Todas as informações no site são apenas para referência e não constituem aconselhamento jurídico. Não seremos responsáveis por qualquer perda relacionada a este site.

Imigração por Habilidades


Requisitos mínimos

Programas de imigração populares para estudantes internacionais graduados, trabalhadores semi-qualificados e qualificados na província

Estudante Internacional

Estudantes internacionais graduados no Canadá com uma oferta de trabalho relacionada ao campo de estudo

Ter se graduado em um programa de ensino pós-secundário de 1 ano no Canadá
Oferta de trabalho
Em ocupações prioritárias sob a categoria TEER 0, 1, 2 ou 3, relacionadas ao campo de estudo e geralmente requerem educação pós-secundária
6 meses incluindo experiência de trabalho enquanto estuda se estiver estudando em SK
6 meses de experiência de trabalho com permissão de trabalho pós-graduação se estiver estudando fora de SK
Permissão de trabalho
Emitido após a graduação, ainda válido ou em processo se graduado fora de SK
CLB 4 para categoria TEER 4 ou 5
Ocupações em demanda

Candidato fora do Canadá com experiência de trabalho em ocupações prioritárias

Equivalente a 1 ano de educação pós-secundária no Canadá
Experiência de trabalho
1 ano de experiência de trabalho em ocupações de alta qualificação sob a categoria TEER 0, 1, 2, 3, nos últimos 10 anos, relacionado ao campo de estudo e oferta de trabalho
Perfil EOI
Alcançar ou exceder 60 / 110 pontos
Fundo de assentamento
Suficiente para se sustentar durante o período de adaptação após sua chegada
Plano de Estabelecimento
Esboçar o plano para se estabelecer, viver e trabalhar quando chegar
Oferta de Emprego

Candidato fora do Canadá com experiência de trabalho e oferta de emprego com empregador local

Experiência de trabalho
1 ano nos últimos 10 anos e relacionado à oferta de emprego
Oferta de trabalho
Permanente em tempo integral sob a categoria TEER 0, 1, 2, 3, ou em ocupações comerciais designadas
Perfil EOI
Alcançar ou exceder 60 / 110 pontos
WP Trabalhador Qualificado

Candidato com permissão de trabalho válida e oferta de emprego com empregador local

Experiência de trabalho
6 meses com uma permissão de trabalho válida com o mesmo empregador
Oferta de trabalho
Permanente em tempo integral sob a categoria TEER 0, 1, 2, 3, ou em ocupações comerciais designadas e na mesma posição do trabalho atual
WP Trabalhador Agrícola

Candidato que trabalha ou trabalhou na agricultura na província

Experiência de trabalho
Ter trabalhado por pelo menos 6 meses com o mesmo empregador em Saskatchewan
Oferta de trabalho
Permanente em tempo integral no campo da agricultura sob NOC 85100, 85101, 84120, 85103
Permissão de trabalho
Foram emitidos sob o programa de Trabalhador Agrícola Sazonal, Experiência Internacional ou Trabalhador Estrangeiro Temporário
Equivalente ao ensino médio canadense
Motorista de caminhão de longa distância

Candidato que trabalha ou trabalhou com uma empresa de caminhões na província

Experiência de trabalho
Trabalhou ou trabalhou durante 6 meses para uma empresa de caminhões em Saskatchewan
Carteira de motorista
Ter ou ser capaz de obter a Classe 1A de Saskatchewan
Oferta de emprego
Permanente em tempo integral com a mesma empresa de caminhões
Profissionais de saúde

Candidato trabalhando em ocupações de saúde em Saskatchewan

Experiência de trabalho
6 meses de experiência de trabalho em ocupações de saúde (médico, enfermeiro ou outras profissões de saúde) em SK
Oferta de emprego
Permanente em tempo integral com a autoridade de saúde provincial, agência de câncer ou outro empregador de saúde financiado publicamente
Licença para praticar
Ser capaz de obter uma licença para praticar em Saskatchewan
Permissão de trabalho
Válido por pelo menos 6 meses
Setor de hospitalidade

Candidato trabalhando em projetos do setor de hospitalidade

Experiência de trabalho
Trabalhou por pelo menos 6 meses com uma permissão de trabalho LMIA sob NOC 65200 Servidor de Alimentos/Bebidas, 65201 Atendente de Balcão de Alimentos/Ajudante de Cozinha, 65310 Pessoal de Limpeza em Saskatchewan
Oferta de emprego
Permanente em tempo integral com um empregador aprovado pelo SINP no setor de hospitalidade
Equivalente ao ensino médio canadense
Habilidades Difíceis de Preencher Pending

Candidato fora do Canadá tendo oferta de emprego com um empregador local em Saskatchewan

Experiência de trabalho
1 ano de experiência de trabalho fora do Canadá em ocupações designadas, ou
6 meses se atualmente estiver trabalhando em Saskatchewan
Oferta de emprego
Permanente em tempo integral em ocupações designadas
Equivalente ao ensino médio canadense
Talento tecnológico

Candidato trabalhando ou com experiência, e uma oferta de trabalho no setor de tecnologia ou inovação

Equivalente a um diploma de bacharel no Canadá
Oferta de emprego
Permanente em tempo integral no setor de tecnologia ou inovação
Experiência de trabalho
Atualmente trabalhando em tempo integral por pelo menos 6 meses na mesma posição com a oferta de emprego ou 1 ano de experiência nos últimos 5 anos
Fora de SK: 1 ano de experiência nos últimos 5 anos
CLB 5 ou requisitos de idioma conforme especificado pelo empregador
Licença para praticar
Ser capaz de obter uma licença para praticar em Saskatchewan

Atender aos requisitos mínimos não garante que o candidato receberá o convite. Consulte o processo de inscrição.
O candidato pode se qualificar para vários programas.

Processo de inscrição

Linha do tempo do processo de preparação e revisão da aplicação
entre o candidato com o Governo Provincial e Federal

Envio de perfil
Etapa 1

Crie um perfil de manifestação de interesse no OASIS. O perfil é pontuado e classificado com base nas informações fornecidas.O perfil é válido por 12 meses

Convite provincial
Etapa 2

Dependendo da cota de alocação, os candidatos com as pontuações mais altas de EOI no grupo serão convidados a enviar a aplicação de nomeação.
Envie a aplicação dentro de 60 dias

Decisão de nomeação
Etapa 3

Após a aprovação da aplicação, o candidato recebe um Certificado de Nomeação para apoiar sua aplicação de PR para o IRCC, válido por até 6 meses.
A província revisa em 37 semanas

Envio de PR
Etapa 4

Mantenha as condições da nomeação, anexe o Certificado de Nomeação à aplicação de PR e depois envie-os para o IRCC.O IRCC revisa em 15 - 19 meses

Obter status de PR
Etapa 5

Aplicação aprovada, o candidato obtém o status de Residente Permanente após o desembarque ou confirmação no Portal IRCC.A confirmação é válida dentro de 12 meses

O candidato com permissão de trabalho que expira dentro de 180 dias, que submeteu uma solicitação de PR ao IRCC e está mantendo as condições da nomeação, pode ser elegível para receber uma carta de suporte de permissão de trabalho da província para renovar sua permissão de trabalho.

Fatores de sucesso

Elementos cruciais que afetam a decisão

Elementos de fundo
Fundo de assentamento
Experiência de trabalho canadense
Experiência de trabalho
Suporte do empregador
Ocupação no Canadá
Posição de trabalho
Estudo de campo no Canadá
Carta de Apoio do Empregador
Carta de Referência Comunitária
Oferta de emprego
Área residencial
Nomeação provincial
Permissão de estudo
Permissão de trabalho
Educação no Canadá
Emprego atual
Fatores de pontuação
Educação e treinamento
Experiência de trabalho

* A adaptabilidade geralmente inclui, mas não se limita a laços com a província (educação, parentes na província, experiência de trabalho).
* Os números podem ser arredondados para fins de apresentação, consulte os sites do governo federal ou provincial para obter as informações mais precisas.


Benefícios aos quais o candidato e seus familiares acompanhantes têm direito ao se tornarem residentes permanentes

Amigável para famílias
Amigável para famílias

A aplicação de imigração inclui o cônjuge e os filhos do candidato

Trabalho e estudo
Trabalho e estudo

Continue trabalhando legalmente com a carta de apoio para renovação do visto de trabalho


Acesso a cuidados de saúde públicos modernos e de alta qualidade iguais aos canadenses


Gratuidade ou mensalidades reduzidas para crianças, dependendo do nível de educação


Acesso a benefícios sociais iguais aos canadenses

Direito de mobilidade
Direito de mobilidade

Viver e trabalhar em qualquer lugar sob o status de Residente Permanente


Capacidade de patrocinar parentes se as condições forem atendidas


Capacidade de obter a cidadania se as condições de residência forem atendidas

Requisitos específicos

Requisitos importantes que o candidato deve observar

Inadmissibilidade para imigração

  • Ter uma aplicação ativa para refugiado
  • Incapacidade de fornecer os documentos exigidos no momento da aplicação
  • Incapacidade de provar a intenção de viver e trabalhar em Saskatchewan
  • O candidato ou representante intencionalmente declarou informações falsas na aplicação de imigração
  • Não ter concluído o programa de estudo

Requisitos básicos

  • Ter um visto de trabalho pós-graduação válido
  • Não estar na Lista de Ocupações Excluídas


  • Grau, diploma ou certificado de uma instituição pós-secundária designada em Saskatchewan, ou
  • Grau, diploma ou certificado de um programa pós-secundário de 1 ano (2 termos de 8 meses) de uma instituição designada no Canadá

Experiência de trabalho

  • 6 meses de experiência de trabalho em Saskatchewan
  • Para estudantes internacionais que estudam em Saskatchewan, inclui a experiência acumulada durante o tempo de estudo com um visto de estudo ou visto de trabalho pós-graduação
  • Para estudantes internacionais que estudam fora de Saskatchewan, inclui apenas a experiência acumulada com o visto de trabalho pós-graduação

Oferta de trabalho

  • Permanente, em tempo integral sob a categoria TEER 0, 1, 2, 3 ou ocupações de comércio designado de um empregador aprovado em Saskatchewan
  • Relacionar-se com o campo de estudo
  • Requer educação pós-secundária
  • Ter a Carta de Aprovação de Trabalho do SINP, uma autorização pré-aprovada para a contratação de trabalhadores estrangeiros, emitida para o empregador pela província


CLB mínimo 4 (alguns empregadores ou reguladores podem exigir mais), avaliado por 1 dos 5 testes de proficiência linguística nos últimos 2 anos:

Ocupações excluídas

Código NOCOcupação
00011Senior government managers and officials
00014Senior managers - trade, broadcasting and other services
10019Other administrative services managers
11100Financial auditors and accountants
11103Securities agents, investment dealers and brokers
12104Employment insurance and revenue officers
12201Insurance adjusters and claims examiners
12203Assessors, business valuators and appraisers
13200Customs, ship and other brokers
14103Court clerks and related court services occupations
21100Physicists and astronomers
21102Geoscientists and oceanographers
21103Meteorologists and climatologists
21109Other professional occupations in physical sciences
21111Forestry professionals
21201Landscape architects
21202Urban and land use planners
21332Petroleum engineers
21390Aerospace engineers
30010Managers in health care
31100Specialists in clinical and laboratory medicine
31101Specialists in surgery
31102General practitioners and family physicians
31112Audiologists and speech-language pathologists
31121Dietitians and nutritionists
31204Kinesiologists and other professional occupations in therapy and assessment
31209Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating
31300Nursing coordinators and supervisors
31301Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses
31302Nurse practitioners
31303Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals
31303Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals
32101Licensed practical nurses
32103Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists
32109Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment
32111Dental hygienists and dental therapists
32200Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and acupuncturists
32201Massage therapists
32209Other practitioners of natural healing
40010Government managers - health and social policy development and program administration
40011Government managers - economic analysis, policy development and program administration
40012Government managers - education policy development and program administration
40019Other managers in public administration
40021School principals and administrators of elementary and secondary education
40040Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services
40040Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services
40041Fire chiefs and senior firefighting officers
40042Commissioned officers of the Canadian Armed Forces
41101Lawyers and Quebec notaries
41201Post-secondary teaching and research assistants
41220Secondary school teachers
41221Elementary school and kindergarten teachers
41301Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies
41302Religious leaders
41310Police investigators and other investigative occupations
41310Police investigators and other investigative occupations
41311Probation and parole officers
41407Program officers unique to government
42100Police officers (except commissioned)
42100Police officers (except commissioned)
42102Specialized members of the Canadian Armed Forces
42200Paralegal and related occupations
42201Social and community service workers
42204Religion workers
43200Sheriffs and bailiffs
43201Correctional service officers
43202By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers
43203Border services, customs, and immigration officers
43204Operations Members of the Canadian Armed Forces
44200Primary combat members of the Canadian Armed Forces
50010Library, archive, museum and art gallery managers
50011Managers - publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts
50012Recreation, sports and fitness program and service directors
51101Conservators and curators
51111Authors and writers (except technical)
51112Technical writers
51114Translators, terminologists and interpreters
51120Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations
51121Conductors, composers and arrangers
51122Musicians and singers
52100Library and public archive technicians
52110Film and video camera operators
52111Graphic arts technicians
52112Broadcast technicians
52113Audio and video recording technicians
52114Announcers and other broadcasters
52119Other technical and coordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts
52120Graphic designers and illustrators
52121Interior designers and interior decorators
53100Registrars, restorers, interpreters and other occupations related to museum and art galleries
53111Motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and performing arts assistants and operators
53121Actors, comedians and circus performers
53121Actors, comedians and circus performers
53122Painters, sculptors and other visual artists
53123Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designers
53124Artisans and craftspessoas
53125Patternmakers - textile, leather and fur products
53202Sports officials and referees
54100Program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport and fitness
55109Other performers
62010Retail sales supervisors
62020Food service supervisors
62023Customer and information services supervisors
62201Funeral directors and embalmers
63100Insurance agents and brokers
63101Real estate agents and salespessoas
63210Hairstylists and barbers
63211Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations
63220Shoe repairers and shoemakers
64100Retail salespessoas and visual merchandisers
72022Supervisors, printing and related occupations
72102Sheet metal workers
72204Telecommunications line and cable installers and repairers
72205Telecommunications equipment installation and cable television service technicians
72302Gas fitters
72405Machine fitters
72406Elevator constructors and mechanics
72420Oil and solid fuel heating mechanics
72600Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors
72602Deck officers, water transport
72603Engineer officers, water transport
72604Railway traffic controllers and marine traffic regulators
73202Pest controllers and fumigators
73300Transport truck drivers
73301Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
73310Railway and yard locomotive engineers
73400Heavy equipment operators
73402Drillers and blasters - surface mining, quarrying and construction
80022Managers in aquaculture
83101Oil and gas well drillers, servicers, testers and related workers
83120Fishing masters and officers
83121Fishermen / women
92013Supervisors, plastic and rubber products manufacturing
92015Supervisors, textile, fabric, fur and leather products processing and manufacturing
92020Supervisors, motor vehicle assembling
92021Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturing
92021Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturing
92022Supervisors, furniture and fixtures manufacturing
92024Supervisors, other products manufacturing and assembly
92101Water and waste treatment plant operators

Negócios e ocupações excluídos

NOCOccupation Title
AllWorking for places of worship or religious organizations.
AllWorking for licensed recruiter or immigration consultant’s business
AllWorking for massage service operations
10022Advertising, marketing, and public relations managers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) work permit or valid Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
11202Professional occupations in advertising, marketing, and public relations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
12200Accounting technicians and bookkeepers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or valid PGWP working for a Saskatchewan Accounting firm only.
32200Chinese health practitioners/Acupuncturist unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice.
32201*Massage therapist, including those within massage service operations, unless the candidate is a Licensed Registered Massage Therapists (RMT) who is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or a valid PGWP.
32209Other practitioners of natural healing unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice.
33109Other assisting occupations in support of health services is no longer eligible for positions that support Chinese Health Practitioner, Acupuncturist or Naturopath.
41302Religious leaders
41402Business development officers and market researchers, analysts unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
42204Religious workers
63210Hairstylists and barbers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license.
63211Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license.
43200Sheriffs and bailiffs unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.
43201Correctional service officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.
43202By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.

Inadmissibilidade para imigração

  • Ter uma aplicação ativa para refugiado
  • Incapacidade de fornecer os documentos exigidos no momento da aplicação
  • Incapacidade de provar a intenção de viver e trabalhar em Saskatchewan
  • O candidato ou representante intencionalmente declarou informações falsas na aplicação de imigração

Requisitos básicos

  • Viver fora do Canadá ou ter estatus legal no Canadá
  • O perfil EOI atende ou excede 60/110 pontos
  • Candidatos que trabalham na indústria de hospitalidade ou profissionais de saúde devem se inscrever no programa específico criado para essa ocupação
  • Não estar na Lista de Ocupações Excluídas


  • Educação pós-secundária e/ou treinamento relacionado à oferta de trabalho ou qualquer outro treinamento definido pelo empregador
  • As credenciais educacionais estrangeiras devem ser avaliadas por Avaliação de Credenciais Educacionais
  • Ter acreditação, licença para praticar e/ou adesão ativa ao órgão regulador, se necessário

Experiência de trabalho

  • Pelo menos 1 ano nos últimos 10 anos em ocupações prioritárias sob a categoria TEER 0, 1, 2, 3
  • Não estar na Lista de Ocupações Excluídas
  • Relacionar-se com o campo de estudo e ocupação principal

Oferta de trabalho

  • Trabalho permanente em tempo integral com salário comparável sob a categoria TEER 0, 1, 2, 3 ou ocupações de comércio designado
  • Ter a Carta de Aprovação de Trabalho do SINP, uma autorização pré-aprovada para a contratação de trabalhadores estrangeiros, emitida para o empregador pela província


CLB mínimo 4 (alguns empregadores ou reguladores podem exigir mais), avaliado por 1 dos 5 testes de proficiência linguística nos últimos 2 anos:

Fundo de assentamento

Prova de fundos para sustentar você e os membros da sua família durante o período de adaptação após sua chegada, com base no limite de Corte de Baixa Renda e no tamanho da família:

Tamanho da famíliaFundos necessários (CAD)
Se mais de 7 pessoas, para cada membro adicional da família, adicione$3,958

Ocupações excluídas

Código NOCOcupação
00011Senior government managers and officials
00014Senior managers - trade, broadcasting and other services
10019Other administrative services managers
11100Financial auditors and accountants
11103Securities agents, investment dealers and brokers
12104Employment insurance and revenue officers
12201Insurance adjusters and claims examiners
12203Assessors, business valuators and appraisers
13200Customs, ship and other brokers
14103Court clerks and related court services occupations
21100Physicists and astronomers
21102Geoscientists and oceanographers
21103Meteorologists and climatologists
21109Other professional occupations in physical sciences
21111Forestry professionals
21201Landscape architects
21202Urban and land use planners
21332Petroleum engineers
21390Aerospace engineers
30010Managers in health care
31100Specialists in clinical and laboratory medicine
31101Specialists in surgery
31102General practitioners and family physicians
31112Audiologists and speech-language pathologists
31121Dietitians and nutritionists
31204Kinesiologists and other professional occupations in therapy and assessment
31209Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating
31300Nursing coordinators and supervisors
31301Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses
31302Nurse practitioners
31303Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals
31303Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals
32101Licensed practical nurses
32103Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists
32109Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment
32111Dental hygienists and dental therapists
32200Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and acupuncturists
32201Massage therapists
32209Other practitioners of natural healing
40010Government managers - health and social policy development and program administration
40011Government managers - economic analysis, policy development and program administration
40012Government managers - education policy development and program administration
40019Other managers in public administration
40021School principals and administrators of elementary and secondary education
40040Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services
40040Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services
40041Fire chiefs and senior firefighting officers
40042Commissioned officers of the Canadian Armed Forces
41101Lawyers and Quebec notaries
41201Post-secondary teaching and research assistants
41220Secondary school teachers
41221Elementary school and kindergarten teachers
41301Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies
41302Religious leaders
41310Police investigators and other investigative occupations
41310Police investigators and other investigative occupations
41311Probation and parole officers
41407Program officers unique to government
42100Police officers (except commissioned)
42100Police officers (except commissioned)
42102Specialized members of the Canadian Armed Forces
42200Paralegal and related occupations
42201Social and community service workers
42204Religion workers
43200Sheriffs and bailiffs
43201Correctional service officers
43202By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers
43203Border services, customs, and immigration officers
43204Operations Members of the Canadian Armed Forces
44200Primary combat members of the Canadian Armed Forces
50010Library, archive, museum and art gallery managers
50011Managers - publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts
50012Recreation, sports and fitness program and service directors
51101Conservators and curators
51111Authors and writers (except technical)
51112Technical writers
51114Translators, terminologists and interpreters
51120Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations
51121Conductors, composers and arrangers
51122Musicians and singers
52100Library and public archive technicians
52110Film and video camera operators
52111Graphic arts technicians
52112Broadcast technicians
52113Audio and video recording technicians
52114Announcers and other broadcasters
52119Other technical and coordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts
52120Graphic designers and illustrators
52121Interior designers and interior decorators
53100Registrars, restorers, interpreters and other occupations related to museum and art galleries
53111Motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and performing arts assistants and operators
53121Actors, comedians and circus performers
53121Actors, comedians and circus performers
53122Painters, sculptors and other visual artists
53123Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designers
53124Artisans and craftspessoas
53125Patternmakers - textile, leather and fur products
53202Sports officials and referees
54100Program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport and fitness
55109Other performers
62010Retail sales supervisors
62020Food service supervisors
62023Customer and information services supervisors
62201Funeral directors and embalmers
63100Insurance agents and brokers
63101Real estate agents and salespessoas
63210Hairstylists and barbers
63211Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations
63220Shoe repairers and shoemakers
64100Retail salespessoas and visual merchandisers
72022Supervisors, printing and related occupations
72102Sheet metal workers
72204Telecommunications line and cable installers and repairers
72205Telecommunications equipment installation and cable television service technicians
72302Gas fitters
72405Machine fitters
72406Elevator constructors and mechanics
72420Oil and solid fuel heating mechanics
72600Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors
72602Deck officers, water transport
72603Engineer officers, water transport
72604Railway traffic controllers and marine traffic regulators
73202Pest controllers and fumigators
73300Transport truck drivers
73301Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
73310Railway and yard locomotive engineers
73400Heavy equipment operators
73402Drillers and blasters - surface mining, quarrying and construction
80022Managers in aquaculture
83101Oil and gas well drillers, servicers, testers and related workers
83120Fishing masters and officers
83121Fishermen / women
92013Supervisors, plastic and rubber products manufacturing
92015Supervisors, textile, fabric, fur and leather products processing and manufacturing
92020Supervisors, motor vehicle assembling
92021Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturing
92021Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturing
92022Supervisors, furniture and fixtures manufacturing
92024Supervisors, other products manufacturing and assembly
92101Water and waste treatment plant operators

Negócios e ocupações excluídos

NOCOccupation Title
AllWorking for places of worship or religious organizations.
AllWorking for licensed recruiter or immigration consultant’s business
AllWorking for massage service operations
10022Advertising, marketing, and public relations managers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) work permit or valid Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
11202Professional occupations in advertising, marketing, and public relations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
12200Accounting technicians and bookkeepers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or valid PGWP working for a Saskatchewan Accounting firm only.
32200Chinese health practitioners/Acupuncturist unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice.
32201*Massage therapist, including those within massage service operations, unless the candidate is a Licensed Registered Massage Therapists (RMT) who is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or a valid PGWP.
32209Other practitioners of natural healing unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice.
33109Other assisting occupations in support of health services is no longer eligible for positions that support Chinese Health Practitioner, Acupuncturist or Naturopath.
41302Religious leaders
41402Business development officers and market researchers, analysts unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
42204Religious workers
63210Hairstylists and barbers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license.
63211Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license.
43200Sheriffs and bailiffs unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.
43201Correctional service officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.
43202By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.

Inadmissibilidade de Imigração

  • Ter um pedido ativo de refugiado
  • Incapacidade de fornecer os documentos necessários no momento da aplicação
  • Incapacidade de provar a intenção de viver e trabalhar em Saskatchewan
  • O candidato ou representante fez declarações falsas intencionalmente na aplicação de imigração

Requisitos básicos

  • O perfil do EOI atende ou excede 60/110 pontos
  • Os candidatos que trabalham na indústria de hospitalidade devem se candidatar ao programa específico criado para essa ocupação
  • Não estão na Lista de Ocupações Excluídas

Experiência de trabalho

  • Pelo menos 1 ano nos últimos 10 anos e relacionado à oferta de trabalho

Oferta de trabalho

  • Tempo integral permanente com um salário comparável na categoria TEER 0, 1, 2, 3 ou ocupações de ofícios designados
  • Possuir a Carta de Aprovação de Trabalho do SINP, uma autorização pré-aprovada para contratar trabalhadores estrangeiros, emitida ao empregador pela província


CLB mínimo 4 (alguns empregadores ou reguladores podem exigir mais), avaliado por 1 dos 5 testes de proficiência linguística nos últimos 2 anos:

Ocupações Excluídas

Código NOCOcupação
00011Senior government managers and officials
00014Senior managers - trade, broadcasting and other services
10019Other administrative services managers
11100Financial auditors and accountants
11103Securities agents, investment dealers and brokers
12104Employment insurance and revenue officers
12201Insurance adjusters and claims examiners
12203Assessors, business valuators and appraisers
13200Customs, ship and other brokers
14103Court clerks and related court services occupations
21100Physicists and astronomers
21102Geoscientists and oceanographers
21103Meteorologists and climatologists
21109Other professional occupations in physical sciences
21111Forestry professionals
21201Landscape architects
21202Urban and land use planners
21332Petroleum engineers
21390Aerospace engineers
30010Managers in health care
31100Specialists in clinical and laboratory medicine
31101Specialists in surgery
31102General practitioners and family physicians
31112Audiologists and speech-language pathologists
31121Dietitians and nutritionists
31204Kinesiologists and other professional occupations in therapy and assessment
31209Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating
31300Nursing coordinators and supervisors
31301Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses
31302Nurse practitioners
31303Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals
31303Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals
32101Licensed practical nurses
32103Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists
32109Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment
32111Dental hygienists and dental therapists
32200Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and acupuncturists
32201Massage therapists
32209Other practitioners of natural healing
40010Government managers - health and social policy development and program administration
40011Government managers - economic analysis, policy development and program administration
40012Government managers - education policy development and program administration
40019Other managers in public administration
40021School principals and administrators of elementary and secondary education
40040Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services
40040Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services
40041Fire chiefs and senior firefighting officers
40042Commissioned officers of the Canadian Armed Forces
41101Lawyers and Quebec notaries
41201Post-secondary teaching and research assistants
41220Secondary school teachers
41221Elementary school and kindergarten teachers
41301Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies
41302Religious leaders
41310Police investigators and other investigative occupations
41310Police investigators and other investigative occupations
41311Probation and parole officers
41407Program officers unique to government
42100Police officers (except commissioned)
42100Police officers (except commissioned)
42102Specialized members of the Canadian Armed Forces
42200Paralegal and related occupations
42201Social and community service workers
42204Religion workers
43200Sheriffs and bailiffs
43201Correctional service officers
43202By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers
43203Border services, customs, and immigration officers
43204Operations Members of the Canadian Armed Forces
44200Primary combat members of the Canadian Armed Forces
50010Library, archive, museum and art gallery managers
50011Managers - publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts
50012Recreation, sports and fitness program and service directors
51101Conservators and curators
51111Authors and writers (except technical)
51112Technical writers
51114Translators, terminologists and interpreters
51120Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations
51121Conductors, composers and arrangers
51122Musicians and singers
52100Library and public archive technicians
52110Film and video camera operators
52111Graphic arts technicians
52112Broadcast technicians
52113Audio and video recording technicians
52114Announcers and other broadcasters
52119Other technical and coordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts
52120Graphic designers and illustrators
52121Interior designers and interior decorators
53100Registrars, restorers, interpreters and other occupations related to museum and art galleries
53111Motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and performing arts assistants and operators
53121Actors, comedians and circus performers
53121Actors, comedians and circus performers
53122Painters, sculptors and other visual artists
53123Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designers
53124Artisans and craftspessoas
53125Patternmakers - textile, leather and fur products
53202Sports officials and referees
54100Program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport and fitness
55109Other performers
62010Retail sales supervisors
62020Food service supervisors
62023Customer and information services supervisors
62201Funeral directors and embalmers
63100Insurance agents and brokers
63101Real estate agents and salespessoas
63210Hairstylists and barbers
63211Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations
63220Shoe repairers and shoemakers
64100Retail salespessoas and visual merchandisers
72022Supervisors, printing and related occupations
72102Sheet metal workers
72204Telecommunications line and cable installers and repairers
72205Telecommunications equipment installation and cable television service technicians
72302Gas fitters
72405Machine fitters
72406Elevator constructors and mechanics
72420Oil and solid fuel heating mechanics
72600Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors
72602Deck officers, water transport
72603Engineer officers, water transport
72604Railway traffic controllers and marine traffic regulators
73202Pest controllers and fumigators
73300Transport truck drivers
73301Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
73310Railway and yard locomotive engineers
73400Heavy equipment operators
73402Drillers and blasters - surface mining, quarrying and construction
80022Managers in aquaculture
83101Oil and gas well drillers, servicers, testers and related workers
83120Fishing masters and officers
83121Fishermen / women
92013Supervisors, plastic and rubber products manufacturing
92015Supervisors, textile, fabric, fur and leather products processing and manufacturing
92020Supervisors, motor vehicle assembling
92021Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturing
92021Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturing
92022Supervisors, furniture and fixtures manufacturing
92024Supervisors, other products manufacturing and assembly
92101Water and waste treatment plant operators

Negócios e ocupações excluídas

NOCOccupation Title
AllWorking for places of worship or religious organizations.
AllWorking for licensed recruiter or immigration consultant’s business
AllWorking for massage service operations
10022Advertising, marketing, and public relations managers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) work permit or valid Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
11202Professional occupations in advertising, marketing, and public relations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
12200Accounting technicians and bookkeepers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or valid PGWP working for a Saskatchewan Accounting firm only.
32200Chinese health practitioners/Acupuncturist unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice.
32201*Massage therapist, including those within massage service operations, unless the candidate is a Licensed Registered Massage Therapists (RMT) who is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or a valid PGWP.
32209Other practitioners of natural healing unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice.
33109Other assisting occupations in support of health services is no longer eligible for positions that support Chinese Health Practitioner, Acupuncturist or Naturopath.
41302Religious leaders
41402Business development officers and market researchers, analysts unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
42204Religious workers
63210Hairstylists and barbers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license.
63211Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license.
43200Sheriffs and bailiffs unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.
43201Correctional service officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.
43202By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.

Inadmissibilidade de Imigração

  • Ter um pedido ativo de refugiado
  • Incapacidade de fornecer os documentos necessários no momento da aplicação
  • Incapacidade de provar a intenção de viver e trabalhar em Saskatchewan
  • O candidato ou representante fez declarações falsas intencionalmente na aplicação de imigração

Requisitos básicos

  • Candidato com experiência de trabalho no NOC 6513 - Servidor de Alimentos/Bebidas deve se inscrever no fluxo do Projeto do Setor de Hospitalidade
  • Os estudantes internacionais graduados que atualmente estão com permissão de trabalho pós-graduação devem se inscrever no fluxo de Estudante Internacional ou Oferta de Emprego
  • Não estão na Lista de Ocupações Excluídas

Experiência de trabalho

  • 6 meses de experiência de trabalho em Saskatchewan com uma permissão de trabalho válida na mesma ocupação com oferta de trabalho

Oferta de trabalho

  • Tempo integral permanente com um salário comparável na categoria TEER 0, 1, 2, 3 ou ocupações de ofícios designados
  • Possuir a Carta de Aprovação de Trabalho do SINP, uma autorização pré-aprovada para contratar trabalhadores estrangeiros, emitida ao empregador pela província


  • Se estiver trabalhando em uma ocupação regulamentada, deve possuir acreditação, licença para exercer e/ou associação ativa no órgão regulador


CLB mínimo 4 (alguns empregadores ou reguladores podem exigir mais), avaliado por 1 dos 5 testes de proficiência linguística nos últimos 2 anos:

Ocupações Excluídas

Código NOCOcupação
00011Senior government managers and officials
00014Senior managers - trade, broadcasting and other services
10019Other administrative services managers
11100Financial auditors and accountants
11103Securities agents, investment dealers and brokers
12104Employment insurance and revenue officers
12201Insurance adjusters and claims examiners
12203Assessors, business valuators and appraisers
13200Customs, ship and other brokers
14103Court clerks and related court services occupations
21100Physicists and astronomers
21102Geoscientists and oceanographers
21103Meteorologists and climatologists
21109Other professional occupations in physical sciences
21111Forestry professionals
21201Landscape architects
21202Urban and land use planners
21332Petroleum engineers
21390Aerospace engineers
30010Managers in health care
31100Specialists in clinical and laboratory medicine
31101Specialists in surgery
31102General practitioners and family physicians
31112Audiologists and speech-language pathologists
31121Dietitians and nutritionists
31204Kinesiologists and other professional occupations in therapy and assessment
31209Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating
31300Nursing coordinators and supervisors
31301Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses
31302Nurse practitioners
31303Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals
31303Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals
32101Licensed practical nurses
32103Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists
32109Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment
32111Dental hygienists and dental therapists
32200Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and acupuncturists
32201Massage therapists
32209Other practitioners of natural healing
40010Government managers - health and social policy development and program administration
40011Government managers - economic analysis, policy development and program administration
40012Government managers - education policy development and program administration
40019Other managers in public administration
40021School principals and administrators of elementary and secondary education
40040Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services
40040Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services
40041Fire chiefs and senior firefighting officers
40042Commissioned officers of the Canadian Armed Forces
41101Lawyers and Quebec notaries
41201Post-secondary teaching and research assistants
41220Secondary school teachers
41221Elementary school and kindergarten teachers
41301Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies
41302Religious leaders
41310Police investigators and other investigative occupations
41310Police investigators and other investigative occupations
41311Probation and parole officers
41407Program officers unique to government
42100Police officers (except commissioned)
42100Police officers (except commissioned)
42102Specialized members of the Canadian Armed Forces
42200Paralegal and related occupations
42201Social and community service workers
42204Religion workers
43200Sheriffs and bailiffs
43201Correctional service officers
43202By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers
43203Border services, customs, and immigration officers
43204Operations Members of the Canadian Armed Forces
44200Primary combat members of the Canadian Armed Forces
50010Library, archive, museum and art gallery managers
50011Managers - publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts
50012Recreation, sports and fitness program and service directors
51101Conservators and curators
51111Authors and writers (except technical)
51112Technical writers
51114Translators, terminologists and interpreters
51120Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations
51121Conductors, composers and arrangers
51122Musicians and singers
52100Library and public archive technicians
52110Film and video camera operators
52111Graphic arts technicians
52112Broadcast technicians
52113Audio and video recording technicians
52114Announcers and other broadcasters
52119Other technical and coordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts
52120Graphic designers and illustrators
52121Interior designers and interior decorators
53100Registrars, restorers, interpreters and other occupations related to museum and art galleries
53111Motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and performing arts assistants and operators
53121Actors, comedians and circus performers
53121Actors, comedians and circus performers
53122Painters, sculptors and other visual artists
53123Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designers
53124Artisans and craftspessoas
53125Patternmakers - textile, leather and fur products
53202Sports officials and referees
54100Program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport and fitness
55109Other performers
62010Retail sales supervisors
62020Food service supervisors
62023Customer and information services supervisors
62201Funeral directors and embalmers
63100Insurance agents and brokers
63101Real estate agents and salespessoas
63210Hairstylists and barbers
63211Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations
63220Shoe repairers and shoemakers
64100Retail salespessoas and visual merchandisers
72022Supervisors, printing and related occupations
72102Sheet metal workers
72204Telecommunications line and cable installers and repairers
72205Telecommunications equipment installation and cable television service technicians
72302Gas fitters
72405Machine fitters
72406Elevator constructors and mechanics
72420Oil and solid fuel heating mechanics
72600Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors
72602Deck officers, water transport
72603Engineer officers, water transport
72604Railway traffic controllers and marine traffic regulators
73202Pest controllers and fumigators
73300Transport truck drivers
73301Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
73310Railway and yard locomotive engineers
73400Heavy equipment operators
73402Drillers and blasters - surface mining, quarrying and construction
80022Managers in aquaculture
83101Oil and gas well drillers, servicers, testers and related workers
83120Fishing masters and officers
83121Fishermen / women
92013Supervisors, plastic and rubber products manufacturing
92015Supervisors, textile, fabric, fur and leather products processing and manufacturing
92020Supervisors, motor vehicle assembling
92021Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturing
92021Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturing
92022Supervisors, furniture and fixtures manufacturing
92024Supervisors, other products manufacturing and assembly
92101Water and waste treatment plant operators

Negócios e ocupações excluídas

NOCOccupation Title
AllWorking for places of worship or religious organizations.
AllWorking for licensed recruiter or immigration consultant’s business
AllWorking for massage service operations
10022Advertising, marketing, and public relations managers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) work permit or valid Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
11202Professional occupations in advertising, marketing, and public relations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
12200Accounting technicians and bookkeepers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or valid PGWP working for a Saskatchewan Accounting firm only.
32200Chinese health practitioners/Acupuncturist unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice.
32201*Massage therapist, including those within massage service operations, unless the candidate is a Licensed Registered Massage Therapists (RMT) who is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or a valid PGWP.
32209Other practitioners of natural healing unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice.
33109Other assisting occupations in support of health services is no longer eligible for positions that support Chinese Health Practitioner, Acupuncturist or Naturopath.
41302Religious leaders
41402Business development officers and market researchers, analysts unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
42204Religious workers
63210Hairstylists and barbers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license.
63211Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license.
43200Sheriffs and bailiffs unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.
43201Correctional service officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.
43202By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.


عدم الأهلية للهجرة

  • لديه طلب لجوء نشط
  • غير قادر على تقديم الوثائق المطلوبة في وقت تقديم الطلب
  • غير قادر على إثبات النية للعيش والعمل في ساسكاتشوان
  • قام المتقدم أو ممثله بتقديم معلومات خاطئة عن عمد في طلب الهجرة

المتطلبات الأساسية

  • عمل أو كان يعمل لمدة 6 أشهر في ساسكاتشوان
  • لا يكون في قائمة المهن المستبعدة

الخبرة العملية

  • 6 أشهر من الخبرة العملية مع نفس صاحب العمل وفي نفس المهنة مع عرض عمل، أو
  • 6 أشهر إذا كان قد عمل في ساسكاتشوان.
  • يعتمد على تصريح العمل الصادر بموجب برنامج العاملين الزراعيين الموسميين، برنامج الخبرة الدولية في كندا، أو برنامج العمال الأجانب المؤقتين

عرض العمل

  • عمل دائم بدوام كامل تحت NOC 885100 - عمال الماشية، NOC 85101 - عمال الحصاد، NOC 84120 - عمال الماشية المتخصصين ومشغلي آلات المزارع، NOC 85103 - عمال المشاتل والدفيئات الزراعية
  • لديه خطاب موافقة على العمل من برنامج SINP، وهو تفويض مسبق لتوظيف العمال الأجانب، يصدر لصاحب العمل من قبل المقاطعة



CLB 4 على الأقل (قد يتطلب بعض أصحاب العمل أو الجهات التنظيمية مستوى أعلى)، يتم تقييمه من خلال 1 من 5 اختبارات الكفاءة اللغوية خلال السنتين الأخيرتين:

المهن المستبعدة

Código NOCOcupação
00011Senior government managers and officials
00014Senior managers - trade, broadcasting and other services
10019Other administrative services managers
11100Financial auditors and accountants
11103Securities agents, investment dealers and brokers
12104Employment insurance and revenue officers
12201Insurance adjusters and claims examiners
12203Assessors, business valuators and appraisers
13200Customs, ship and other brokers
14103Court clerks and related court services occupations
21100Physicists and astronomers
21102Geoscientists and oceanographers
21103Meteorologists and climatologists
21109Other professional occupations in physical sciences
21111Forestry professionals
21201Landscape architects
21202Urban and land use planners
21332Petroleum engineers
21390Aerospace engineers
30010Managers in health care
31100Specialists in clinical and laboratory medicine
31101Specialists in surgery
31102General practitioners and family physicians
31112Audiologists and speech-language pathologists
31121Dietitians and nutritionists
31204Kinesiologists and other professional occupations in therapy and assessment
31209Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating
31300Nursing coordinators and supervisors
31301Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses
31302Nurse practitioners
31303Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals
31303Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals
32101Licensed practical nurses
32103Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists
32109Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment
32111Dental hygienists and dental therapists
32200Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and acupuncturists
32201Massage therapists
32209Other practitioners of natural healing
40010Government managers - health and social policy development and program administration
40011Government managers - economic analysis, policy development and program administration
40012Government managers - education policy development and program administration
40019Other managers in public administration
40021School principals and administrators of elementary and secondary education
40040Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services
40040Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services
40041Fire chiefs and senior firefighting officers
40042Commissioned officers of the Canadian Armed Forces
41101Lawyers and Quebec notaries
41201Post-secondary teaching and research assistants
41220Secondary school teachers
41221Elementary school and kindergarten teachers
41301Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies
41302Religious leaders
41310Police investigators and other investigative occupations
41310Police investigators and other investigative occupations
41311Probation and parole officers
41407Program officers unique to government
42100Police officers (except commissioned)
42100Police officers (except commissioned)
42102Specialized members of the Canadian Armed Forces
42200Paralegal and related occupations
42201Social and community service workers
42204Religion workers
43200Sheriffs and bailiffs
43201Correctional service officers
43202By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers
43203Border services, customs, and immigration officers
43204Operations Members of the Canadian Armed Forces
44200Primary combat members of the Canadian Armed Forces
50010Library, archive, museum and art gallery managers
50011Managers - publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts
50012Recreation, sports and fitness program and service directors
51101Conservators and curators
51111Authors and writers (except technical)
51112Technical writers
51114Translators, terminologists and interpreters
51120Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations
51121Conductors, composers and arrangers
51122Musicians and singers
52100Library and public archive technicians
52110Film and video camera operators
52111Graphic arts technicians
52112Broadcast technicians
52113Audio and video recording technicians
52114Announcers and other broadcasters
52119Other technical and coordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts
52120Graphic designers and illustrators
52121Interior designers and interior decorators
53100Registrars, restorers, interpreters and other occupations related to museum and art galleries
53111Motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and performing arts assistants and operators
53121Actors, comedians and circus performers
53121Actors, comedians and circus performers
53122Painters, sculptors and other visual artists
53123Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designers
53124Artisans and craftspessoas
53125Patternmakers - textile, leather and fur products
53202Sports officials and referees
54100Program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport and fitness
55109Other performers
62010Retail sales supervisors
62020Food service supervisors
62023Customer and information services supervisors
62201Funeral directors and embalmers
63100Insurance agents and brokers
63101Real estate agents and salespessoas
63210Hairstylists and barbers
63211Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations
63220Shoe repairers and shoemakers
64100Retail salespessoas and visual merchandisers
72022Supervisors, printing and related occupations
72102Sheet metal workers
72204Telecommunications line and cable installers and repairers
72205Telecommunications equipment installation and cable television service technicians
72302Gas fitters
72405Machine fitters
72406Elevator constructors and mechanics
72420Oil and solid fuel heating mechanics
72600Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors
72602Deck officers, water transport
72603Engineer officers, water transport
72604Railway traffic controllers and marine traffic regulators
73202Pest controllers and fumigators
73300Transport truck drivers
73301Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
73310Railway and yard locomotive engineers
73400Heavy equipment operators
73402Drillers and blasters - surface mining, quarrying and construction
80022Managers in aquaculture
83101Oil and gas well drillers, servicers, testers and related workers
83120Fishing masters and officers
83121Fishermen / women
92013Supervisors, plastic and rubber products manufacturing
92015Supervisors, textile, fabric, fur and leather products processing and manufacturing
92020Supervisors, motor vehicle assembling
92021Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturing
92021Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturing
92022Supervisors, furniture and fixtures manufacturing
92024Supervisors, other products manufacturing and assembly
92101Water and waste treatment plant operators

الأعمال والمهن المستبعدة

NOCOccupation Title
AllWorking for places of worship or religious organizations.
AllWorking for licensed recruiter or immigration consultant’s business
AllWorking for massage service operations
10022Advertising, marketing, and public relations managers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) work permit or valid Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
11202Professional occupations in advertising, marketing, and public relations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
12200Accounting technicians and bookkeepers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or valid PGWP working for a Saskatchewan Accounting firm only.
32200Chinese health practitioners/Acupuncturist unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice.
32201*Massage therapist, including those within massage service operations, unless the candidate is a Licensed Registered Massage Therapists (RMT) who is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or a valid PGWP.
32209Other practitioners of natural healing unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice.
33109Other assisting occupations in support of health services is no longer eligible for positions that support Chinese Health Practitioner, Acupuncturist or Naturopath.
41302Religious leaders
41402Business development officers and market researchers, analysts unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
42204Religious workers
63210Hairstylists and barbers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license.
63211Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license.
43200Sheriffs and bailiffs unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.
43201Correctional service officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.
43202By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.

Ineligibilidade de imigração

  • Ter um pedido ativo de refugiado
  • Incapacidade de fornecer os documentos necessários no momento da solicitação
  • Incapacidade de provar a intenção de viver e trabalhar em Saskatchewan
  • O candidato ou representante fez uma declaração falsa intencionalmente na solicitação de imigração

Requisitos básicos

  • Ter trabalhado ou estar trabalhando com uma permissão de trabalho LMIA emitida para uma empresa de transporte aprovada em Saskatchewan
  • Possuir ou poder obter a Classe 1A de Saskatchewan
  • Não estar na Lista de Ocupações Excluídas

Experiência de trabalho

  • Ter trabalhado por 6 meses com uma permissão de trabalho LMIA para a mesma empresa de transporte aprovada pela província de Saskatchewan, ou
  • 6 meses se tiver trabalhado em Saskatchewan.

Oferta de emprego

  • Emprego permanente em tempo integral com uma empresa de transporte aprovada pela província
  • Ter a Carta de Aprovação de Emprego do SINP, uma autorização pré-aprovada para a contratação de trabalhadores estrangeiros, emitida para o empregador pela província


Mínimo CLB 4 (alguns empregadores ou reguladores podem exigir mais), avaliado por um dos 5 testes de proficiência linguística nos últimos 2 anos:

Ocupações Excluídas

Código NOCOcupação
00011Senior government managers and officials
00014Senior managers - trade, broadcasting and other services
10019Other administrative services managers
11100Financial auditors and accountants
11103Securities agents, investment dealers and brokers
12104Employment insurance and revenue officers
12201Insurance adjusters and claims examiners
12203Assessors, business valuators and appraisers
13200Customs, ship and other brokers
14103Court clerks and related court services occupations
21100Physicists and astronomers
21102Geoscientists and oceanographers
21103Meteorologists and climatologists
21109Other professional occupations in physical sciences
21111Forestry professionals
21201Landscape architects
21202Urban and land use planners
21332Petroleum engineers
21390Aerospace engineers
30010Managers in health care
31100Specialists in clinical and laboratory medicine
31101Specialists in surgery
31102General practitioners and family physicians
31112Audiologists and speech-language pathologists
31121Dietitians and nutritionists
31204Kinesiologists and other professional occupations in therapy and assessment
31209Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating
31300Nursing coordinators and supervisors
31301Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses
31302Nurse practitioners
31303Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals
31303Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals
32101Licensed practical nurses
32103Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists
32109Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment
32111Dental hygienists and dental therapists
32200Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and acupuncturists
32201Massage therapists
32209Other practitioners of natural healing
40010Government managers - health and social policy development and program administration
40011Government managers - economic analysis, policy development and program administration
40012Government managers - education policy development and program administration
40019Other managers in public administration
40021School principals and administrators of elementary and secondary education
40040Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services
40040Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services
40041Fire chiefs and senior firefighting officers
40042Commissioned officers of the Canadian Armed Forces
41101Lawyers and Quebec notaries
41201Post-secondary teaching and research assistants
41220Secondary school teachers
41221Elementary school and kindergarten teachers
41301Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies
41302Religious leaders
41310Police investigators and other investigative occupations
41310Police investigators and other investigative occupations
41311Probation and parole officers
41407Program officers unique to government
42100Police officers (except commissioned)
42100Police officers (except commissioned)
42102Specialized members of the Canadian Armed Forces
42200Paralegal and related occupations
42201Social and community service workers
42204Religion workers
43200Sheriffs and bailiffs
43201Correctional service officers
43202By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers
43203Border services, customs, and immigration officers
43204Operations Members of the Canadian Armed Forces
44200Primary combat members of the Canadian Armed Forces
50010Library, archive, museum and art gallery managers
50011Managers - publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts
50012Recreation, sports and fitness program and service directors
51101Conservators and curators
51111Authors and writers (except technical)
51112Technical writers
51114Translators, terminologists and interpreters
51120Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations
51121Conductors, composers and arrangers
51122Musicians and singers
52100Library and public archive technicians
52110Film and video camera operators
52111Graphic arts technicians
52112Broadcast technicians
52113Audio and video recording technicians
52114Announcers and other broadcasters
52119Other technical and coordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts
52120Graphic designers and illustrators
52121Interior designers and interior decorators
53100Registrars, restorers, interpreters and other occupations related to museum and art galleries
53111Motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and performing arts assistants and operators
53121Actors, comedians and circus performers
53121Actors, comedians and circus performers
53122Painters, sculptors and other visual artists
53123Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designers
53124Artisans and craftspessoas
53125Patternmakers - textile, leather and fur products
53202Sports officials and referees
54100Program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport and fitness
55109Other performers
62010Retail sales supervisors
62020Food service supervisors
62023Customer and information services supervisors
62201Funeral directors and embalmers
63100Insurance agents and brokers
63101Real estate agents and salespessoas
63210Hairstylists and barbers
63211Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations
63220Shoe repairers and shoemakers
64100Retail salespessoas and visual merchandisers
72022Supervisors, printing and related occupations
72102Sheet metal workers
72204Telecommunications line and cable installers and repairers
72205Telecommunications equipment installation and cable television service technicians
72302Gas fitters
72405Machine fitters
72406Elevator constructors and mechanics
72420Oil and solid fuel heating mechanics
72600Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors
72602Deck officers, water transport
72603Engineer officers, water transport
72604Railway traffic controllers and marine traffic regulators
73202Pest controllers and fumigators
73300Transport truck drivers
73301Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
73310Railway and yard locomotive engineers
73400Heavy equipment operators
73402Drillers and blasters - surface mining, quarrying and construction
80022Managers in aquaculture
83101Oil and gas well drillers, servicers, testers and related workers
83120Fishing masters and officers
83121Fishermen / women
92013Supervisors, plastic and rubber products manufacturing
92015Supervisors, textile, fabric, fur and leather products processing and manufacturing
92020Supervisors, motor vehicle assembling
92021Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturing
92021Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturing
92022Supervisors, furniture and fixtures manufacturing
92024Supervisors, other products manufacturing and assembly
92101Water and waste treatment plant operators

Negócios e ocupações excluídas

NOCOccupation Title
AllWorking for places of worship or religious organizations.
AllWorking for licensed recruiter or immigration consultant’s business
AllWorking for massage service operations
10022Advertising, marketing, and public relations managers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) work permit or valid Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
11202Professional occupations in advertising, marketing, and public relations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
12200Accounting technicians and bookkeepers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or valid PGWP working for a Saskatchewan Accounting firm only.
32200Chinese health practitioners/Acupuncturist unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice.
32201*Massage therapist, including those within massage service operations, unless the candidate is a Licensed Registered Massage Therapists (RMT) who is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or a valid PGWP.
32209Other practitioners of natural healing unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice.
33109Other assisting occupations in support of health services is no longer eligible for positions that support Chinese Health Practitioner, Acupuncturist or Naturopath.
41302Religious leaders
41402Business development officers and market researchers, analysts unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
42204Religious workers
63210Hairstylists and barbers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license.
63211Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license.
43200Sheriffs and bailiffs unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.
43201Correctional service officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.
43202By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.

Ineligibilidade de imigração

  • Ter um pedido ativo de refugiado
  • Incapacidade de fornecer os documentos necessários no momento da solicitação
  • Incapacidade de provar a intenção de viver e trabalhar em Saskatchewan
  • O candidato ou representante fez uma declaração falsa intencionada na solicitação de imigração

Requisitos básicos

  • Ter trabalhado em Saskatchewan com um visto de trabalho LMIA emitido para uma das 3 ocupações de hospitalidade, ou
  • Ter trabalhado em Saskatchewan sob NOC 6513 Servidor de alimentos/bebidas
  • Não estar na Lista de Ocupações Excluídas

Experiência de trabalho

  • 6 meses de trabalho com um empregador aprovado pelo SINP em hospitalidade, e
  • Em uma das 3 ocupações:
    ▪ Servidor de alimentos/bebidas (NOC 65200), ou
    ▪ Atendente de Balcão de Alimentos/Ajudante de Cozinha (NOC 65201), ou
    ▪ Pessoal de Limpeza/Limpeza (NOC 65310).

Oferta de emprego

  • Tempo integral permanente sob uma das 3 ocupações de hospitalidade com um empregador aprovado pelo SINP em Saskatchewan
  • Ter a Carta de Aprovação de Emprego do SINP, uma autorização pré-aprovada para a contratação de trabalhadores estrangeiros, emitida para o empregador pela província



CLB 4 mínimo (alguns empregadores ou reguladores podem exigir um nível mais alto), avaliado por um dos 5 testes de proficiência linguística nos últimos 2 anos:

Ocupações Excluídas

Código NOCOcupação
00011Senior government managers and officials
00014Senior managers - trade, broadcasting and other services
10019Other administrative services managers
11100Financial auditors and accountants
11103Securities agents, investment dealers and brokers
12104Employment insurance and revenue officers
12201Insurance adjusters and claims examiners
12203Assessors, business valuators and appraisers
13200Customs, ship and other brokers
14103Court clerks and related court services occupations
21100Physicists and astronomers
21102Geoscientists and oceanographers
21103Meteorologists and climatologists
21109Other professional occupations in physical sciences
21111Forestry professionals
21201Landscape architects
21202Urban and land use planners
21332Petroleum engineers
21390Aerospace engineers
30010Managers in health care
31100Specialists in clinical and laboratory medicine
31101Specialists in surgery
31102General practitioners and family physicians
31112Audiologists and speech-language pathologists
31121Dietitians and nutritionists
31204Kinesiologists and other professional occupations in therapy and assessment
31209Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating
31300Nursing coordinators and supervisors
31301Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses
31302Nurse practitioners
31303Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals
31303Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals
32101Licensed practical nurses
32103Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists
32109Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment
32111Dental hygienists and dental therapists
32200Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and acupuncturists
32201Massage therapists
32209Other practitioners of natural healing
40010Government managers - health and social policy development and program administration
40011Government managers - economic analysis, policy development and program administration
40012Government managers - education policy development and program administration
40019Other managers in public administration
40021School principals and administrators of elementary and secondary education
40040Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services
40040Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services
40041Fire chiefs and senior firefighting officers
40042Commissioned officers of the Canadian Armed Forces
41101Lawyers and Quebec notaries
41201Post-secondary teaching and research assistants
41220Secondary school teachers
41221Elementary school and kindergarten teachers
41301Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies
41302Religious leaders
41310Police investigators and other investigative occupations
41310Police investigators and other investigative occupations
41311Probation and parole officers
41407Program officers unique to government
42100Police officers (except commissioned)
42100Police officers (except commissioned)
42102Specialized members of the Canadian Armed Forces
42200Paralegal and related occupations
42201Social and community service workers
42204Religion workers
43200Sheriffs and bailiffs
43201Correctional service officers
43202By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers
43203Border services, customs, and immigration officers
43204Operations Members of the Canadian Armed Forces
44200Primary combat members of the Canadian Armed Forces
50010Library, archive, museum and art gallery managers
50011Managers - publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts
50012Recreation, sports and fitness program and service directors
51101Conservators and curators
51111Authors and writers (except technical)
51112Technical writers
51114Translators, terminologists and interpreters
51120Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations
51121Conductors, composers and arrangers
51122Musicians and singers
52100Library and public archive technicians
52110Film and video camera operators
52111Graphic arts technicians
52112Broadcast technicians
52113Audio and video recording technicians
52114Announcers and other broadcasters
52119Other technical and coordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts
52120Graphic designers and illustrators
52121Interior designers and interior decorators
53100Registrars, restorers, interpreters and other occupations related to museum and art galleries
53111Motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and performing arts assistants and operators
53121Actors, comedians and circus performers
53121Actors, comedians and circus performers
53122Painters, sculptors and other visual artists
53123Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designers
53124Artisans and craftspessoas
53125Patternmakers - textile, leather and fur products
53202Sports officials and referees
54100Program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport and fitness
55109Other performers
62010Retail sales supervisors
62020Food service supervisors
62023Customer and information services supervisors
62201Funeral directors and embalmers
63100Insurance agents and brokers
63101Real estate agents and salespessoas
63210Hairstylists and barbers
63211Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations
63220Shoe repairers and shoemakers
64100Retail salespessoas and visual merchandisers
72022Supervisors, printing and related occupations
72102Sheet metal workers
72204Telecommunications line and cable installers and repairers
72205Telecommunications equipment installation and cable television service technicians
72302Gas fitters
72405Machine fitters
72406Elevator constructors and mechanics
72420Oil and solid fuel heating mechanics
72600Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors
72602Deck officers, water transport
72603Engineer officers, water transport
72604Railway traffic controllers and marine traffic regulators
73202Pest controllers and fumigators
73300Transport truck drivers
73301Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
73310Railway and yard locomotive engineers
73400Heavy equipment operators
73402Drillers and blasters - surface mining, quarrying and construction
80022Managers in aquaculture
83101Oil and gas well drillers, servicers, testers and related workers
83120Fishing masters and officers
83121Fishermen / women
92013Supervisors, plastic and rubber products manufacturing
92015Supervisors, textile, fabric, fur and leather products processing and manufacturing
92020Supervisors, motor vehicle assembling
92021Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturing
92021Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturing
92022Supervisors, furniture and fixtures manufacturing
92024Supervisors, other products manufacturing and assembly
92101Water and waste treatment plant operators

Negócios e ocupações excluídas

NOCOccupation Title
AllWorking for places of worship or religious organizations.
AllWorking for licensed recruiter or immigration consultant’s business
AllWorking for massage service operations
10022Advertising, marketing, and public relations managers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) work permit or valid Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
11202Professional occupations in advertising, marketing, and public relations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
12200Accounting technicians and bookkeepers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or valid PGWP working for a Saskatchewan Accounting firm only.
32200Chinese health practitioners/Acupuncturist unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice.
32201*Massage therapist, including those within massage service operations, unless the candidate is a Licensed Registered Massage Therapists (RMT) who is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or a valid PGWP.
32209Other practitioners of natural healing unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice.
33109Other assisting occupations in support of health services is no longer eligible for positions that support Chinese Health Practitioner, Acupuncturist or Naturopath.
41302Religious leaders
41402Business development officers and market researchers, analysts unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
42204Religious workers
63210Hairstylists and barbers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license.
63211Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license.
43200Sheriffs and bailiffs unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.
43201Correctional service officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.
43202By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.

Ineligibilidade de imigração

  • Ter um pedido ativo de refugiado
  • Incapacidade de fornecer os documentos necessários no momento da solicitação
  • Incapacidade de provar a intenção de viver e trabalhar em Saskatchewan
  • O candidato ou representante fez uma declaração falsa intencionada na solicitação de imigração

Experiência de trabalho

  • Ter trabalhado por 6 meses em Saskatchewan em profissões de saúde

Oferta de emprego

  • Tempo integral permanente com autoridade de saúde pública em Saskatchewan


  • Ter acreditação, licença para praticar e/ou associação ativa no órgão regulador, se necessário


Mínimo CLB 4 (alguns empregadores ou reguladores podem exigir um nível mais alto), avaliado por um dos 5 testes de proficiência linguística nos últimos 2 anos:

Profissões de saúde

Código NOCOcupação
12111Health Information Management Practitioner
21120Public and environmental health and safety professionals
22232Occupational health and safety specialists
31301Registered Nurse and Registered Psychiatric Nurse
31302Nurse Practitioner
32103Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists
31303Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals
31112Audiologist and Speech Language Pathologist
32109Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment
31203Occupational Therapist
32120Medical laboratory technologists
32121Medical radiation technologists
32122Medical sonographers
32123Cardiology Technologist and Electrophysiological Diagnostic Technologist
32124Pharmacy Technician
32129Other medical technologists and technicians
33103Pharmacy technical assistants and pharmacy assistants
32212Dental technologists and technicians
33100Dental assistants and dental laboratory assistants
32101Licensed practical nurses
32102Paramedical occupations
33109Other assisting occupations in support of health services
33102Nurse aides, orderlies and patient associates
41301Therapists in counselling and related to specialized therapies

Ineligibilidade de imigração

  • Ter um pedido ativo de refugiado
  • Incapacidade de fornecer os documentos necessários no momento da solicitação
  • Incapacidade de provar a intenção de viver e trabalhar em Saskatchewan
  • O candidato ou representante fez uma declaração falsa intencionada na solicitação de imigração

Experiência de trabalho

  • Ao menos 1 ano nos últimos 3 anos e relacionado à oferta de emprego, ou
  • 6 meses de experiência de trabalho em tempo integral se atualmente trabalhando em Saskatchewan

Oferta de emprego

  • Tempo integral permanente com um salário comparável em ocupações designadas em Saskatchewan
  • Ter a Carta de Aprovação de Trabalho do SINP, uma autorização pré-aprovada para a contratação de trabalhadores estrangeiros, emitida para o empregador pela província



CLB 4 mínimo (alguns empregadores ou reguladores podem exigir um nível mais alto), avaliado por um dos 5 testes de proficiência linguística nos últimos 2 anos:

Ocupações designadas

Código NOCOcupação
14400Shippers and receivers
14401Storekeepers and partspessoas
32109Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment
33102Nurse aides, orderlies and patient associates
33103Pharmacy technical assistants and pharmacy assistants
33109Other assisting occupations in support of health services
44101Home support workers, caregivers and related occupations*
64314Hotel front desk clerks
65102Store shelf stockers, clerks and order fillers
65200Food and beverage servers
65201Food counter attendants, kitchen helpers and related support occupations
65310Light duty cleaners
65312Janitors, caretakers and heavy-duty cleaners
73201General building maintenance workers and building superintendents
73300Transport truck drivers
73400Heavy Equipment operators (except crane)
75101Material handlers
75110Construction trades helpers and labourers
84120Specialized livestock workers and farm machinery operators
85100Livestock labourers
85101Harvesting labourers
85111Oil and gas drilling, servicing and related labourers
94105Metalworking and forging machine operators
94106Machining tool operators
94120Sawmill machine operators
94140Process control and machine operators, food, beverage and associated processing
94141Industrial butchers and meat cutters, poultry preparers and related workers
94204Mechanical assemblers and inspectors
94213Industrial painters, coaters and Metal finishing process operators
95101Labourers in Metal fabrication
95106Labourers in food, beverage and associated Products processing
95109Other labourers in processing, manufacturing and utilities

Negócios e ocupações excluídas

NOCOccupation Title
AllWorking for places of worship or religious organizations.
AllWorking for licensed recruiter or immigration consultant’s business
AllWorking for massage service operations
10022Advertising, marketing, and public relations managers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) work permit or valid Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
11202Professional occupations in advertising, marketing, and public relations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
12200Accounting technicians and bookkeepers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or valid PGWP working for a Saskatchewan Accounting firm only.
32200Chinese health practitioners/Acupuncturist unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice.
32201*Massage therapist, including those within massage service operations, unless the candidate is a Licensed Registered Massage Therapists (RMT) who is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or a valid PGWP.
32209Other practitioners of natural healing unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice.
33109Other assisting occupations in support of health services is no longer eligible for positions that support Chinese Health Practitioner, Acupuncturist or Naturopath.
41302Religious leaders
41402Business development officers and market researchers, analysts unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
42204Religious workers
63210Hairstylists and barbers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license.
63211Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license.
43200Sheriffs and bailiffs unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.
43201Correctional service officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.
43202By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.

Inadmissibilidade para imigração

  • Ter um pedido ativo de refúgio
  • Incapaz de fornecer os documentos exigidos no momento da aplicação
  • Incapaz de provar a intenção de viver e trabalhar em Saskatchewan
  • O requerente ou representante fez uma declaração falsa intencionalmente no pedido de imigração


Experiência de trabalho

  • Atualmente trabalhando em Saskatchewan por pelo menos 6 meses (780 horas), em tempo integral (30+ horas por semana) com o mesmo empregador da oferta de emprego
  • Experiência de trabalho consecutiva não é necessária.
  • Candidato fora de Saskatchewan ou não trabalhando atualmente: 1 ano de experiência nas ocupações de tecnologia e inovação nos últimos 5 anos
  • Ocupações de tecnologia e inovação elegíveis:
NOC Títulos das Ocupações
20012 Gerentes de sistemas de computação e informações
21310 Engenheiros Elétricos e Eletrônicos
21311 Engenheiros de computação (exceto engenheiros e designers de software)
21211 Cientista de Dados
21220 Especialistas em Cibersegurança
21221 Especialista em Sistemas de Negócios
21222 Especialista em Sistemas de Informação
21233 Designer Web
21223 Analistas de banco de dados e administradores de dados
21231 Engenheiros e designers de software
21230 Desenvolvedores e programadores de sistemas de computador
21232 Desenvolvedores e programadores de software
21234 Desenvolvedores e programadores web
21233 Designers web
22220 Técnicos de rede de computadores e web
22221 Técnicos de suporte ao usuário
22222 Técnicos de teste de sistemas de informação

Oferta de emprego

  • Permanente, em tempo integral nas ocupações de tecnologia e inovação com o empregador atual
  • Possuir a Carta de Aprovação de Emprego do SINP, uma autorização pré-aprovada para contratação de trabalhadores estrangeiros, emitida ao empregador pela província


CLB mínimo 5 ou requisitos de idioma especificados pelo empregador, avaliados por 1 dos 5 testes de proficiência linguística nos últimos 2 anos:

Negócios e ocupações excluídas

NOCOccupation Title
AllWorking for places of worship or religious organizations.
AllWorking for licensed recruiter or immigration consultant’s business
AllWorking for massage service operations
10022Advertising, marketing, and public relations managers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) work permit or valid Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
11202Professional occupations in advertising, marketing, and public relations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
12200Accounting technicians and bookkeepers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or valid PGWP working for a Saskatchewan Accounting firm only.
32200Chinese health practitioners/Acupuncturist unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice.
32201*Massage therapist, including those within massage service operations, unless the candidate is a Licensed Registered Massage Therapists (RMT) who is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or a valid PGWP.
32209Other practitioners of natural healing unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice.
33109Other assisting occupations in support of health services is no longer eligible for positions that support Chinese Health Practitioner, Acupuncturist or Naturopath.
41302Religious leaders
41402Business development officers and market researchers, analysts unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
42204Religious workers
63210Hairstylists and barbers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license.
63211Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license.
43200Sheriffs and bailiffs unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.
43201Correctional service officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.
43202By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.