кандидатов и их семей для инвестиций в цифровую экономику и процветающее цифровое будущее.


Географический и экономический профиль Британской Колумбии





Крупнейший город


Основной язык




Общая площадь (км²)


Площадь суши (км²)


Площадь пресных вод (км²)


Налог с продаж


Минимальная почасовая оплата труда


Медианная почасовая оплата труда


Уровень безработицы


Высшее образование


Годовая премиальная автостраховка


Ежемесячная плата за уход за ребенком


Аренда двухкомнатной квартиры


Средняя цена дома

Средние показатели погоды

No Data Found

Учебные заведения

Университет Британской Колумбии
Университет Саймона Фрейзера
Университет Виктории
Университет долины Фрейзер
Институт Технологий Британской Колумбии
Университет Томпсон Риверс
Колледж Коуст Маунтин
Колледж Оканаган
Политехнический университет Квантлен
Университет Капилано

Основные экономические секторы

Отрасли, производящие услуги
Отрасли, производящие товары
Недвижимость и аренда
Государственный сектор
Промышленное производство
Жилища, занимаемые владельцами
Профессиональные, научные и технические услуги
Здравоохранение и социальная помощь
Финансы и страхование
Розничная торговля
Энергетический сектор

Основные профессии для иммиграции

Immigration 1
  • 2173 - Инженеры и дизайнеры программного обеспечения
  • 6611 - Кассиры
  • 7511 - Водители грузовиков
  • 1241 - Административные помощники
  • 6311 - Супервизоры по обслуживанию питания
  • 6421 - Продавцы-консультанты
  • 4411 - Работники по уходу за детьми на дому
  • 2174 - Программисты и разработчики интерактивных медиа
  • 5241 - Графические дизайнеры и иллюстраторы

Отбор кандидатов по навыкам и экспресс-въезду в BC

Oct 22, 202441Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)83Childcare
10Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)89Contruction
11Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)99Healthcare
60Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)117Tech
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
Oct 16, 2024102Skilled Worker127General draw
Skilled Worker - EEBC option127
International Graduate127
International Graduate - EEBC option127
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled110
38Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)83Childcare
21Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)89Contruction
28Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)99Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
Oct 8, 202444Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)83Childcare
25Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)89Contruction
21Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)99Healthcare
83Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)116Tech
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
Oct 2, 202481Skilled Worker128General draw
Skilled Worker - EEBC option128
International Graduate128
International Graduate - EEBC option128
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled110
35Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)83Childcare
23Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)89Contruction
28Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)99Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
Sep 24, 202442Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)83Childcare
22Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)89Contruction
24Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)99Healthcare
57Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)117Tech
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
Sep 17, 202465Skilled Worker128General draw
Skilled Worker - EEBC option128
International Graduate128
International Graduate - EEBC option128
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled110
43Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)83Childcare
29Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)89Contruction
26Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)99Healthcare
Sep 10, 202430Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)83Childcare
19Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)89Contruction
18Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)99Healthcare
84Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)117Tech
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
Sep 4, 202475Skilled Worker128General draw
Skilled Worker - EEBC option128
International Graduate128
International Graduate - EEBC option128
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled110
31Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)83Childcare
33Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)89Contruction
19Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)99Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
Aug 27, 202440Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)83Childcare
31Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)88Contruction
18Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)99Healthcare
69Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)118Tech
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
Aug 20, 202483Skilled Worker130General draw
Skilled Worker - EEBC option130
International Graduate130
International Graduate - EEBC option130
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled110
38Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)85Childcare
20Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)89Contruction
15Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)99Healthcare
Aug 13, 202435Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)87Childcare
27Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)89Contruction
27Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)99Healthcare
45Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)120Tech
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
Aug 7, 202459Skilled Worker132General draw
Skilled Worker - EEBC option132
International Graduate132
International Graduate - EEBC option132
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled110
32Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)88Childcare
29Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)90Contruction
24Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)101Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
Jul 30, 202433Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)89Childcare
27Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)90Contruction
22Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)101Healthcare
64Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)120Tech
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
Jul 23, 202435Skilled Worker134General draw
Skilled Worker - EEBC option134
International Graduate134
International Graduate - EEBC option134
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled110
37Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)91Childcare
17Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)92Contruction
19Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)104Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
Jul 16, 20249Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)94Childcare
10Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)95Contruction
14Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)104Healthcare
34Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)122Tech
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
Jul 9, 202435Skilled Worker134General draw
Skilled Worker - EEBC option134
International Graduate134
International Graduate - EEBC option134
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled110
10Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)94Childcare
9Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)95Contruction
12Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)104Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
Jul 3, 202414Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)95Childcare
13Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)98Contruction
9Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)106Healthcare
36Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)122Tech
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
Jun 25, 202435Skilled Worker134General draw
Skilled Worker - EEBC option134
International Graduate134
International Graduate - EEBC option134
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled110
6Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)97Childcare
11Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)97Contruction
11Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)106Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
Jun 18, 202410Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)93Childcare
11Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)93Contruction
14Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)102Healthcare
35Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)122Tech
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
Jun 11, 202439Skilled Worker131General draw
Skilled Worker - EEBC option131
International Graduate131
International Graduate - EEBC option131
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled110
6Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)93Childcare
9Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)93Contruction
12Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)102Healthcare
Jun 4, 20248Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)93Childcare
14Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)93Contruction
13Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)100Healthcare
33Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)122Tech
May 28, 202435Skilled Worker131General draw
Skilled Worker - EEBC option131
International Graduate131
International Graduate - EEBC option131
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled110
11Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)93Childcare
11Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)93Contruction
9Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)100Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
May 22, 20245Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)93Childcare
9Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)93Contruction
10Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)100Healthcare
50Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)122Tech
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
May 14, 202437Skilled Worker131General draw
Skilled Worker - EEBC option131
International Graduate131
International Graduate - EEBC option131
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled107
9Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)90Childcare
9Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)93Contruction
17Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)100Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
May 7, 202411Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)90Childcare
12Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)93Contruction
12Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)100Healthcare
41Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)120Tech
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
Apr 30, 202447Skilled Worker131General draw
Skilled Worker - EEBC option131
International Graduate131
International Graduate - EEBC option131
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled107
9Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)91Childcare
9Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)93Contruction
9Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)100Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
Apr 23, 202411Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)92Childcare
11Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)95Contruction
19Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)100Healthcare
45Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)120Tech
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
Apr 16, 202439Skilled Worker132General draw
Skilled Worker - EEBC option132
International Graduate132
International Graduate - EEBC option132
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled107
12Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)92Childcare
10Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)97Contruction
18Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)97Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
Apr 9, 20249Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)90Childcare
13Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)95Contruction
19Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)95Healthcare
46Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)116Tech
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
Apr 3, 202430Skilled Worker130General draw
Skilled Worker - EEBC option130
International Graduate130
International Graduate - EEBC option125
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled107
18Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)90Childcare
10Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)95Contruction
25Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)90Healthcare
Mar 26, 202428Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)85Childcare
21Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)90Contruction
30Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)85Healthcare
47Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)114Tech
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)85Veterinary care
Mar 19, 202488Skilled Worker125General draw
Skilled Worker - EEBC option125
International Graduate125
International Graduate - EEBC option125
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled98
27Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Childcare
21Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)85Contruction
30Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Veterinary care
Mar 12, 202454Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)75Childcare
30Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Contruction
38Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)75Healthcare
65Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)113Tech
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)75Veterinary care
Mar 5, 202454Skilled Worker126General draw
Skilled Worker - EEBC option126
International Graduate126
International Graduate - EEBC option126
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled99
32Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)70Childcare
30Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Contruction
39Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)70Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)70Veterinary care
Feb 27, 202445Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)65Childcare
12Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)80Contruction
41Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)65Healthcare
90Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)108Tech
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)65Veterinary care
Feb 21, 202469Skilled Worker126General draw
Skilled Worker - EEBC option126
International Graduate126
International Graduate - EEBC option126
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled99
70Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare
32Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)75Contruction
41Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Tech
Feb 13, 202454Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare
27Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)75Contruction
41Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Healthcare
77Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)108Tech
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Veterinary care
Feb 6, 2024102Skilled Worker122General draw
Skilled Worker - EEBC option122
International Graduate122
International Graduate - EEBC option122
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled97
46Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare
26Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)75Contruction
39Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Veterinary care
Jan 30, 202449Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare
29Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)75Contruction
27Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Healthcare
89Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)103Tech
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Veterinary care
Jan 23, 202479Skilled Worker120General draw
Skilled Worker - EEBC option120
International Graduate120
International Graduate - EEBC option120
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled98
66Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare
34Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)75Contruction
36Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Veterinary care
Jan 16, 202453Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare
20Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)75Contruction
29Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Healthcare
91Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)103Tech
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Veterinary care
Jan 10, 2024110Skilled Worker120General draw
Skilled Worker - EEBC option120
International Graduate120
International Graduate - EEBC option120
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled100
113Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare
74Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)75Contruction
75Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Healthcare
<5Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Veterinary care
Dec 19, 202362Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare: Early childhood educators and assistants (NOC 42202)
Dec 12, 202373Skilled Worker116General draw (includes tech occupations)
Skilled Worker - EEBC option116
International Graduate116
International Graduate - EEBC option116
Entry Level & Semi-Skilled95
61Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option)60Childcare: Early childhood educators and assistants (NOC 42202)

Отбор предпринимателей по иммиграции в BC

Feb 27, 2024<5Regional Pilot106
5Base Category115
Jan 16, 2024<5Regional Pilot135
<5Base Category116
Dec 5, 20235Base Category116
Oct 24, 2023<5Regional Pilot112
<5Base Category116
Sep 12, 2023<5Regional Pilot126
5Base Category118
Aug 1, 2023<5Regional Pilot123
<5Base Category117
Jun 20, 2023<5Regional Pilot152
<5Base Category119
May 5, 2023<5Regional Pilot119
10Base Category115
Mar 30, 20237Base Category115
Feb 28, 2023<5Regional Pilot112
7Base Category116
Jan 24, 2023<5Regional Pilot129
