이 웹사이트에 제공된 모든 정보는 참고용이며 법적 조언이 아닙니다. 우리는 이 정보를 사용하여 발생한 어떠한 손실이나 피해에 대해서도 책임지지 않습니다. 이용약관을 읽어보세요.

기술 이민


최소 요구 사항

졸업한 국제 학생들, 반숙련 및 숙련 노동자를 위한 인기 있는 이민 프로그램

국제 학생

캐나다에서 졸업한 국제 학생으로, 전공과 관련된 잡 오퍼가 있는 경우

캐나다에서 1년 이상의 고등 교육 과정을 졸업한 경우
취업 제안
TEER 카테고리 0, 1, 2 또는 3의 우선 직업군에서, 전공과 관련된 직업으로 보통 고등 교육이 필요한 경우
6개월 SK에서 공부하는 동안의 근무 경험 포함
SK 외에서 공부하는 경우 졸업 후 취업 허가증으로 6개월 근무 경험
취업 허가
졸업 후 발급된 경우, 여전히 유효하거나 SK 외에서 졸업한 경우 진행 중인 경우
TEER 카테고리 4 또는 5의 경우 CLB 4
수요 직업

우선 직업군에서 근무 경험이 있는 캐나다 외부 후보자

캐나다 1년 이상의 고등 교육과 동등한 경우
근무 경험
TEER 카테고리 0, 1, 2, 3의 고숙련 직업군에서 지난 10년 이내에 1년의 근무 경험, 전공 및 잡 오퍼와 관련된 경우
EOI 프로필
60 / 110 점 이상 획득
정착 자금
도착 후 적응 기간 동안 자신을 지원할 수 있을 만큼 충분한 금액
정착 계획
정착, 생활 및 도착 후 근무 계획을 개요로 작성
고용 제안

캐나다 외부 후보자가 근무 경험과 현지 고용주의 잡 오퍼를 가지고 있는 경우

근무 경험
지난 10년 이내에 1년 근무 경험, 잡 오퍼와 관련된 경우
취업 제안
TEER 카테고리 0, 1, 2, 3 또는 지정된 직업에서 영구 풀타임
EOI 프로필
60 / 110 점 이상 획득
취업 허가 숙련 노동자

유효한 취업 허가증과 현지 고용주의 잡 오퍼를 가진 후보자

근무 경험
동일 고용주와 유효한 취업 허가증으로 6개월 근무 경험
취업 제안
TEER 카테고리 0, 1, 2, 3 또는 지정된 직업에서 영구 풀타임 및 현재 직업과 동일한 직책
농업 인재 새로운

해당 주의 농업 부문에서 경험이 있거나 이전에 일한 적이 있음

근무 경험
지난 3년 중 1년 또는 동일한 고용주와 6개월 근무
취업 제안
농업 부문의 정규직
캐나다 고등학교에 해당
근로 허가증
계절 농업 노동자, 국제 경험 또는 임시 외국인 노동자 프로그램에 따라 발급되었습니다.
보건 인재 새로운

해당 주의 보건 부문에서 경험이 있거나 이전에 일한 적이 있음

근무 경험
지난 5년 중 1년, 또는 동일한 고용주와 6개월 근무
취업 제안
보건 부문의 정규직
2년제 고등 교육 프로그램에 해당
실습 면허
서스캐처원에서 면허를 취득할 수 있음
기술 인재

기술 또는 혁신 부문에서 일하고 있거나 경험이 있으며, 일자리 제안을 받은 후보자

캐나다 학사 학위에 상응하는
취업 제안
기술 또는 혁신 분야에서 상근직
근무 경험
현재 직위에서 최소 6개월 동안 정규직으로 근무 중이거나 지난 5년 동안 1년의 경력이 있는 경우
SK 외부: 지난 5년 동안 1년의 경력
CLB 5 또는 고용주가 지정한 언어 요구 사항
실습 면허
서스캐처원에서 면허를 취득할 수 있음

최소 요건 충족이 초청 보장을 의미하지는 않습니다. 신청 절차를 참조하십시오.
후보자는 여러 프로그램에 적합할 수 있습니다.

신청 절차

신청서 준비 및 검토 과정의 타임라인
신청자와 주정부 및 연방 정부 간의 협력

프로필 제출
단계 1

OASIS에서 관심 표현 프로필을 만드십시오. 프로필은 제공된 정보에 따라 점수가 매겨지고 순위가 매겨집니다.프로필은 12개월 동안 유효합니다

주 초대
단계 2

할당된 쿼터에 따라, 풀에서 가장 높은 관심 표현(EIO) 점수를 받은 후보자들은 지명 신청서를 제출하도록 초대받습니다.
신청서를 60일 이내에 제출하십시오

지명 결정
단계 3

신청서 승인, 신청자는 영주권 신청을 지원하기 위한 지명 증명서를 받고 이는 최대 6개월 동안 유효합니다.
주정부 검토 기간은 37주

신청서 제출
단계 4

지명 조건을 유지하고, PR 신청서에 지명 증명서를 첨부한 후 IRCC에 제출합니다.IRCC가 15 - 19개월 동안 검토

PR 상태 받기
단계 5

신청서가 승인되면, 신청자는 도착하거나 IRCC 포털에서 확인 후 영주권자 상태를 받게 됩니다.확인은 12개월 이내에 유효합니다

노동 허가가 180일 이내에 만료되며 IRCC에 PR 신청서를 제출하고 지명 조건을 유지하는 신청자는 노동 허가를 갱신하기 위해 주정부로부터 노동 허가 지원서를 받을 자격이 있을 수 있습니다.

성공 요인

결정을 좌우하는 중요한 요소

배경 요소
정착 자금
캐나다 근무 경험
근무 경험
입국 자격
고용주 지원
캐나다 내 직업
캐나다 내 현장 연구
고용주 지원서
커뮤니티 추천서
취업 제안
거주 지역
주정부 추천
유학 허가
근로 허가증
캐나다 내 교육
현재 고용 상태
점수 요소
교육 및 훈련
근무 경험

* 적응력에는 일반적으로 주와의 관계(교육, 주에 있는 친척, 업무 경험)가 포함되지만 이에 국한되지 않습니다.
* 수치는 발표 목적을 위해 반올림될 수 있으며, 가장 정확한 정보는 연방 또는 주 정부 웹사이트를 참조하십시오.


영주권자가 되었을 때 신청자와 동반 가족이 받을 수 있는 혜택

가족 친화적
가족 친화적

이민 신청서에는 신청자의 배우자와 자녀가 포함됩니다

일과 학업
일과 학업

취업 허가 갱신 지원 서신으로 합법적으로 계속 일할 수 있습니다


캐나다와 동일한 수준의 고품질 현대 공공 의료 서비스 이용 가능


교육 수준에 따라 어린이를 위한 무료 또는 낮은 수업료


캐나다와 동일한 수준의 사회 혜택 이용 가능


영주권 상태로 어디에서나 생활하고 일할 수 있습니다


조건을 충족하면 친척을 후원할 수 있는 능력


거주 조건이 충족되면 시민권을 얻을 수 있는 능력

특정 요구 사항

신청자가 유의해야 할 중요한 요구 사항

이민 자격 없음

  • 난민 신청서가 활성화되어 있음
  • 신청 시 필요한 서류를 제출할 수 없음
  • 서스캐처원에서 생활하고 일할 의도를 증명할 수 없음
  • 신청자 또는 대리인이 이민 신청에서 의도적으로 허위 진술을 함
  • 학업 프로그램을 완료하지 못함

기본 요구 사항

  • 유효한 졸업 후 취업 허가증을 소지하고 있음
  • 제외 직업 목록에 포함되지 않음


  • 서스캐처원에 있는 지정된 고등 교육 기관에서 학위, 디플로마 또는 자격증을 취득했거나,
  • 캐나다에 있는 지정된 기관에서 1년 (8개월의 두 학기) 고등 교육 프로그램의 학위, 디플로마 또는 자격증을 취득했음

근무 경험

  • 서스캐처원에서 6개월의 근무 경험
  • 서스캐처원에서 공부하는 유학생의 경우, 학업 허가증 또는 졸업 후 취업 허가증으로 학업 기간 동안 축적된 경험 포함
  • 서스캐처원 외부에서 공부하는 유학생의 경우, 졸업 후 취업 허가증으로 축적된 경험만 포함

취업 제안

  • 서스캐처원에서 승인된 고용주로부터 TEER 카테고리 0, 1, 2, 3 또는 지정된 직업의 영구 풀타임 직업 제안
  • 학업 분야와 관련됨
  • 고등 교육이 필요함
  • 고용주가 주정부로부터 외국인 노동자 고용을 위한 사전 승인 권한을 받았음을 증명하는 SINP 직업 승인 서신을 보유


지난 2년 이내에 5개의 언어 능력 테스트 중 1개로 평가된 최소 CLB 4 (일부 고용주 또는 규제 기관에서 더 높은 점수를 요구할 수 있음):

제외 직업

NOC 코드직업
00011Senior government managers and officials
00014Senior managers - trade, broadcasting and other services
10019Other administrative services managers
11100Financial auditors and accountants
11103Securities agents, investment dealers and brokers
12104Employment insurance and revenue officers
12201Insurance adjusters and claims examiners
12203Assessors, business valuators and appraisers
13200Customs, ship and other brokers
14103Court clerks and related court services occupations
21100Physicists and astronomers
21102Geoscientists and oceanographers
21103Meteorologists and climatologists
21109Other professional occupations in physical sciences
21111Forestry professionals
21201Landscape architects
21202Urban and land use planners
21332Petroleum engineers
21390Aerospace engineers
30010Managers in health care
31100Specialists in clinical and laboratory medicine
31101Specialists in surgery
31102General practitioners and family physicians
31112Audiologists and speech-language pathologists
31121Dietitians and nutritionists
31204Kinesiologists and other professional occupations in therapy and assessment
31209Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating
31300Nursing coordinators and supervisors
31301Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses
31302Nurse practitioners
31303Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals
31303Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals
32101Licensed practical nurses
32103Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists
32109Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment
32111Dental hygienists and dental therapists
32200Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and acupuncturists
32201Massage therapists
32209Other practitioners of natural healing
40010Government managers - health and social policy development and program administration
40011Government managers - economic analysis, policy development and program administration
40012Government managers - education policy development and program administration
40019Other managers in public administration
40021School principals and administrators of elementary and secondary education
40040Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services
40040Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services
40041Fire chiefs and senior firefighting officers
40042Commissioned officers of the Canadian Armed Forces
41101Lawyers and Quebec notaries
41201Post-secondary teaching and research assistants
41220Secondary school teachers
41221Elementary school and kindergarten teachers
41301Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies
41302Religious leaders
41310Police investigators and other investigative occupations
41310Police investigators and other investigative occupations
41311Probation and parole officers
41407Program officers unique to government
42100Police officers (except commissioned)
42100Police officers (except commissioned)
42102Specialized members of the Canadian Armed Forces
42200Paralegal and related occupations
42201Social and community service workers
42204Religion workers
43200Sheriffs and bailiffs
43201Correctional service officers
43202By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers
43203Border services, customs, and immigration officers
43204Operations Members of the Canadian Armed Forces
44200Primary combat members of the Canadian Armed Forces
50010Library, archive, museum and art gallery managers
50011Managers - publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts
50012Recreation, sports and fitness program and service directors
51101Conservators and curators
51111Authors and writers (except technical)
51112Technical writers
51114Translators, terminologists and interpreters
51120Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations
51121Conductors, composers and arrangers
51122Musicians and singers
52100Library and public archive technicians
52110Film and video camera operators
52111Graphic arts technicians
52112Broadcast technicians
52113Audio and video recording technicians
52114Announcers and other broadcasters
52119Other technical and coordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts
52120Graphic designers and illustrators
52121Interior designers and interior decorators
53100Registrars, restorers, interpreters and other occupations related to museum and art galleries
53111Motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and performing arts assistants and operators
53121Actors, comedians and circus performers
53121Actors, comedians and circus performers
53122Painters, sculptors and other visual artists
53123Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designers
53124Artisans and crafts사람들
53125Patternmakers - textile, leather and fur products
53202Sports officials and referees
54100Program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport and fitness
55109Other performers
62010Retail sales supervisors
62020Food service supervisors
62023Customer and information services supervisors
62201Funeral directors and embalmers
63100Insurance agents and brokers
63101Real estate agents and sales사람들
63210Hairstylists and barbers
63211Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations
63220Shoe repairers and shoemakers
64100Retail sales사람들 and visual merchandisers
72022Supervisors, printing and related occupations
72102Sheet metal workers
72204Telecommunications line and cable installers and repairers
72205Telecommunications equipment installation and cable television service technicians
72302Gas fitters
72405Machine fitters
72406Elevator constructors and mechanics
72420Oil and solid fuel heating mechanics
72600Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors
72602Deck officers, water transport
72603Engineer officers, water transport
72604Railway traffic controllers and marine traffic regulators
73202Pest controllers and fumigators
73300Transport truck drivers
73301Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
73310Railway and yard locomotive engineers
73400Heavy equipment operators
73402Drillers and blasters - surface mining, quarrying and construction
80022Managers in aquaculture
83101Oil and gas well drillers, servicers, testers and related workers
83120Fishing masters and officers
83121Fishermen / women
92013Supervisors, plastic and rubber products manufacturing
92015Supervisors, textile, fabric, fur and leather products processing and manufacturing
92020Supervisors, motor vehicle assembling
92021Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturing
92021Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturing
92022Supervisors, furniture and fixtures manufacturing
92024Supervisors, other products manufacturing and assembly
92101Water and waste treatment plant operators

제외된 사업 및 직업

NOCOccupation Title
AllWorking for places of worship or religious organizations.
AllWorking for licensed recruiter or immigration consultant’s business
AllWorking for massage service operations
10022Advertising, marketing, and public relations managers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) work permit or valid Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
11202Professional occupations in advertising, marketing, and public relations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
12200Accounting technicians and bookkeepers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or valid PGWP working for a Saskatchewan Accounting firm only.
32200Chinese health practitioners/Acupuncturist unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice.
32201*Massage therapist, including those within massage service operations, unless the candidate is a Licensed Registered Massage Therapists (RMT) who is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or a valid PGWP.
32209Other practitioners of natural healing unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice.
33109Other assisting occupations in support of health services is no longer eligible for positions that support Chinese Health Practitioner, Acupuncturist or Naturopath.
41302Religious leaders
41402Business development officers and market researchers, analysts unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
42204Religious workers
63210Hairstylists and barbers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license.
63211Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license.
43200Sheriffs and bailiffs unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.
43201Correctional service officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.
43202By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.

이민 자격 없음

  • 난민 신청서가 활성화되어 있음
  • 신청 시 필요한 서류를 제출할 수 없음
  • 서스캐처원에서 생활하고 일할 의도를 증명할 수 없음
  • 신청자 또는 대리인이 이민 신청에서 의도적으로 허위 진술을 함

기본 요구 사항

  • 캐나다 외부에 거주하거나 캐나다에 법적 신분이 있음
  • EOI 프로필이 60/110점 이상
  • 환대 산업 또는 의료 전문가로 일하는 후보자는 해당 직업에 대한 특정 프로그램에 지원해야 함
  • 제외 직업 목록에 포함되지 않음


  • 취업 제안 또는 고용주가 정의한 기타 교육과 관련된 고등 교육 및/또는 훈련
  • 해외 학위는 학력 인증 평가를 받아야 함
  • 필요한 경우, 인증, 실습 면허 및/또는 규제 기관의 활동적인 회원 자격을 보유

근무 경험

  • TEER 카테고리 0, 1, 2, 3의 우선 직업에서 지난 10년 이내에 최소 1년
  • 제외 직업 목록에 포함되지 않음
  • 학업 분야 및 주요 직업과 관련 있음

취업 제안

  • TEER 카테고리 0, 1, 2, 3 또는 지정된 직업의 비교 가능한 급여와 함께 영구 풀타임 직업
  • 고용주가 주정부로부터 외국인 노동자 고용을 위한 사전 승인 권한을 받았음을 증명하는 SINP 직업 승인 서신을 보유


지난 2년 이내에 5개의 언어 능력 테스트 중 1개로 평가된 최소 CLB 4 (일부 고용주 또는 규제 기관에서 더 높은 점수를 요구할 수 있음):

정착 자금

저소득 기준 한도와 가족 규모에 따라 도착 후 적응 기간 동안 자신과 가족을 지원하기 위한 자금 증명:

가족 규모필요 자금 (CAD)
If more than 7 사람, for each additional family member$3,958

제외 직업

NOC 코드직업
00011Senior government managers and officials
00014Senior managers - trade, broadcasting and other services
10019Other administrative services managers
11100Financial auditors and accountants
11103Securities agents, investment dealers and brokers
12104Employment insurance and revenue officers
12201Insurance adjusters and claims examiners
12203Assessors, business valuators and appraisers
13200Customs, ship and other brokers
14103Court clerks and related court services occupations
21100Physicists and astronomers
21102Geoscientists and oceanographers
21103Meteorologists and climatologists
21109Other professional occupations in physical sciences
21111Forestry professionals
21201Landscape architects
21202Urban and land use planners
21332Petroleum engineers
21390Aerospace engineers
30010Managers in health care
31100Specialists in clinical and laboratory medicine
31101Specialists in surgery
31102General practitioners and family physicians
31112Audiologists and speech-language pathologists
31121Dietitians and nutritionists
31204Kinesiologists and other professional occupations in therapy and assessment
31209Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating
31300Nursing coordinators and supervisors
31301Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses
31302Nurse practitioners
31303Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals
31303Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals
32101Licensed practical nurses
32103Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists
32109Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment
32111Dental hygienists and dental therapists
32200Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and acupuncturists
32201Massage therapists
32209Other practitioners of natural healing
40010Government managers - health and social policy development and program administration
40011Government managers - economic analysis, policy development and program administration
40012Government managers - education policy development and program administration
40019Other managers in public administration
40021School principals and administrators of elementary and secondary education
40040Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services
40040Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services
40041Fire chiefs and senior firefighting officers
40042Commissioned officers of the Canadian Armed Forces
41101Lawyers and Quebec notaries
41201Post-secondary teaching and research assistants
41220Secondary school teachers
41221Elementary school and kindergarten teachers
41301Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies
41302Religious leaders
41310Police investigators and other investigative occupations
41310Police investigators and other investigative occupations
41311Probation and parole officers
41407Program officers unique to government
42100Police officers (except commissioned)
42100Police officers (except commissioned)
42102Specialized members of the Canadian Armed Forces
42200Paralegal and related occupations
42201Social and community service workers
42204Religion workers
43200Sheriffs and bailiffs
43201Correctional service officers
43202By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers
43203Border services, customs, and immigration officers
43204Operations Members of the Canadian Armed Forces
44200Primary combat members of the Canadian Armed Forces
50010Library, archive, museum and art gallery managers
50011Managers - publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts
50012Recreation, sports and fitness program and service directors
51101Conservators and curators
51111Authors and writers (except technical)
51112Technical writers
51114Translators, terminologists and interpreters
51120Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations
51121Conductors, composers and arrangers
51122Musicians and singers
52100Library and public archive technicians
52110Film and video camera operators
52111Graphic arts technicians
52112Broadcast technicians
52113Audio and video recording technicians
52114Announcers and other broadcasters
52119Other technical and coordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts
52120Graphic designers and illustrators
52121Interior designers and interior decorators
53100Registrars, restorers, interpreters and other occupations related to museum and art galleries
53111Motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and performing arts assistants and operators
53121Actors, comedians and circus performers
53121Actors, comedians and circus performers
53122Painters, sculptors and other visual artists
53123Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designers
53124Artisans and crafts사람들
53125Patternmakers - textile, leather and fur products
53202Sports officials and referees
54100Program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport and fitness
55109Other performers
62010Retail sales supervisors
62020Food service supervisors
62023Customer and information services supervisors
62201Funeral directors and embalmers
63100Insurance agents and brokers
63101Real estate agents and sales사람들
63210Hairstylists and barbers
63211Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations
63220Shoe repairers and shoemakers
64100Retail sales사람들 and visual merchandisers
72022Supervisors, printing and related occupations
72102Sheet metal workers
72204Telecommunications line and cable installers and repairers
72205Telecommunications equipment installation and cable television service technicians
72302Gas fitters
72405Machine fitters
72406Elevator constructors and mechanics
72420Oil and solid fuel heating mechanics
72600Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors
72602Deck officers, water transport
72603Engineer officers, water transport
72604Railway traffic controllers and marine traffic regulators
73202Pest controllers and fumigators
73300Transport truck drivers
73301Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
73310Railway and yard locomotive engineers
73400Heavy equipment operators
73402Drillers and blasters - surface mining, quarrying and construction
80022Managers in aquaculture
83101Oil and gas well drillers, servicers, testers and related workers
83120Fishing masters and officers
83121Fishermen / women
92013Supervisors, plastic and rubber products manufacturing
92015Supervisors, textile, fabric, fur and leather products processing and manufacturing
92020Supervisors, motor vehicle assembling
92021Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturing
92021Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturing
92022Supervisors, furniture and fixtures manufacturing
92024Supervisors, other products manufacturing and assembly
92101Water and waste treatment plant operators

제외된 사업 및 직업

NOCOccupation Title
AllWorking for places of worship or religious organizations.
AllWorking for licensed recruiter or immigration consultant’s business
AllWorking for massage service operations
10022Advertising, marketing, and public relations managers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) work permit or valid Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
11202Professional occupations in advertising, marketing, and public relations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
12200Accounting technicians and bookkeepers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or valid PGWP working for a Saskatchewan Accounting firm only.
32200Chinese health practitioners/Acupuncturist unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice.
32201*Massage therapist, including those within massage service operations, unless the candidate is a Licensed Registered Massage Therapists (RMT) who is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or a valid PGWP.
32209Other practitioners of natural healing unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice.
33109Other assisting occupations in support of health services is no longer eligible for positions that support Chinese Health Practitioner, Acupuncturist or Naturopath.
41302Religious leaders
41402Business development officers and market researchers, analysts unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
42204Religious workers
63210Hairstylists and barbers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license.
63211Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license.
43200Sheriffs and bailiffs unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.
43201Correctional service officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.
43202By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.

이민 자격 없음

  • 난민 신청이 활성화되어 있음
  • 신청 시 필요한 서류를 제공할 수 없음
  • 서스캐처원에서 거주하고 일할 의도를 증명할 수 없음
  • 신청자 또는 대리인이 이민 신청서에서 의도적으로 허위 진술을 한 경우

기본 요구 사항

  • EOI 프로필이 60/110점을 충족하거나 초과함
  • 환대 산업에서 일하는 후보자는 해당 직업을 위해 설계된 특정 프로그램에 신청해야 함
  • 제외된 직업 목록에 포함되지 않음


  • 지난 10년 이내에 최소 1년 이상의 경력이 있어야 하며, 직업 제안과 관련이 있어야 함

직업 제안

  • TEER 카테고리 0, 1, 2, 3 또는 지정된 직업에서 유사한 임금으로 영구 풀타임이어야 함
  • 고용주가 주에서 발행한 외국인 노동자 고용에 대한 사전 승인 허가서인 SINP 직업 승인서를 보유하고 있어야 함


최소 CLB 4(일부 고용주 또는 규제 기관은 더 높은 점수를 요구할 수 있음), 최근 2년 이내에 5개의 언어 능력 테스트 중 1개로 평가됨:

제외된 직업

NOC 코드직업
00011Senior government managers and officials
00014Senior managers - trade, broadcasting and other services
10019Other administrative services managers
11100Financial auditors and accountants
11103Securities agents, investment dealers and brokers
12104Employment insurance and revenue officers
12201Insurance adjusters and claims examiners
12203Assessors, business valuators and appraisers
13200Customs, ship and other brokers
14103Court clerks and related court services occupations
21100Physicists and astronomers
21102Geoscientists and oceanographers
21103Meteorologists and climatologists
21109Other professional occupations in physical sciences
21111Forestry professionals
21201Landscape architects
21202Urban and land use planners
21332Petroleum engineers
21390Aerospace engineers
30010Managers in health care
31100Specialists in clinical and laboratory medicine
31101Specialists in surgery
31102General practitioners and family physicians
31112Audiologists and speech-language pathologists
31121Dietitians and nutritionists
31204Kinesiologists and other professional occupations in therapy and assessment
31209Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating
31300Nursing coordinators and supervisors
31301Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses
31302Nurse practitioners
31303Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals
31303Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals
32101Licensed practical nurses
32103Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists
32109Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment
32111Dental hygienists and dental therapists
32200Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and acupuncturists
32201Massage therapists
32209Other practitioners of natural healing
40010Government managers - health and social policy development and program administration
40011Government managers - economic analysis, policy development and program administration
40012Government managers - education policy development and program administration
40019Other managers in public administration
40021School principals and administrators of elementary and secondary education
40040Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services
40040Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services
40041Fire chiefs and senior firefighting officers
40042Commissioned officers of the Canadian Armed Forces
41101Lawyers and Quebec notaries
41201Post-secondary teaching and research assistants
41220Secondary school teachers
41221Elementary school and kindergarten teachers
41301Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies
41302Religious leaders
41310Police investigators and other investigative occupations
41310Police investigators and other investigative occupations
41311Probation and parole officers
41407Program officers unique to government
42100Police officers (except commissioned)
42100Police officers (except commissioned)
42102Specialized members of the Canadian Armed Forces
42200Paralegal and related occupations
42201Social and community service workers
42204Religion workers
43200Sheriffs and bailiffs
43201Correctional service officers
43202By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers
43203Border services, customs, and immigration officers
43204Operations Members of the Canadian Armed Forces
44200Primary combat members of the Canadian Armed Forces
50010Library, archive, museum and art gallery managers
50011Managers - publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts
50012Recreation, sports and fitness program and service directors
51101Conservators and curators
51111Authors and writers (except technical)
51112Technical writers
51114Translators, terminologists and interpreters
51120Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations
51121Conductors, composers and arrangers
51122Musicians and singers
52100Library and public archive technicians
52110Film and video camera operators
52111Graphic arts technicians
52112Broadcast technicians
52113Audio and video recording technicians
52114Announcers and other broadcasters
52119Other technical and coordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts
52120Graphic designers and illustrators
52121Interior designers and interior decorators
53100Registrars, restorers, interpreters and other occupations related to museum and art galleries
53111Motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and performing arts assistants and operators
53121Actors, comedians and circus performers
53121Actors, comedians and circus performers
53122Painters, sculptors and other visual artists
53123Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designers
53124Artisans and crafts사람들
53125Patternmakers - textile, leather and fur products
53202Sports officials and referees
54100Program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport and fitness
55109Other performers
62010Retail sales supervisors
62020Food service supervisors
62023Customer and information services supervisors
62201Funeral directors and embalmers
63100Insurance agents and brokers
63101Real estate agents and sales사람들
63210Hairstylists and barbers
63211Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations
63220Shoe repairers and shoemakers
64100Retail sales사람들 and visual merchandisers
72022Supervisors, printing and related occupations
72102Sheet metal workers
72204Telecommunications line and cable installers and repairers
72205Telecommunications equipment installation and cable television service technicians
72302Gas fitters
72405Machine fitters
72406Elevator constructors and mechanics
72420Oil and solid fuel heating mechanics
72600Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors
72602Deck officers, water transport
72603Engineer officers, water transport
72604Railway traffic controllers and marine traffic regulators
73202Pest controllers and fumigators
73300Transport truck drivers
73301Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
73310Railway and yard locomotive engineers
73400Heavy equipment operators
73402Drillers and blasters - surface mining, quarrying and construction
80022Managers in aquaculture
83101Oil and gas well drillers, servicers, testers and related workers
83120Fishing masters and officers
83121Fishermen / women
92013Supervisors, plastic and rubber products manufacturing
92015Supervisors, textile, fabric, fur and leather products processing and manufacturing
92020Supervisors, motor vehicle assembling
92021Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturing
92021Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturing
92022Supervisors, furniture and fixtures manufacturing
92024Supervisors, other products manufacturing and assembly
92101Water and waste treatment plant operators

제외된 비즈니스 및 직업

NOCOccupation Title
AllWorking for places of worship or religious organizations.
AllWorking for licensed recruiter or immigration consultant’s business
AllWorking for massage service operations
10022Advertising, marketing, and public relations managers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) work permit or valid Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
11202Professional occupations in advertising, marketing, and public relations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
12200Accounting technicians and bookkeepers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or valid PGWP working for a Saskatchewan Accounting firm only.
32200Chinese health practitioners/Acupuncturist unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice.
32201*Massage therapist, including those within massage service operations, unless the candidate is a Licensed Registered Massage Therapists (RMT) who is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or a valid PGWP.
32209Other practitioners of natural healing unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice.
33109Other assisting occupations in support of health services is no longer eligible for positions that support Chinese Health Practitioner, Acupuncturist or Naturopath.
41302Religious leaders
41402Business development officers and market researchers, analysts unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
42204Religious workers
63210Hairstylists and barbers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license.
63211Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license.
43200Sheriffs and bailiffs unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.
43201Correctional service officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.
43202By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.

이민 자격 없음

  • 난민 신청이 활성화되어 있음
  • 신청 시 필요한 서류를 제공할 수 없음
  • 서스캐처원에서 거주하고 일할 의도를 증명할 수 없음
  • 신청자 또는 대리인이 이민 신청서에서 의도적으로 허위 진술을 한 경우

기본 요구 사항

  • 식음료 서버, 경량 청소원 및 음식점 종업원의 경력을 가진 후보자는 환대 부문 프로젝트 스트림에 지원해야 합니다.
  • 현재 졸업 후 취업 허가를 소지한 국제 학생들은 국제 학생 또는 고용 제안 스트림에 신청해야 함
  • 제외된 직업 목록에 포함되지 않음


  • 동일한 직업으로 유효한 취업 허가로 서스캐처원에서 6개월의 경력이 있어야 함

직업 제안

  • TEER 카테고리 0, 1, 2, 3 또는 지정된 직업에서 유사한 임금으로 영구 풀타임이어야 함
  • 고용주가 주에서 발행한 외국인 노동자 고용에 대한 사전 승인 허가서인 SINP 직업 승인서를 보유하고 있어야 함


  • 규제된 직업에서 일하는 경우, 자격 증명서, 면허 또는 규제 기관의 적극적인 회원 자격을 보유해야 함


최소 CLB 4(일부 고용주 또는 규제 기관은 더 높은 점수를 요구할 수 있음), 최근 2년 이내에 5개의 언어 능력 테스트 중 1개로 평가됨:

제외된 직업

NOC 코드직업
00011Senior government managers and officials
00014Senior managers - trade, broadcasting and other services
10019Other administrative services managers
11100Financial auditors and accountants
11103Securities agents, investment dealers and brokers
12104Employment insurance and revenue officers
12201Insurance adjusters and claims examiners
12203Assessors, business valuators and appraisers
13200Customs, ship and other brokers
14103Court clerks and related court services occupations
21100Physicists and astronomers
21102Geoscientists and oceanographers
21103Meteorologists and climatologists
21109Other professional occupations in physical sciences
21111Forestry professionals
21201Landscape architects
21202Urban and land use planners
21332Petroleum engineers
21390Aerospace engineers
30010Managers in health care
31100Specialists in clinical and laboratory medicine
31101Specialists in surgery
31102General practitioners and family physicians
31112Audiologists and speech-language pathologists
31121Dietitians and nutritionists
31204Kinesiologists and other professional occupations in therapy and assessment
31209Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating
31300Nursing coordinators and supervisors
31301Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses
31302Nurse practitioners
31303Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals
31303Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals
32101Licensed practical nurses
32103Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists
32109Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment
32111Dental hygienists and dental therapists
32200Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and acupuncturists
32201Massage therapists
32209Other practitioners of natural healing
40010Government managers - health and social policy development and program administration
40011Government managers - economic analysis, policy development and program administration
40012Government managers - education policy development and program administration
40019Other managers in public administration
40021School principals and administrators of elementary and secondary education
40040Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services
40040Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services
40041Fire chiefs and senior firefighting officers
40042Commissioned officers of the Canadian Armed Forces
41101Lawyers and Quebec notaries
41201Post-secondary teaching and research assistants
41220Secondary school teachers
41221Elementary school and kindergarten teachers
41301Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies
41302Religious leaders
41310Police investigators and other investigative occupations
41310Police investigators and other investigative occupations
41311Probation and parole officers
41407Program officers unique to government
42100Police officers (except commissioned)
42100Police officers (except commissioned)
42102Specialized members of the Canadian Armed Forces
42200Paralegal and related occupations
42201Social and community service workers
42204Religion workers
43200Sheriffs and bailiffs
43201Correctional service officers
43202By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers
43203Border services, customs, and immigration officers
43204Operations Members of the Canadian Armed Forces
44200Primary combat members of the Canadian Armed Forces
50010Library, archive, museum and art gallery managers
50011Managers - publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts
50012Recreation, sports and fitness program and service directors
51101Conservators and curators
51111Authors and writers (except technical)
51112Technical writers
51114Translators, terminologists and interpreters
51120Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations
51121Conductors, composers and arrangers
51122Musicians and singers
52100Library and public archive technicians
52110Film and video camera operators
52111Graphic arts technicians
52112Broadcast technicians
52113Audio and video recording technicians
52114Announcers and other broadcasters
52119Other technical and coordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts
52120Graphic designers and illustrators
52121Interior designers and interior decorators
53100Registrars, restorers, interpreters and other occupations related to museum and art galleries
53111Motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and performing arts assistants and operators
53121Actors, comedians and circus performers
53121Actors, comedians and circus performers
53122Painters, sculptors and other visual artists
53123Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designers
53124Artisans and crafts사람들
53125Patternmakers - textile, leather and fur products
53202Sports officials and referees
54100Program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport and fitness
55109Other performers
62010Retail sales supervisors
62020Food service supervisors
62023Customer and information services supervisors
62201Funeral directors and embalmers
63100Insurance agents and brokers
63101Real estate agents and sales사람들
63210Hairstylists and barbers
63211Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations
63220Shoe repairers and shoemakers
64100Retail sales사람들 and visual merchandisers
72022Supervisors, printing and related occupations
72102Sheet metal workers
72204Telecommunications line and cable installers and repairers
72205Telecommunications equipment installation and cable television service technicians
72302Gas fitters
72405Machine fitters
72406Elevator constructors and mechanics
72420Oil and solid fuel heating mechanics
72600Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors
72602Deck officers, water transport
72603Engineer officers, water transport
72604Railway traffic controllers and marine traffic regulators
73202Pest controllers and fumigators
73300Transport truck drivers
73301Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
73310Railway and yard locomotive engineers
73400Heavy equipment operators
73402Drillers and blasters - surface mining, quarrying and construction
80022Managers in aquaculture
83101Oil and gas well drillers, servicers, testers and related workers
83120Fishing masters and officers
83121Fishermen / women
92013Supervisors, plastic and rubber products manufacturing
92015Supervisors, textile, fabric, fur and leather products processing and manufacturing
92020Supervisors, motor vehicle assembling
92021Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturing
92021Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturing
92022Supervisors, furniture and fixtures manufacturing
92024Supervisors, other products manufacturing and assembly
92101Water and waste treatment plant operators

제외된 비즈니스 및 직업

NOCOccupation Title
AllWorking for places of worship or religious organizations.
AllWorking for licensed recruiter or immigration consultant’s business
AllWorking for massage service operations
10022Advertising, marketing, and public relations managers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) work permit or valid Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
11202Professional occupations in advertising, marketing, and public relations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
12200Accounting technicians and bookkeepers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or valid PGWP working for a Saskatchewan Accounting firm only.
32200Chinese health practitioners/Acupuncturist unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice.
32201*Massage therapist, including those within massage service operations, unless the candidate is a Licensed Registered Massage Therapists (RMT) who is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or a valid PGWP.
32209Other practitioners of natural healing unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice.
33109Other assisting occupations in support of health services is no longer eligible for positions that support Chinese Health Practitioner, Acupuncturist or Naturopath.
41302Religious leaders
41402Business development officers and market researchers, analysts unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
42204Religious workers
63210Hairstylists and barbers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license.
63211Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license.
43200Sheriffs and bailiffs unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.
43201Correctional service officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.
43202By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.

이민 자격 미달

  • 난민 신청이 진행 중
  • 신청 시 필요한 서류를 제출할 수 없음
  • 사스카츄완에서 살고 일할 의도를 입증할 수 없음
  • 신청자 또는 대리인이 이민 신청에서 고의적으로 허위 정보를 제공함


  • 지난 3년 동안 1년, 또는
  • 사스카츄완에서 동일한 고용주와 6개월 근무

일자리 제안

  • 적격 농업 직종에서의 정규직
  • SINP 직업 승인서를 보유함, 주에서 발행한 외국인 근로자 채용을 위한 사전 승인 권한


  • 캐나다 고등학교 졸업에 해당하는 자격
  • 외국 학력 증명서는 학력 평가를 받아야 함


최소 CLB 4 (일부 고용주나 규제 기관은 더 높은 등급을 요구할 수 있음), 최근 2년 이내에 5개의 언어 능력 시험 중 1개로 평가:

적격 직종

75101Material handlers*
84120Specialized livestock workers and farm machinery operators
85100Livestock labourers
85101Harvesting labourers
85103Nursery and greenhouse labourers
94140Process control and machine operators, food and beverage processing*
94141Industrial butchers and meat cutters, poultry preparers and related workers*
94143Testers and graders, food and beverage processing*
94204Mechanical assemblers and inspectors*
95106Labourers in food and beverage processing*
* The employer should be classified under NAICS 11 - Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting.

제외된 직종

NOC 코드직업
00011Senior government managers and officials
00014Senior managers - trade, broadcasting and other services
10019Other administrative services managers
11100Financial auditors and accountants
11103Securities agents, investment dealers and brokers
12104Employment insurance and revenue officers
12201Insurance adjusters and claims examiners
12203Assessors, business valuators and appraisers
13200Customs, ship and other brokers
14103Court clerks and related court services occupations
21100Physicists and astronomers
21102Geoscientists and oceanographers
21103Meteorologists and climatologists
21109Other professional occupations in physical sciences
21111Forestry professionals
21201Landscape architects
21202Urban and land use planners
21332Petroleum engineers
21390Aerospace engineers
30010Managers in health care
31100Specialists in clinical and laboratory medicine
31101Specialists in surgery
31102General practitioners and family physicians
31112Audiologists and speech-language pathologists
31121Dietitians and nutritionists
31204Kinesiologists and other professional occupations in therapy and assessment
31209Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating
31300Nursing coordinators and supervisors
31301Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses
31302Nurse practitioners
31303Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals
31303Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals
32101Licensed practical nurses
32103Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists
32109Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment
32111Dental hygienists and dental therapists
32200Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and acupuncturists
32201Massage therapists
32209Other practitioners of natural healing
40010Government managers - health and social policy development and program administration
40011Government managers - economic analysis, policy development and program administration
40012Government managers - education policy development and program administration
40019Other managers in public administration
40021School principals and administrators of elementary and secondary education
40040Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services
40040Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services
40041Fire chiefs and senior firefighting officers
40042Commissioned officers of the Canadian Armed Forces
41101Lawyers and Quebec notaries
41201Post-secondary teaching and research assistants
41220Secondary school teachers
41221Elementary school and kindergarten teachers
41301Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies
41302Religious leaders
41310Police investigators and other investigative occupations
41310Police investigators and other investigative occupations
41311Probation and parole officers
41407Program officers unique to government
42100Police officers (except commissioned)
42100Police officers (except commissioned)
42102Specialized members of the Canadian Armed Forces
42200Paralegal and related occupations
42201Social and community service workers
42204Religion workers
43200Sheriffs and bailiffs
43201Correctional service officers
43202By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers
43203Border services, customs, and immigration officers
43204Operations Members of the Canadian Armed Forces
44200Primary combat members of the Canadian Armed Forces
50010Library, archive, museum and art gallery managers
50011Managers - publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts
50012Recreation, sports and fitness program and service directors
51101Conservators and curators
51111Authors and writers (except technical)
51112Technical writers
51114Translators, terminologists and interpreters
51120Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations
51121Conductors, composers and arrangers
51122Musicians and singers
52100Library and public archive technicians
52110Film and video camera operators
52111Graphic arts technicians
52112Broadcast technicians
52113Audio and video recording technicians
52114Announcers and other broadcasters
52119Other technical and coordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts
52120Graphic designers and illustrators
52121Interior designers and interior decorators
53100Registrars, restorers, interpreters and other occupations related to museum and art galleries
53111Motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and performing arts assistants and operators
53121Actors, comedians and circus performers
53121Actors, comedians and circus performers
53122Painters, sculptors and other visual artists
53123Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designers
53124Artisans and crafts사람들
53125Patternmakers - textile, leather and fur products
53202Sports officials and referees
54100Program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport and fitness
55109Other performers
62010Retail sales supervisors
62020Food service supervisors
62023Customer and information services supervisors
62201Funeral directors and embalmers
63100Insurance agents and brokers
63101Real estate agents and sales사람들
63210Hairstylists and barbers
63211Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations
63220Shoe repairers and shoemakers
64100Retail sales사람들 and visual merchandisers
72022Supervisors, printing and related occupations
72102Sheet metal workers
72204Telecommunications line and cable installers and repairers
72205Telecommunications equipment installation and cable television service technicians
72302Gas fitters
72405Machine fitters
72406Elevator constructors and mechanics
72420Oil and solid fuel heating mechanics
72600Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors
72602Deck officers, water transport
72603Engineer officers, water transport
72604Railway traffic controllers and marine traffic regulators
73202Pest controllers and fumigators
73300Transport truck drivers
73301Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
73310Railway and yard locomotive engineers
73400Heavy equipment operators
73402Drillers and blasters - surface mining, quarrying and construction
80022Managers in aquaculture
83101Oil and gas well drillers, servicers, testers and related workers
83120Fishing masters and officers
83121Fishermen / women
92013Supervisors, plastic and rubber products manufacturing
92015Supervisors, textile, fabric, fur and leather products processing and manufacturing
92020Supervisors, motor vehicle assembling
92021Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturing
92021Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturing
92022Supervisors, furniture and fixtures manufacturing
92024Supervisors, other products manufacturing and assembly
92101Water and waste treatment plant operators

제외된 사업체 및 직종

NOCOccupation Title
AllWorking for places of worship or religious organizations.
AllWorking for licensed recruiter or immigration consultant’s business
AllWorking for massage service operations
10022Advertising, marketing, and public relations managers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) work permit or valid Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
11202Professional occupations in advertising, marketing, and public relations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
12200Accounting technicians and bookkeepers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or valid PGWP working for a Saskatchewan Accounting firm only.
32200Chinese health practitioners/Acupuncturist unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice.
32201*Massage therapist, including those within massage service operations, unless the candidate is a Licensed Registered Massage Therapists (RMT) who is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or a valid PGWP.
32209Other practitioners of natural healing unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice.
33109Other assisting occupations in support of health services is no longer eligible for positions that support Chinese Health Practitioner, Acupuncturist or Naturopath.
41302Religious leaders
41402Business development officers and market researchers, analysts unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
42204Religious workers
63210Hairstylists and barbers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license.
63211Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license.
43200Sheriffs and bailiffs unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.
43201Correctional service officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.
43202By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.

이민 자격 미달

  • 난민 신청이 진행 중
  • 신청 시 필요한 서류를 제출할 수 없음
  • 사스카츄완에서 살고 일할 의도를 입증할 수 없음
  • 신청자 또는 대리인이 이민 신청에서 고의적으로 허위 정보를 제공함


  • 지난 5년 동안 1년, 또는
  • 사스카츄완에서 동일한 고용주와 6개월 근무

일자리 제안

  • 사스카츄완 보건 부문에서의 정규직


  • 학사 학위 또는
  • 최소 2년 이상의 고등 교육을 요구하는 대학원 수료증 또는 디플로마
  • 필요 시 면허나 규제 기관의 활동 회원 자격을 소지


최소 CLB 5 (일부 고용주나 규제 기관은 더 높은 등급을 요구할 수 있음), 최근 2년 이내에 5개의 언어 능력 시험 중 1개로 평가:

보건 직종

NOC 코드직업
12111Health Information Management Practitioner
21120Public and environmental health and safety professionals
22232Occupational health and safety specialists
31301Registered Nurse and Registered Psychiatric Nurse
31302Nurse Practitioner
32103Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists
31303Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals
31112Audiologist and Speech Language Pathologist
32109Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment
31203Occupational Therapist
32120Medical laboratory technologists
32121Medical radiation technologists
32122Medical sonographers
32123Cardiology Technologist and Electrophysiological Diagnostic Technologist
32124Pharmacy Technician
32129Other medical technologists and technicians
33103Pharmacy technical assistants and pharmacy assistants
32212Dental technologists and technicians
33100Dental assistants and dental laboratory assistants
32101Licensed practical nurses
32102Paramedical occupations
33109Other assisting occupations in support of health services
33102Nurse aides, orderlies and patient associates
41301Therapists in counselling and related to specialized therapies

영주권 신청 자격 미달

  • 난민 신청이 활성화된 상태
  • 신청 시 요구되는 서류를 제출할 수 없음
  • 사스카츄완에서 거주하고 일할 의도를 증명할 수 없음
  • 신청자 또는 대리인이 영주권 신청에서 고의로 허위 진술한 경우


근무 경력

  • 사스카츄완에서 최소 6개월(780시간) 동안 현재 고용주와 풀타임(주당 30시간 이상) 근무
  • 연속적인 근무 경험은 필요하지 않습니다.
  • 사스카츄완 외부에서 근무 중인 후보자 또는 현재 근무 중이지 않은 경우, 지난 5년 이내 기술 및 혁신 직종에서 1년의 경력
  • 해당 기술 및 혁신 직종:
NOC 직업 제목
20012 컴퓨터 및 정보 시스템 관리자
21310 전기 및 전자 공학자
21311 컴퓨터 공학자 (소프트웨어 엔지니어 및 디자이너 제외)
21211 데이터 과학자
21220 사이버 보안 전문가
21221 비즈니스 시스템 전문가
21222 정보 시스템 전문가
21223 데이터베이스 분석가 및 데이터 관리자
21231 소프트웨어 엔지니어 및 디자이너
21230 컴퓨터 시스템 개발자 및 프로그래머
21232 소프트웨어 개발자 및 프로그래머
21234 웹 개발자 및 프로그래머
21233 웹 디자이너
22220 컴퓨터 네트워크 및 웹 기술자
22221 사용자 지원 기술자
22222 정보 시스템 테스트 기술자

직업 제안

  • 현재 고용주와 기술 및 혁신 직종에서 정규 풀타임
  • 고용주에게 주에서 발급된 외국인 근로자 고용 사전 승인서인 SINP Job Approval Letter 소지


최소 CLB 5 또는 고용주가 지정한 언어 요건, 최근 2년 이내 5개의 언어 능력 시험 중 하나로 평가:

제외된 사업 및 직업

NOCOccupation Title
AllWorking for places of worship or religious organizations.
AllWorking for licensed recruiter or immigration consultant’s business
AllWorking for massage service operations
10022Advertising, marketing, and public relations managers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) work permit or valid Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
11202Professional occupations in advertising, marketing, and public relations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
12200Accounting technicians and bookkeepers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or valid PGWP working for a Saskatchewan Accounting firm only.
32200Chinese health practitioners/Acupuncturist unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice.
32201*Massage therapist, including those within massage service operations, unless the candidate is a Licensed Registered Massage Therapists (RMT) who is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or a valid PGWP.
32209Other practitioners of natural healing unless the candidate is currently in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP where licensure is required to practice.
33109Other assisting occupations in support of health services is no longer eligible for positions that support Chinese Health Practitioner, Acupuncturist or Naturopath.
41302Religious leaders
41402Business development officers and market researchers, analysts unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or valid PGWP in the advertising, marketing, and public relations industry only.
42204Religious workers
63210Hairstylists and barbers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license.
63211Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit or a valid PGWP and possesses a Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) license.
43200Sheriffs and bailiffs unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.
43201Correctional service officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.
43202By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers unless the candidate is currently working in Saskatchewan under a valid LMIA or CUAET work permit, or PGWP employed by a federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal government, government agency, or a financial institution.
