Квалифицированная иммиграция
Минимальные требования
Популярные иммиграционные программы для выпускников международных студентов, полуквалифицированных и квалифицированных рабочих в провинции
Международный студент
Иностранные студенты, окончившие обучение в Канаде, с предложением работы, связанным с областью учебы
Предложение о работе
6 месяцев опыта работы по разрешению на работу после окончания учебы, если учеба проходит за пределами SK
Разрешение на работу
Востребованные профессии
Кандидат за пределами Канады с опытом работы в приоритетных профессиях
Опыт работы
Профиль EOI
Фонд поселения
План обустройства
Предложение о работе
Кандидат за пределами Канады с опытом работы и предложением работы от местного работодателя
Опыт работы
Предложение о работе
Профиль EOI
Квалифицированный работник с разрешением на работу
Кандидат с действующим разрешением на работу и предложением работы от местного работодателя
Опыт работы
Предложение о работе
Сельскохозяйственный талант hовый
Имеет опыт работы или ранее работал в сельскохозяйственном секторе провинции
Опыт работы
Предложение о работе
Разрешение на работу
Медицинский талант hовый
Имеет опыт работы или ранее работал в секторе здравоохранения провинции
Опыт работы
Предложение о работе
Лицензия на практику
Технический талант
Кандидат, работающий или имеющий опыт работы и предложение работы в сфере технологий или инноваций
Предложение о работе
Опыт работы
За пределами SK: 1 год опыта за последние 5 лет
Лицензия на практику
Соответствие минимальным требованиям не гарантирует, что заявитель получит приглашение. Пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с процессом подачи заявки.Кандидат может соответствовать нескольким программам.
Процесс подачи заявления
График процесса подготовки и рассмотрения заявки
между заявителем и провинциальным и федеральным правительством
Подача профиля
Создайте профиль выражения интереса на OASIS. Профиль оценивается и ранжируется на основе предоставленной информации.Профиль действителен в течение 12 месяцев
Провинциальное приглашение
В зависимости от квоты распределения, кандидаты с наивысшими баллами EOI в пуле будут приглашены подать заявку на номинацию.
Подайте заявку в течение 60 дней
Решение о номинации
Заявка одобрена, заявитель получает сертификат номинации для поддержки своей заявки на постоянное проживание в IRCC, действительный в течение 6 месяцев.
Провинция рассматривает за 37 недель
Подать заявку
Сохраняйте условия номинации, приложите Сертификат номинации к заявлению на ПМЖ и подайте его в IRCC.IRCC рассматривает в течение 15 - 19 месяцев
Получить статус PR
Заявка одобрена, заявитель получает статус постоянного жителя после приземления или подтверждения на портале IRCC.Подтверждение действительно в течение 12 месяцев
Заявитель с разрешением на работу, истекающим в течение 180 дней, подавший заявку на ПМЖ в IRCC и соблюдающий условия номинации, может иметь право на получение письма поддержки разрешения на работу от провинции для продления своего разрешения на работу.
Факторы успеха
Ключевые элементы, влияющие на решение
Фоновые элементы
Факторы оценки
* Адаптивность, как правило, включает, но не ограничивается связями с провинцией (образование, родственники в провинции, опыт работы).
* Цифры могут быть округлены для представления, пожалуйста, обращайтесь к сайтам федерального или провинциального правительства для получения наиболее точной информации.
Преимущества, на которые претендует заявитель и члены его семьи при получении статуса постоянного жителя

Дружественный для семьи
Иммиграционная заявка включает супруга и детей заявителя

Работа и учеба
Продолжайте легально работать с письмом поддержки для продления разрешения на работу

Доступ к качественной современной государственной системе здравоохранения, такой же, как у канадцев

Бесплатное или сниженное обучение для детей в зависимости от уровня образования

Доступ к социальным льготам на том же уровне, что и у канадцев

Право на передвижение
Жить и работать где угодно со статусом постоянного жителя

Возможность спонсировать родственников при выполнении условий

Возможность получить гражданство при выполнении условий проживания
Специфические требования
Важные требования, которые должен учитывать заявитель
Непригодность для иммиграции
- Имеют активное заявление на статус беженца
- Не могут предоставить требуемые документы в момент подачи заявления
- Не могут доказать намерение жить и работать в Саскачеване
- Заявитель или его представитель умышленно предоставил ложные данные в заявлении на иммиграцию
- Не завершили программу обучения
Основные требования
- Имеют действительное разрешение на работу после окончания учебы
- Не находятся в списке исключенных профессий
- Диплом, диплом или сертификат из определенного высшего учебного заведения в Саскачеване, или
- Диплом, диплом или сертификат по 1-летней программе высшего образования (2 семестра по 8 месяцев) из определенного учебного заведения в Канаде
Опыт работы
- 6 месяцев опыта работы в Саскачеване
- Для иностранных студентов, обучающихся в Саскачеване, включается опыт, накопленный во время учебы на учебном разрешении или разрешении на работу после окончания учебы
- Для иностранных студентов, обучающихся за пределами Саскачевана, включается только опыт, накопленный на разрешении на работу после окончания учебы
Предложение работы
- Постоянная полная занятость в рамках категории TEER 0, 1, 2, 3 или назначенных профессий от одобренного работодателя в Саскачеване
- Связано с областью обучения
- Требуется высшее образование
- Имеют письмо о согласовании работы от SINP, предварительное разрешение на наем иностранных рабочих, выданное работодателю провинцией
Минимум CLB 4 (некоторые работодатели или регуляторы могут требовать более высокий уровень), оценено по 1 из 5 тестов на знание языка за последние 2 года:
- Международная система тестирования английского языка (IELTS) Общее обучение
- Канадская программа индекса владения английским языком (CELPIP-Общий)
- Тест по английскому языку Pearson - Core (PTE-Core)
- Тест оценки французского языка (TEF)
- Тест знаний французского языка Канада (TCF Канада)
Исключенные профессии
Код NOC | Профессия |
00010 | Legislators |
00011 | Senior government managers and officials |
00014 | Senior managers - trade, broadcasting and other services |
10019 | Other administrative services managers |
11100 | Financial auditors and accountants |
11103 | Securities agents, investment dealers and brokers |
12104 | Employment insurance and revenue officers |
12201 | Insurance adjusters and claims examiners |
12203 | Assessors, business valuators and appraisers |
13200 | Customs, ship and other brokers |
14103 | Court clerks and related court services occupations |
21100 | Physicists and astronomers |
21102 | Geoscientists and oceanographers |
21103 | Meteorologists and climatologists |
21109 | Other professional occupations in physical sciences |
21111 | Forestry professionals |
21201 | Landscape architects |
21202 | Urban and land use planners |
21332 | Petroleum engineers |
21390 | Aerospace engineers |
30010 | Managers in health care |
31100 | Specialists in clinical and laboratory medicine |
31101 | Specialists in surgery |
31102 | General practitioners and family physicians |
31110 | Dentists |
31111 | Optometrists |
31112 | Audiologists and speech-language pathologists |
31120 | Pharmacists |
31121 | Dietitians and nutritionists |
31202 | Physiotherapists |
31204 | Kinesiologists and other professional occupations in therapy and assessment |
31209 | Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating |
31300 | Nursing coordinators and supervisors |
31301 | Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses |
31302 | Nurse practitioners |
31303 | Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals |
31303 | Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals |
32100 | Opticians |
32101 | Licensed practical nurses |
32103 | Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists |
32109 | Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment |
32110 | Denturists |
32111 | Dental hygienists and dental therapists |
32200 | Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and acupuncturists |
32201 | Massage therapists |
32209 | Other practitioners of natural healing |
40010 | Government managers - health and social policy development and program administration |
40011 | Government managers - economic analysis, policy development and program administration |
40012 | Government managers - education policy development and program administration |
40019 | Other managers in public administration |
40021 | School principals and administrators of elementary and secondary education |
40040 | Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services |
40040 | Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services |
40041 | Fire chiefs and senior firefighting officers |
40042 | Commissioned officers of the Canadian Armed Forces |
41100 | Judges |
41101 | Lawyers and Quebec notaries |
41201 | Post-secondary teaching and research assistants |
41220 | Secondary school teachers |
41221 | Elementary school and kindergarten teachers |
41301 | Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies |
41302 | Religious leaders |
41310 | Police investigators and other investigative occupations |
41310 | Police investigators and other investigative occupations |
41311 | Probation and parole officers |
41407 | Program officers unique to government |
42100 | Police officers (except commissioned) |
42100 | Police officers (except commissioned) |
42101 | Firefighters |
42102 | Specialized members of the Canadian Armed Forces |
42200 | Paralegal and related occupations |
42201 | Social and community service workers |
42204 | Religion workers |
43200 | Sheriffs and bailiffs |
43201 | Correctional service officers |
43202 | By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers |
43203 | Border services, customs, and immigration officers |
43204 | Operations Members of the Canadian Armed Forces |
44200 | Primary combat members of the Canadian Armed Forces |
50010 | Library, archive, museum and art gallery managers |
50011 | Managers - publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts |
50012 | Recreation, sports and fitness program and service directors |
51100 | Librarians |
51101 | Conservators and curators |
51102 | Archivists |
51110 | Editors |
51111 | Authors and writers (except technical) |
51112 | Technical writers |
51113 | Journalists |
51114 | Translators, terminologists and interpreters |
51120 | Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations |
51121 | Conductors, composers and arrangers |
51122 | Musicians and singers |
52100 | Library and public archive technicians |
52110 | Film and video camera operators |
52111 | Graphic arts technicians |
52112 | Broadcast technicians |
52113 | Audio and video recording technicians |
52114 | Announcers and other broadcasters |
52119 | Other technical and coordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts |
52120 | Graphic designers and illustrators |
52121 | Interior designers and interior decorators |
53100 | Registrars, restorers, interpreters and other occupations related to museum and art galleries |
53110 | Photographers |
53111 | Motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and performing arts assistants and operators |
53120 | Dancers |
53121 | Actors, comedians and circus performers |
53121 | Actors, comedians and circus performers |
53122 | Painters, sculptors and other visual artists |
53123 | Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designers |
53124 | Artisans and craftsлюди |
53125 | Patternmakers - textile, leather and fur products |
53200 | Athletes |
53201 | Coaches |
53202 | Sports officials and referees |
54100 | Program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport and fitness |
55109 | Other performers |
62010 | Retail sales supervisors |
62020 | Food service supervisors |
62023 | Customer and information services supervisors |
62201 | Funeral directors and embalmers |
63100 | Insurance agents and brokers |
63101 | Real estate agents and salesлюди |
63210 | Hairstylists and barbers |
63211 | Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations |
63220 | Shoe repairers and shoemakers |
64100 | Retail salesлюди and visual merchandisers |
72022 | Supervisors, printing and related occupations |
72102 | Sheet metal workers |
72204 | Telecommunications line and cable installers and repairers |
72205 | Telecommunications equipment installation and cable television service technicians |
72302 | Gas fitters |
72405 | Machine fitters |
72406 | Elevator constructors and mechanics |
72420 | Oil and solid fuel heating mechanics |
72600 | Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors |
72602 | Deck officers, water transport |
72603 | Engineer officers, water transport |
72604 | Railway traffic controllers and marine traffic regulators |
73202 | Pest controllers and fumigators |
73300 | Transport truck drivers |
73301 | Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators |
73310 | Railway and yard locomotive engineers |
73400 | Heavy equipment operators |
73402 | Drillers and blasters - surface mining, quarrying and construction |
80022 | Managers in aquaculture |
83101 | Oil and gas well drillers, servicers, testers and related workers |
83120 | Fishing masters and officers |
83121 | Fishermen / women |
92013 | Supervisors, plastic and rubber products manufacturing |
92015 | Supervisors, textile, fabric, fur and leather products processing and manufacturing |
92020 | Supervisors, motor vehicle assembling |
92021 | Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturing |
92021 | Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturing |
92022 | Supervisors, furniture and fixtures manufacturing |
92024 | Supervisors, other products manufacturing and assembly |
92101 | Water and waste treatment plant operators |
Исключенные бизнесы и профессии
NOC | Occupation Title |
All | Working for places of worship or religious organizations. |
All | Working for licensed recruiter or immigration consultant’s business |
All | Working for massage service operations |
10022 | Advertising, marketing, and public relations managers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) work permit or valid Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only. |
11202 | Professional occupations in advertising, marketing, and public relations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only. |
12200 | Accounting technicians and bookkeepers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or valid PGWP working for a Saskatchewan Accounting firm only. |
32200 | Chinese health practitioners/Acupuncturist unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice. |
32201 | *Massage therapist, including those within massage service operations, unless the candidate is a Licensed Registered Massage Therapists (RMT) who is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or a valid PGWP. |
32209 | Other practitioners of natural healing unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice. |
33109 | Other assisting occupations in support of health services is no longer eligible for positions that support Chinese Health Practitioner, Acupuncturist or Naturopath. |
41302 | Religious leaders |
41402 | Business development officers and market researchers, analysts unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only. |
42204 | Religious workers |
63210 | Hairstylists and barbers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license. |
63211 | Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license. |
43200 | Sheriffs and bailiffs unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution. |
43201 | Correctional service officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution. |
43202 | By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution. |
Непригодность для иммиграции
- Имеют активное заявление на статус беженца
- Не могут предоставить требуемые документы в момент подачи заявления
- Не могут доказать намерение жить и работать в Саскачеване
- Заявитель или его представитель умышленно предоставил ложные данные в заявлении на иммиграцию
Основные требования
- Проживают за пределами Канады или имеют легальный статус в Канаде
- Профиль EOI соответствует или превышает 60/110 баллов
- Кандидаты, работающие в индустрии гостеприимства или медицинские специалисты, должны подать заявку на участие в специальной программе, разработанной для этой профессии
- Не находятся в списке исключенных профессий
- Высшее образование и/или обучение, связанное с предложением работы или любым другим обучением, определенным работодателем
- Иностранные образовательные документы должны быть оценены Оценка образовательных документов
- При необходимости иметь аккредитацию, лицензию на практику и/или активное членство в регулирующем органе
Опыт работы
- По крайней мере 1 год за последние 10 лет в приоритетных профессиях по категории TEER 0, 1, 2, 3
- Не находятся в списке исключенных профессий
- Связано с областью обучения и основной профессией
Предложение работы
- Постоянная полная занятость с сопоставимой заработной платой по категории TEER 0, 1, 2, 3 или по назначенным профессиям
- Имеют письмо о согласовании работы от SINP, предварительное разрешение на наем иностранных рабочих, выданное работодателю провинцией
Минимум CLB 4 (некоторые работодатели или регуляторы могут требовать более высокий уровень), оценено по 1 из 5 тестов на знание языка за последние 2 года:
- Международная система тестирования английского языка (IELTS) Общее обучение
- Канадская программа индекса владения английским языком (CELPIP-Общий)
- Тест по английскому языку Pearson - Core (PTE-Core)
- Тест оценки французского языка (TEF)
- Тест знаний французского языка Канада (TCF Канада)
Средства на переезд
Подтверждение наличия средств для обеспечения себя и членов семьи в период адаптации после вашего прибытия, основанное на пороге низкого дохода и размере семьи:
Размер семьи | Требуемые средства (CAD) |
1 | $14,690 |
2 | $18,288 |
3 | $22,483 |
4 | $27,297 |
5 | $30,690 |
6 | $34,917 |
7 | $38,875 |
If more than 7 люди, for each additional family member | $3,958 |
Исключенные профессии
Код NOC | Профессия |
00010 | Legislators |
00011 | Senior government managers and officials |
00014 | Senior managers - trade, broadcasting and other services |
10019 | Other administrative services managers |
11100 | Financial auditors and accountants |
11103 | Securities agents, investment dealers and brokers |
12104 | Employment insurance and revenue officers |
12201 | Insurance adjusters and claims examiners |
12203 | Assessors, business valuators and appraisers |
13200 | Customs, ship and other brokers |
14103 | Court clerks and related court services occupations |
21100 | Physicists and astronomers |
21102 | Geoscientists and oceanographers |
21103 | Meteorologists and climatologists |
21109 | Other professional occupations in physical sciences |
21111 | Forestry professionals |
21201 | Landscape architects |
21202 | Urban and land use planners |
21332 | Petroleum engineers |
21390 | Aerospace engineers |
30010 | Managers in health care |
31100 | Specialists in clinical and laboratory medicine |
31101 | Specialists in surgery |
31102 | General practitioners and family physicians |
31110 | Dentists |
31111 | Optometrists |
31112 | Audiologists and speech-language pathologists |
31120 | Pharmacists |
31121 | Dietitians and nutritionists |
31202 | Physiotherapists |
31204 | Kinesiologists and other professional occupations in therapy and assessment |
31209 | Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating |
31300 | Nursing coordinators and supervisors |
31301 | Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses |
31302 | Nurse practitioners |
31303 | Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals |
31303 | Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals |
32100 | Opticians |
32101 | Licensed practical nurses |
32103 | Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists |
32109 | Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment |
32110 | Denturists |
32111 | Dental hygienists and dental therapists |
32200 | Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and acupuncturists |
32201 | Massage therapists |
32209 | Other practitioners of natural healing |
40010 | Government managers - health and social policy development and program administration |
40011 | Government managers - economic analysis, policy development and program administration |
40012 | Government managers - education policy development and program administration |
40019 | Other managers in public administration |
40021 | School principals and administrators of elementary and secondary education |
40040 | Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services |
40040 | Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services |
40041 | Fire chiefs and senior firefighting officers |
40042 | Commissioned officers of the Canadian Armed Forces |
41100 | Judges |
41101 | Lawyers and Quebec notaries |
41201 | Post-secondary teaching and research assistants |
41220 | Secondary school teachers |
41221 | Elementary school and kindergarten teachers |
41301 | Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies |
41302 | Religious leaders |
41310 | Police investigators and other investigative occupations |
41310 | Police investigators and other investigative occupations |
41311 | Probation and parole officers |
41407 | Program officers unique to government |
42100 | Police officers (except commissioned) |
42100 | Police officers (except commissioned) |
42101 | Firefighters |
42102 | Specialized members of the Canadian Armed Forces |
42200 | Paralegal and related occupations |
42201 | Social and community service workers |
42204 | Religion workers |
43200 | Sheriffs and bailiffs |
43201 | Correctional service officers |
43202 | By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers |
43203 | Border services, customs, and immigration officers |
43204 | Operations Members of the Canadian Armed Forces |
44200 | Primary combat members of the Canadian Armed Forces |
50010 | Library, archive, museum and art gallery managers |
50011 | Managers - publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts |
50012 | Recreation, sports and fitness program and service directors |
51100 | Librarians |
51101 | Conservators and curators |
51102 | Archivists |
51110 | Editors |
51111 | Authors and writers (except technical) |
51112 | Technical writers |
51113 | Journalists |
51114 | Translators, terminologists and interpreters |
51120 | Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations |
51121 | Conductors, composers and arrangers |
51122 | Musicians and singers |
52100 | Library and public archive technicians |
52110 | Film and video camera operators |
52111 | Graphic arts technicians |
52112 | Broadcast technicians |
52113 | Audio and video recording technicians |
52114 | Announcers and other broadcasters |
52119 | Other technical and coordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts |
52120 | Graphic designers and illustrators |
52121 | Interior designers and interior decorators |
53100 | Registrars, restorers, interpreters and other occupations related to museum and art galleries |
53110 | Photographers |
53111 | Motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and performing arts assistants and operators |
53120 | Dancers |
53121 | Actors, comedians and circus performers |
53121 | Actors, comedians and circus performers |
53122 | Painters, sculptors and other visual artists |
53123 | Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designers |
53124 | Artisans and craftsлюди |
53125 | Patternmakers - textile, leather and fur products |
53200 | Athletes |
53201 | Coaches |
53202 | Sports officials and referees |
54100 | Program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport and fitness |
55109 | Other performers |
62010 | Retail sales supervisors |
62020 | Food service supervisors |
62023 | Customer and information services supervisors |
62201 | Funeral directors and embalmers |
63100 | Insurance agents and brokers |
63101 | Real estate agents and salesлюди |
63210 | Hairstylists and barbers |
63211 | Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations |
63220 | Shoe repairers and shoemakers |
64100 | Retail salesлюди and visual merchandisers |
72022 | Supervisors, printing and related occupations |
72102 | Sheet metal workers |
72204 | Telecommunications line and cable installers and repairers |
72205 | Telecommunications equipment installation and cable television service technicians |
72302 | Gas fitters |
72405 | Machine fitters |
72406 | Elevator constructors and mechanics |
72420 | Oil and solid fuel heating mechanics |
72600 | Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors |
72602 | Deck officers, water transport |
72603 | Engineer officers, water transport |
72604 | Railway traffic controllers and marine traffic regulators |
73202 | Pest controllers and fumigators |
73300 | Transport truck drivers |
73301 | Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators |
73310 | Railway and yard locomotive engineers |
73400 | Heavy equipment operators |
73402 | Drillers and blasters - surface mining, quarrying and construction |
80022 | Managers in aquaculture |
83101 | Oil and gas well drillers, servicers, testers and related workers |
83120 | Fishing masters and officers |
83121 | Fishermen / women |
92013 | Supervisors, plastic and rubber products manufacturing |
92015 | Supervisors, textile, fabric, fur and leather products processing and manufacturing |
92020 | Supervisors, motor vehicle assembling |
92021 | Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturing |
92021 | Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturing |
92022 | Supervisors, furniture and fixtures manufacturing |
92024 | Supervisors, other products manufacturing and assembly |
92101 | Water and waste treatment plant operators |
Исключенные бизнесы и профессии
NOC | Occupation Title |
All | Working for places of worship or religious organizations. |
All | Working for licensed recruiter or immigration consultant’s business |
All | Working for massage service operations |
10022 | Advertising, marketing, and public relations managers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) work permit or valid Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only. |
11202 | Professional occupations in advertising, marketing, and public relations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only. |
12200 | Accounting technicians and bookkeepers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or valid PGWP working for a Saskatchewan Accounting firm only. |
32200 | Chinese health practitioners/Acupuncturist unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice. |
32201 | *Massage therapist, including those within massage service operations, unless the candidate is a Licensed Registered Massage Therapists (RMT) who is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or a valid PGWP. |
32209 | Other practitioners of natural healing unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice. |
33109 | Other assisting occupations in support of health services is no longer eligible for positions that support Chinese Health Practitioner, Acupuncturist or Naturopath. |
41302 | Religious leaders |
41402 | Business development officers and market researchers, analysts unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only. |
42204 | Religious workers |
63210 | Hairstylists and barbers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license. |
63211 | Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license. |
43200 | Sheriffs and bailiffs unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution. |
43201 | Correctional service officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution. |
43202 | By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution. |
Непригодность для иммиграции
- Имеется активная заявка на статус беженца
- Не могут предоставить необходимые документы во время подачи заявки
- Не могут доказать намерение жить и работать в Саскачеване
- Заявитель или представитель умышленно предоставил ложную информацию в иммиграционной заявке
Основные требования
- Профиль EOI соответствует или превышает 60/110 баллов
- Кандидаты, работающие в гостиничной индустрии, должны подавать заявку на участие в программе, созданной для этой профессии
- Не входят в список исключенных профессий
Опыт работы
- Не менее 1 года за последние 10 лет и связан с предложением работы
Предложение о работе
- Постоянная работа на полную ставку с сопоставимой заработной платой по категории TEER 0, 1, 2, 3 или определенные профессии
- Иметь письмо одобрения работы SINP, предварительно одобренное разрешение на наем иностранных рабочих, выданное работодателю провинцией
Минимум CLB 4 (некоторые работодатели или регулирующие органы могут требовать больше), оценивается по одному из 5 тестов на знание языка за последние 2 года:
- Международная система тестирования английского языка (IELTS) Общая подготовка
- Канадская программа индекса владения английским языком (CELPIP-Общий)
- Тест по английскому языку Pearson - Core (PTE-Core)
- Тест оценки французского языка (TEF)
- Тест на знание французского языка Канада (TCF Canada)
Исключенные профессии
Код NOC | Профессия |
00010 | Legislators |
00011 | Senior government managers and officials |
00014 | Senior managers - trade, broadcasting and other services |
10019 | Other administrative services managers |
11100 | Financial auditors and accountants |
11103 | Securities agents, investment dealers and brokers |
12104 | Employment insurance and revenue officers |
12201 | Insurance adjusters and claims examiners |
12203 | Assessors, business valuators and appraisers |
13200 | Customs, ship and other brokers |
14103 | Court clerks and related court services occupations |
21100 | Physicists and astronomers |
21102 | Geoscientists and oceanographers |
21103 | Meteorologists and climatologists |
21109 | Other professional occupations in physical sciences |
21111 | Forestry professionals |
21201 | Landscape architects |
21202 | Urban and land use planners |
21332 | Petroleum engineers |
21390 | Aerospace engineers |
30010 | Managers in health care |
31100 | Specialists in clinical and laboratory medicine |
31101 | Specialists in surgery |
31102 | General practitioners and family physicians |
31110 | Dentists |
31111 | Optometrists |
31112 | Audiologists and speech-language pathologists |
31120 | Pharmacists |
31121 | Dietitians and nutritionists |
31202 | Physiotherapists |
31204 | Kinesiologists and other professional occupations in therapy and assessment |
31209 | Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating |
31300 | Nursing coordinators and supervisors |
31301 | Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses |
31302 | Nurse practitioners |
31303 | Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals |
31303 | Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals |
32100 | Opticians |
32101 | Licensed practical nurses |
32103 | Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists |
32109 | Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment |
32110 | Denturists |
32111 | Dental hygienists and dental therapists |
32200 | Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and acupuncturists |
32201 | Massage therapists |
32209 | Other practitioners of natural healing |
40010 | Government managers - health and social policy development and program administration |
40011 | Government managers - economic analysis, policy development and program administration |
40012 | Government managers - education policy development and program administration |
40019 | Other managers in public administration |
40021 | School principals and administrators of elementary and secondary education |
40040 | Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services |
40040 | Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services |
40041 | Fire chiefs and senior firefighting officers |
40042 | Commissioned officers of the Canadian Armed Forces |
41100 | Judges |
41101 | Lawyers and Quebec notaries |
41201 | Post-secondary teaching and research assistants |
41220 | Secondary school teachers |
41221 | Elementary school and kindergarten teachers |
41301 | Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies |
41302 | Religious leaders |
41310 | Police investigators and other investigative occupations |
41310 | Police investigators and other investigative occupations |
41311 | Probation and parole officers |
41407 | Program officers unique to government |
42100 | Police officers (except commissioned) |
42100 | Police officers (except commissioned) |
42101 | Firefighters |
42102 | Specialized members of the Canadian Armed Forces |
42200 | Paralegal and related occupations |
42201 | Social and community service workers |
42204 | Religion workers |
43200 | Sheriffs and bailiffs |
43201 | Correctional service officers |
43202 | By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers |
43203 | Border services, customs, and immigration officers |
43204 | Operations Members of the Canadian Armed Forces |
44200 | Primary combat members of the Canadian Armed Forces |
50010 | Library, archive, museum and art gallery managers |
50011 | Managers - publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts |
50012 | Recreation, sports and fitness program and service directors |
51100 | Librarians |
51101 | Conservators and curators |
51102 | Archivists |
51110 | Editors |
51111 | Authors and writers (except technical) |
51112 | Technical writers |
51113 | Journalists |
51114 | Translators, terminologists and interpreters |
51120 | Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations |
51121 | Conductors, composers and arrangers |
51122 | Musicians and singers |
52100 | Library and public archive technicians |
52110 | Film and video camera operators |
52111 | Graphic arts technicians |
52112 | Broadcast technicians |
52113 | Audio and video recording technicians |
52114 | Announcers and other broadcasters |
52119 | Other technical and coordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts |
52120 | Graphic designers and illustrators |
52121 | Interior designers and interior decorators |
53100 | Registrars, restorers, interpreters and other occupations related to museum and art galleries |
53110 | Photographers |
53111 | Motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and performing arts assistants and operators |
53120 | Dancers |
53121 | Actors, comedians and circus performers |
53121 | Actors, comedians and circus performers |
53122 | Painters, sculptors and other visual artists |
53123 | Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designers |
53124 | Artisans and craftsлюди |
53125 | Patternmakers - textile, leather and fur products |
53200 | Athletes |
53201 | Coaches |
53202 | Sports officials and referees |
54100 | Program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport and fitness |
55109 | Other performers |
62010 | Retail sales supervisors |
62020 | Food service supervisors |
62023 | Customer and information services supervisors |
62201 | Funeral directors and embalmers |
63100 | Insurance agents and brokers |
63101 | Real estate agents and salesлюди |
63210 | Hairstylists and barbers |
63211 | Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations |
63220 | Shoe repairers and shoemakers |
64100 | Retail salesлюди and visual merchandisers |
72022 | Supervisors, printing and related occupations |
72102 | Sheet metal workers |
72204 | Telecommunications line and cable installers and repairers |
72205 | Telecommunications equipment installation and cable television service technicians |
72302 | Gas fitters |
72405 | Machine fitters |
72406 | Elevator constructors and mechanics |
72420 | Oil and solid fuel heating mechanics |
72600 | Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors |
72602 | Deck officers, water transport |
72603 | Engineer officers, water transport |
72604 | Railway traffic controllers and marine traffic regulators |
73202 | Pest controllers and fumigators |
73300 | Transport truck drivers |
73301 | Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators |
73310 | Railway and yard locomotive engineers |
73400 | Heavy equipment operators |
73402 | Drillers and blasters - surface mining, quarrying and construction |
80022 | Managers in aquaculture |
83101 | Oil and gas well drillers, servicers, testers and related workers |
83120 | Fishing masters and officers |
83121 | Fishermen / women |
92013 | Supervisors, plastic and rubber products manufacturing |
92015 | Supervisors, textile, fabric, fur and leather products processing and manufacturing |
92020 | Supervisors, motor vehicle assembling |
92021 | Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturing |
92021 | Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturing |
92022 | Supervisors, furniture and fixtures manufacturing |
92024 | Supervisors, other products manufacturing and assembly |
92101 | Water and waste treatment plant operators |
Исключенные предприятия и профессии
NOC | Occupation Title |
All | Working for places of worship or religious organizations. |
All | Working for licensed recruiter or immigration consultant’s business |
All | Working for massage service operations |
10022 | Advertising, marketing, and public relations managers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) work permit or valid Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only. |
11202 | Professional occupations in advertising, marketing, and public relations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only. |
12200 | Accounting technicians and bookkeepers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or valid PGWP working for a Saskatchewan Accounting firm only. |
32200 | Chinese health practitioners/Acupuncturist unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice. |
32201 | *Massage therapist, including those within massage service operations, unless the candidate is a Licensed Registered Massage Therapists (RMT) who is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or a valid PGWP. |
32209 | Other practitioners of natural healing unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice. |
33109 | Other assisting occupations in support of health services is no longer eligible for positions that support Chinese Health Practitioner, Acupuncturist or Naturopath. |
41302 | Religious leaders |
41402 | Business development officers and market researchers, analysts unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only. |
42204 | Religious workers |
63210 | Hairstylists and barbers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license. |
63211 | Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license. |
43200 | Sheriffs and bailiffs unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution. |
43201 | Correctional service officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution. |
43202 | By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution. |
Непригодность для иммиграции
- Имеется активная заявка на статус беженца
- Не могут предоставить необходимые документы во время подачи заявки
- Не могут доказать намерение жить и работать в Саскачеване
- Заявитель или представитель умышленно предоставил ложную информацию в иммиграционной заявке
Основные требования
- Кандидаты с опытом работы в качестве обслуживающего персонала в сфере питания и напитков, легкой уборки и обслуживающего персонала на стойке должны подавать заявку по направлению проекта сектора гостеприимства
- Выпускники международных учебных заведений, которые в настоящее время имеют разрешение на работу после окончания учебы, должны подавать заявку в рамках потока для международных студентов или потока предложений о работе
- Не входят в список исключенных профессий
Опыт работы
- 6 месяцев опыта работы в Саскачеване по действительному разрешению на работу в той же профессии с предложением работы
Предложение о работе
- Постоянная работа на полную ставку с сопоставимой заработной платой по категории TEER 0, 1, 2, 3 или определенные профессии
- Иметь письмо одобрения работы SINP, предварительно одобренное разрешение на наем иностранных рабочих, выданное работодателю провинцией
- Если вы работаете в регулируемой профессии, необходимо иметь аккредитацию, лицензию на практику и/или активное членство в регулирующем органе
Минимум CLB 4 (некоторые работодатели или регулирующие органы могут требовать больше), оценивается по одному из 5 тестов на знание языка за последние 2 года:
- Международная система тестирования английского языка (IELTS) Общая подготовка
- Канадская программа индекса владения английским языком (CELPIP-Общий)
- Тест по английскому языку Pearson - Core (PTE-Core)
- Тест оценки французского языка (TEF)
- Тест на знание французского языка Канада (TCF Canada)
Исключенные профессии
Код NOC | Профессия |
00010 | Legislators |
00011 | Senior government managers and officials |
00014 | Senior managers - trade, broadcasting and other services |
10019 | Other administrative services managers |
11100 | Financial auditors and accountants |
11103 | Securities agents, investment dealers and brokers |
12104 | Employment insurance and revenue officers |
12201 | Insurance adjusters and claims examiners |
12203 | Assessors, business valuators and appraisers |
13200 | Customs, ship and other brokers |
14103 | Court clerks and related court services occupations |
21100 | Physicists and astronomers |
21102 | Geoscientists and oceanographers |
21103 | Meteorologists and climatologists |
21109 | Other professional occupations in physical sciences |
21111 | Forestry professionals |
21201 | Landscape architects |
21202 | Urban and land use planners |
21332 | Petroleum engineers |
21390 | Aerospace engineers |
30010 | Managers in health care |
31100 | Specialists in clinical and laboratory medicine |
31101 | Specialists in surgery |
31102 | General practitioners and family physicians |
31110 | Dentists |
31111 | Optometrists |
31112 | Audiologists and speech-language pathologists |
31120 | Pharmacists |
31121 | Dietitians and nutritionists |
31202 | Physiotherapists |
31204 | Kinesiologists and other professional occupations in therapy and assessment |
31209 | Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating |
31300 | Nursing coordinators and supervisors |
31301 | Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses |
31302 | Nurse practitioners |
31303 | Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals |
31303 | Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals |
32100 | Opticians |
32101 | Licensed practical nurses |
32103 | Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists |
32109 | Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment |
32110 | Denturists |
32111 | Dental hygienists and dental therapists |
32200 | Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and acupuncturists |
32201 | Massage therapists |
32209 | Other practitioners of natural healing |
40010 | Government managers - health and social policy development and program administration |
40011 | Government managers - economic analysis, policy development and program administration |
40012 | Government managers - education policy development and program administration |
40019 | Other managers in public administration |
40021 | School principals and administrators of elementary and secondary education |
40040 | Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services |
40040 | Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services |
40041 | Fire chiefs and senior firefighting officers |
40042 | Commissioned officers of the Canadian Armed Forces |
41100 | Judges |
41101 | Lawyers and Quebec notaries |
41201 | Post-secondary teaching and research assistants |
41220 | Secondary school teachers |
41221 | Elementary school and kindergarten teachers |
41301 | Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies |
41302 | Religious leaders |
41310 | Police investigators and other investigative occupations |
41310 | Police investigators and other investigative occupations |
41311 | Probation and parole officers |
41407 | Program officers unique to government |
42100 | Police officers (except commissioned) |
42100 | Police officers (except commissioned) |
42101 | Firefighters |
42102 | Specialized members of the Canadian Armed Forces |
42200 | Paralegal and related occupations |
42201 | Social and community service workers |
42204 | Religion workers |
43200 | Sheriffs and bailiffs |
43201 | Correctional service officers |
43202 | By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers |
43203 | Border services, customs, and immigration officers |
43204 | Operations Members of the Canadian Armed Forces |
44200 | Primary combat members of the Canadian Armed Forces |
50010 | Library, archive, museum and art gallery managers |
50011 | Managers - publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts |
50012 | Recreation, sports and fitness program and service directors |
51100 | Librarians |
51101 | Conservators and curators |
51102 | Archivists |
51110 | Editors |
51111 | Authors and writers (except technical) |
51112 | Technical writers |
51113 | Journalists |
51114 | Translators, terminologists and interpreters |
51120 | Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations |
51121 | Conductors, composers and arrangers |
51122 | Musicians and singers |
52100 | Library and public archive technicians |
52110 | Film and video camera operators |
52111 | Graphic arts technicians |
52112 | Broadcast technicians |
52113 | Audio and video recording technicians |
52114 | Announcers and other broadcasters |
52119 | Other technical and coordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts |
52120 | Graphic designers and illustrators |
52121 | Interior designers and interior decorators |
53100 | Registrars, restorers, interpreters and other occupations related to museum and art galleries |
53110 | Photographers |
53111 | Motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and performing arts assistants and operators |
53120 | Dancers |
53121 | Actors, comedians and circus performers |
53121 | Actors, comedians and circus performers |
53122 | Painters, sculptors and other visual artists |
53123 | Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designers |
53124 | Artisans and craftsлюди |
53125 | Patternmakers - textile, leather and fur products |
53200 | Athletes |
53201 | Coaches |
53202 | Sports officials and referees |
54100 | Program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport and fitness |
55109 | Other performers |
62010 | Retail sales supervisors |
62020 | Food service supervisors |
62023 | Customer and information services supervisors |
62201 | Funeral directors and embalmers |
63100 | Insurance agents and brokers |
63101 | Real estate agents and salesлюди |
63210 | Hairstylists and barbers |
63211 | Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations |
63220 | Shoe repairers and shoemakers |
64100 | Retail salesлюди and visual merchandisers |
72022 | Supervisors, printing and related occupations |
72102 | Sheet metal workers |
72204 | Telecommunications line and cable installers and repairers |
72205 | Telecommunications equipment installation and cable television service technicians |
72302 | Gas fitters |
72405 | Machine fitters |
72406 | Elevator constructors and mechanics |
72420 | Oil and solid fuel heating mechanics |
72600 | Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors |
72602 | Deck officers, water transport |
72603 | Engineer officers, water transport |
72604 | Railway traffic controllers and marine traffic regulators |
73202 | Pest controllers and fumigators |
73300 | Transport truck drivers |
73301 | Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators |
73310 | Railway and yard locomotive engineers |
73400 | Heavy equipment operators |
73402 | Drillers and blasters - surface mining, quarrying and construction |
80022 | Managers in aquaculture |
83101 | Oil and gas well drillers, servicers, testers and related workers |
83120 | Fishing masters and officers |
83121 | Fishermen / women |
92013 | Supervisors, plastic and rubber products manufacturing |
92015 | Supervisors, textile, fabric, fur and leather products processing and manufacturing |
92020 | Supervisors, motor vehicle assembling |
92021 | Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturing |
92021 | Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturing |
92022 | Supervisors, furniture and fixtures manufacturing |
92024 | Supervisors, other products manufacturing and assembly |
92101 | Water and waste treatment plant operators |
Исключенные предприятия и профессии
NOC | Occupation Title |
All | Working for places of worship or religious organizations. |
All | Working for licensed recruiter or immigration consultant’s business |
All | Working for massage service operations |
10022 | Advertising, marketing, and public relations managers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) work permit or valid Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only. |
11202 | Professional occupations in advertising, marketing, and public relations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only. |
12200 | Accounting technicians and bookkeepers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or valid PGWP working for a Saskatchewan Accounting firm only. |
32200 | Chinese health practitioners/Acupuncturist unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice. |
32201 | *Massage therapist, including those within massage service operations, unless the candidate is a Licensed Registered Massage Therapists (RMT) who is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or a valid PGWP. |
32209 | Other practitioners of natural healing unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice. |
33109 | Other assisting occupations in support of health services is no longer eligible for positions that support Chinese Health Practitioner, Acupuncturist or Naturopath. |
41302 | Religious leaders |
41402 | Business development officers and market researchers, analysts unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only. |
42204 | Religious workers |
63210 | Hairstylists and barbers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license. |
63211 | Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license. |
43200 | Sheriffs and bailiffs unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution. |
43201 | Correctional service officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution. |
43202 | By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution. |
Непригодность для иммиграции
- Имеется активная заявка на получение статуса беженца
- Невозможно предоставить необходимые документы на момент подачи заявки
- Невозможно доказать намерение жить и работать в Саскачеване
- Заявитель или представитель умышленно предоставил ложную информацию в заявлении на иммиграцию
Опыт работы
- 1 год за последние 3 года, или
- 6 месяцев с тем же работодателем, предлагающим работу в Саскачеване
Предложение работы
- Постоянная полная занятость в подходящих сельскохозяйственных профессиях
- Имеется письмо о подтверждении работы SINP, предварительно утвержденное разрешение на найм иностранных работников, выданное работодателю провинцией
- Эквивалентно канадскому среднему образованию
- Иностранные образовательные документы должны быть оценены через Оценку образовательных документов
Минимум CLB 4 (некоторые работодатели или регулирующие органы могут требовать более высокие оценки), оценено по одному из 5 тестов на знание языка за последние 2 года:
- Международная система тестирования английского языка (IELTS) Общая подготовка
- Канадская программа индекса владения английским языком (CELPIP-Общий)
- Тест по английскому языку Pearson - Core (PTE-Core)
- Тест оценки французского языка (TEF)
- Тест на знание французского языка Канада (TCF Канада)
Подходящие профессии
NOC | Description |
75101 | Material handlers* |
84120 | Specialized livestock workers and farm machinery operators |
85100 | Livestock labourers |
85101 | Harvesting labourers |
85103 | Nursery and greenhouse labourers |
94140 | Process control and machine operators, food and beverage processing* |
94141 | Industrial butchers and meat cutters, poultry preparers and related workers* |
94143 | Testers and graders, food and beverage processing* |
94204 | Mechanical assemblers and inspectors* |
95106 | Labourers in food and beverage processing* |
* The employer should be classified under NAICS 11 - Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting. |
Исключённые профессии
Код NOC | Профессия |
00010 | Legislators |
00011 | Senior government managers and officials |
00014 | Senior managers - trade, broadcasting and other services |
10019 | Other administrative services managers |
11100 | Financial auditors and accountants |
11103 | Securities agents, investment dealers and brokers |
12104 | Employment insurance and revenue officers |
12201 | Insurance adjusters and claims examiners |
12203 | Assessors, business valuators and appraisers |
13200 | Customs, ship and other brokers |
14103 | Court clerks and related court services occupations |
21100 | Physicists and astronomers |
21102 | Geoscientists and oceanographers |
21103 | Meteorologists and climatologists |
21109 | Other professional occupations in physical sciences |
21111 | Forestry professionals |
21201 | Landscape architects |
21202 | Urban and land use planners |
21332 | Petroleum engineers |
21390 | Aerospace engineers |
30010 | Managers in health care |
31100 | Specialists in clinical and laboratory medicine |
31101 | Specialists in surgery |
31102 | General practitioners and family physicians |
31110 | Dentists |
31111 | Optometrists |
31112 | Audiologists and speech-language pathologists |
31120 | Pharmacists |
31121 | Dietitians and nutritionists |
31202 | Physiotherapists |
31204 | Kinesiologists and other professional occupations in therapy and assessment |
31209 | Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating |
31300 | Nursing coordinators and supervisors |
31301 | Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses |
31302 | Nurse practitioners |
31303 | Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals |
31303 | Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals |
32100 | Opticians |
32101 | Licensed practical nurses |
32103 | Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists |
32109 | Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment |
32110 | Denturists |
32111 | Dental hygienists and dental therapists |
32200 | Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and acupuncturists |
32201 | Massage therapists |
32209 | Other practitioners of natural healing |
40010 | Government managers - health and social policy development and program administration |
40011 | Government managers - economic analysis, policy development and program administration |
40012 | Government managers - education policy development and program administration |
40019 | Other managers in public administration |
40021 | School principals and administrators of elementary and secondary education |
40040 | Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services |
40040 | Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services |
40041 | Fire chiefs and senior firefighting officers |
40042 | Commissioned officers of the Canadian Armed Forces |
41100 | Judges |
41101 | Lawyers and Quebec notaries |
41201 | Post-secondary teaching and research assistants |
41220 | Secondary school teachers |
41221 | Elementary school and kindergarten teachers |
41301 | Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies |
41302 | Religious leaders |
41310 | Police investigators and other investigative occupations |
41310 | Police investigators and other investigative occupations |
41311 | Probation and parole officers |
41407 | Program officers unique to government |
42100 | Police officers (except commissioned) |
42100 | Police officers (except commissioned) |
42101 | Firefighters |
42102 | Specialized members of the Canadian Armed Forces |
42200 | Paralegal and related occupations |
42201 | Social and community service workers |
42204 | Religion workers |
43200 | Sheriffs and bailiffs |
43201 | Correctional service officers |
43202 | By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers |
43203 | Border services, customs, and immigration officers |
43204 | Operations Members of the Canadian Armed Forces |
44200 | Primary combat members of the Canadian Armed Forces |
50010 | Library, archive, museum and art gallery managers |
50011 | Managers - publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts |
50012 | Recreation, sports and fitness program and service directors |
51100 | Librarians |
51101 | Conservators and curators |
51102 | Archivists |
51110 | Editors |
51111 | Authors and writers (except technical) |
51112 | Technical writers |
51113 | Journalists |
51114 | Translators, terminologists and interpreters |
51120 | Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations |
51121 | Conductors, composers and arrangers |
51122 | Musicians and singers |
52100 | Library and public archive technicians |
52110 | Film and video camera operators |
52111 | Graphic arts technicians |
52112 | Broadcast technicians |
52113 | Audio and video recording technicians |
52114 | Announcers and other broadcasters |
52119 | Other technical and coordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts |
52120 | Graphic designers and illustrators |
52121 | Interior designers and interior decorators |
53100 | Registrars, restorers, interpreters and other occupations related to museum and art galleries |
53110 | Photographers |
53111 | Motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and performing arts assistants and operators |
53120 | Dancers |
53121 | Actors, comedians and circus performers |
53121 | Actors, comedians and circus performers |
53122 | Painters, sculptors and other visual artists |
53123 | Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designers |
53124 | Artisans and craftsлюди |
53125 | Patternmakers - textile, leather and fur products |
53200 | Athletes |
53201 | Coaches |
53202 | Sports officials and referees |
54100 | Program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport and fitness |
55109 | Other performers |
62010 | Retail sales supervisors |
62020 | Food service supervisors |
62023 | Customer and information services supervisors |
62201 | Funeral directors and embalmers |
63100 | Insurance agents and brokers |
63101 | Real estate agents and salesлюди |
63210 | Hairstylists and barbers |
63211 | Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations |
63220 | Shoe repairers and shoemakers |
64100 | Retail salesлюди and visual merchandisers |
72022 | Supervisors, printing and related occupations |
72102 | Sheet metal workers |
72204 | Telecommunications line and cable installers and repairers |
72205 | Telecommunications equipment installation and cable television service technicians |
72302 | Gas fitters |
72405 | Machine fitters |
72406 | Elevator constructors and mechanics |
72420 | Oil and solid fuel heating mechanics |
72600 | Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors |
72602 | Deck officers, water transport |
72603 | Engineer officers, water transport |
72604 | Railway traffic controllers and marine traffic regulators |
73202 | Pest controllers and fumigators |
73300 | Transport truck drivers |
73301 | Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators |
73310 | Railway and yard locomotive engineers |
73400 | Heavy equipment operators |
73402 | Drillers and blasters - surface mining, quarrying and construction |
80022 | Managers in aquaculture |
83101 | Oil and gas well drillers, servicers, testers and related workers |
83120 | Fishing masters and officers |
83121 | Fishermen / women |
92013 | Supervisors, plastic and rubber products manufacturing |
92015 | Supervisors, textile, fabric, fur and leather products processing and manufacturing |
92020 | Supervisors, motor vehicle assembling |
92021 | Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturing |
92021 | Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturing |
92022 | Supervisors, furniture and fixtures manufacturing |
92024 | Supervisors, other products manufacturing and assembly |
92101 | Water and waste treatment plant operators |
Исключённые бизнесы и профессии
NOC | Occupation Title |
All | Working for places of worship or religious organizations. |
All | Working for licensed recruiter or immigration consultant’s business |
All | Working for massage service operations |
10022 | Advertising, marketing, and public relations managers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) work permit or valid Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only. |
11202 | Professional occupations in advertising, marketing, and public relations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only. |
12200 | Accounting technicians and bookkeepers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or valid PGWP working for a Saskatchewan Accounting firm only. |
32200 | Chinese health practitioners/Acupuncturist unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice. |
32201 | *Massage therapist, including those within massage service operations, unless the candidate is a Licensed Registered Massage Therapists (RMT) who is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or a valid PGWP. |
32209 | Other practitioners of natural healing unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice. |
33109 | Other assisting occupations in support of health services is no longer eligible for positions that support Chinese Health Practitioner, Acupuncturist or Naturopath. |
41302 | Religious leaders |
41402 | Business development officers and market researchers, analysts unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only. |
42204 | Religious workers |
63210 | Hairstylists and barbers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license. |
63211 | Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license. |
43200 | Sheriffs and bailiffs unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution. |
43201 | Correctional service officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution. |
43202 | By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution. |
Непригодность для иммиграции
- Имеется активная заявка на получение статуса беженца
- Невозможно предоставить необходимые документы на момент подачи заявки
- Невозможно доказать намерение жить и работать в Саскачеване
- Заявитель или представитель умышленно предоставил ложную информацию в заявлении на иммиграцию
Опыт работы
- 1 год за последние 5 лет, или
- 6 месяцев с тем же работодателем, предлагающим работу в Саскачеване
Предложение работы
- Постоянная полная занятость в сфере здравоохранения в Саскачеване
- Степень бакалавра, или
- Сертификат или диплом о послевузовском образовании, требующий как минимум 2 года послесреднего образования
- Наличие аккредитации, лицензии на практику и/или активное членство в регулирующем органе, если это необходимо
Минимум CLB 5 (некоторые работодатели или регулирующие органы могут требовать более высокие оценки), оценено по одному из 5 тестов на знание языка за последние 2 года:
- Международная система тестирования английского языка (IELTS) Общая подготовка
- Канадская программа индекса владения английским языком (CELPIP-Общий)
- Тест по английскому языку Pearson - Core (PTE-Core)
- Тест оценки французского языка (TEF)
- Тест на знание французского языка Канада (TCF Канада)
Профессии в сфере здравоохранения
Код NOC | Профессия |
12111 | Health Information Management Practitioner |
21120 | Public and environmental health and safety professionals |
22232 | Occupational health and safety specialists |
31301 | Registered Nurse and Registered Psychiatric Nurse |
31201 | Chiropractors |
31302 | Nurse Practitioner |
32103 | Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists |
31303 | Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals |
31120 | Pharmacist |
31112 | Audiologist and Speech Language Pathologist |
31202 | Physiotherapists |
32109 | Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment |
31203 | Occupational Therapist |
32120 | Medical laboratory technologists |
32121 | Medical radiation technologists |
32122 | Medical sonographers |
32123 | Cardiology Technologist and Electrophysiological Diagnostic Technologist |
32124 | Pharmacy Technician |
32129 | Other medical technologists and technicians |
33103 | Pharmacy technical assistants and pharmacy assistants |
32212 | Dental technologists and technicians |
33100 | Dental assistants and dental laboratory assistants |
32101 | Licensed practical nurses |
32102 | Paramedical occupations |
33109 | Other assisting occupations in support of health services |
33102 | Nurse aides, orderlies and patient associates |
31200 | Psychologists |
41301 | Therapists in counselling and related to specialized therapies |
Иммиграционная непригодность
- Имеется активное заявление на получение статуса беженца
- Невозможно предоставить требуемые документы на момент подачи заявления
- Невозможно доказать намерение жить и работать в Саскачеване
- Заявитель или представитель намеренно предоставил ложную информацию в иммиграционном заявлении
- Степень бакалавра, или
- Постдипломный сертификат или диплом, требующий как минимум 2 года послесреднего образования
- Иностранные образовательные документы должны быть оценены Оценкой образовательных документов
- Соответствует требованиям для получения профессиональной лицензии Ассоциацией профессиональных инженеров и геологов Саскачевана (APEGS), если профессия относится к NOC 21311, 21231, 21211 или 21310
Опыт работы
- В настоящее время работает в Саскачеване как минимум 6 месяцев (780 часов), полный рабочий день (более 30 часов в неделю) с тем же работодателем, что и в предложении о работе
- Последовательный опыт работы не требуется.
- Кандидат за пределами Саскачевана или в настоящее время не работающий: 1 год опыта в области технологий и инноваций за последние 5 лет
- Соответствующие профессии в области технологий и инноваций:
NOC | Наименования профессий |
20012 | Менеджеры компьютерных и информационных систем |
21310 | Инженеры-электрики и электроники |
21311 | Компьютерные инженеры (за исключением инженеров и дизайнеров программного обеспечения) |
21211 | Ученый по данным |
21220 | Специалисты по кибербезопасности |
21221 | Специалист по бизнес-системам |
21222 | Специалист по информационным системам |
21223 | Аналитики баз данных и администраторы данных |
21231 | Инженеры и дизайнеры программного обеспечения |
21230 | Разработчики и программисты компьютерных систем |
21232 | Разработчики и программисты программного обеспечения |
21234 | Веб-разработчики и программисты |
21233 | Веб-дизайнеры |
22220 | Техники компьютерных сетей и веб-техники |
22221 | Техники поддержки пользователей |
22222 | Техники тестирования информационных систем |
Предложение работы
- Постоянная, полная занятость в области технологий и инноваций у текущего работодателя
- Наличие письма о согласовании работы SINP, предварительно утвержденного разрешения на найм иностранных работников, выданного провинцией работодателю
Минимум CLB 5 или требования к языку, установленные работодателем, оцененные одним из 5 тестов на знание языка за последние 2 года:
- Международная система тестирования английского языка (IELTS) Общая подготовка
- Канадская программа индексации владения английским языком (CELPIP-General)
- Тест по английскому языку Pearson - Core (PTE-Core)
- Тест на знание французского языка (TEF)
- Тест на знание французского языка Канада (TCF Canada)
Исключенные бизнесы и профессии
NOC | Occupation Title |
All | Working for places of worship or religious organizations. |
All | Working for licensed recruiter or immigration consultant’s business |
All | Working for massage service operations |
10022 | Advertising, marketing, and public relations managers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) work permit or valid Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only. |
11202 | Professional occupations in advertising, marketing, and public relations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only. |
12200 | Accounting technicians and bookkeepers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or valid PGWP working for a Saskatchewan Accounting firm only. |
32200 | Chinese health practitioners/Acupuncturist unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice. |
32201 | *Massage therapist, including those within massage service operations, unless the candidate is a Licensed Registered Massage Therapists (RMT) who is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or a valid PGWP. |
32209 | Other practitioners of natural healing unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice. |
33109 | Other assisting occupations in support of health services is no longer eligible for positions that support Chinese Health Practitioner, Acupuncturist or Naturopath. |
41302 | Religious leaders |
41402 | Business development officers and market researchers, analysts unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only. |
42204 | Religious workers |
63210 | Hairstylists and barbers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license. |
63211 | Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license. |
43200 | Sheriffs and bailiffs unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution. |
43201 | Correctional service officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution. |
43202 | By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution. |